Beginners and Beyond


Friday Penguins talk into the fan to hear your robot voice! (Read 200 times)


Fear is a Liar

    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! 

    What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges."  

    It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!) 

    I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


    Fear is a Liar

      I know I have talked into a fan, "Luke I am your father"! My wife posted a cartoon on Facebook - it was a pic of a big old school floor fan and a rock n' roll dude. The fan says, " I'm a huge metal fan" and the rocker dude says "Me too!" .


      Yesterday was a total rest day except for cork pulls and wine glass curls!



      I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


      Fear is a Liar

        I didn't get to read yesterday's thread until now. 

        Rach - prayers out for you and your dad.

        Scotty - I thought those were pics of Awood's house!

        Kara - hope your little one is better today.

        I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  6 for me tonight.  Very sleepy.


          Gustav, LOL.



          Team TJ

            I got my 4.3 miles done for the day.  Nice cool breeze this morning.


            Happy Friday.


            Here's a running song of the day for your listening enjoyment:



            Running for TJ because he can't.



              Good morning everyone!!


              I finally gave in and created an account on Daily Mile, a lot of the local runners use it, so they said it would be a good way for me to keep in touch.  Of course now I have to try to find them lol  I know some of you are on it, feel free to add me





              Gustav, thanks for starting us off again!  My wife says that's a workout she can get behind! lol


              Damaris, have a great run later!


              Robert, good job on getting your run in early and thanks for the old school jam, haven't heard that in a while. Smile



              AFM, yup, you guessed it, 8 miles done. Smile  Looking forward to my long run tomorrow, I missed it last weekend.


              Hope everyone has a great day!!!


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


              I AM running!!!

                Morning yall!


                Gustav I remember talking into the fan, hummmm guess we’re in the same age group Smile Hope you enjoyed those pulls & curls!


                Rest up Damaris so you can knock out that 6 tonight and good luck at the HM this weekend!


                Hey Robert, great job on the 4.3 this morning!


                Rach, you and your family are in my prayers.


                AFM: SRD and its Fat Friday at work today, woot-woot!


                Happy Friday Penguins!



                The mircle isn't that I finished. The mircle is that I had the courage to start.

                ~ John Bingham


                I AM running!!!

                  Good morning everyone!!


                  I finally gave in and created an account on Daily Mile, a lot of the local runners use it, so they said it would be a good way for me to keep in touch.  Of course now I have to try to find them lol  I know some of you are on it, feel free to add me





                  Gustav, thanks for starting us off again!  My wife says that's a workout she can get behind! lol


                  Damaris, have a great run later!


                  Robert, good job on getting your run in early and thanks for the old school jam, haven't heard that in a while. Smile



                  AFM, yup, you guessed it, 8 miles done. Smile  Looking forward to my long run tomorrow, I missed it last weekend.


                  Hope everyone has a great day!!!


                  Oooops, missed you Dave...slowwwww computer this morning! Great job on your 8!!!

                  The mircle isn't that I finished. The mircle is that I had the courage to start.

                  ~ John Bingham


                  Runs the streets

                    Top o' the irish coffee to you, penguins! Anyone racing? Not me. Running today though since the hub is home.  Ran 7 at the Y last night.


                    Gustav- cork pulls and wine glass curls, that is my kind of workout! Also, nice work on the punnage.


                    Demaris- going big catches up. get some miles and some sleep, girl!


                    Robert- its pretty nice out today! still trying to decide if i want to do the 8k in a week on Hutchison Island. Nice jam. I think I was in college when that came out because visions of rowdiness are dancing in my head.


                    Dave- i'll track you down on daily mile today. its where the cool kids hang.


                    Brenda- enjoy that rest!

                    His Slowness

                      Thanks Gustav.  I've sung into a fan before as well.  It actually improves my voice!

                      Damaris - good luck on the six tonight.

                      Robert - breezy and warm here this morning too.

                      Dave - as usual I'm 8 times envious.

                      Tweaky - enjoy your Fat Friday.  Just remember it's Friday and getting Friday'er by the minute.


                      I only did 2.3 very slow miles this morning but my weekly mileage will be up by over a mile.  Big increase for me.


                      Happy Friday!




                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Happy Friday, Penguin Colony!




                        Great run/walk last night around the university campus.  Did the route used for the local Diploma Dash 5K and finished in 32:28.  Then continued on back to the gym, ending up with 3.3 total.  I think I got a little carried away after that, lol, cuz I went back inside the gym and then proceeded to do my full-body weight training circuit.  I am a little sore today, good thing today is a rest day.  Will be heading out after work to pick up my race packet for my 5K tomorrow morning.  Race #71 for me for 2012. 



                        I will be doing this event tomorrow: 


                        Jingle Bell 5K for St. Jude's Ranch for Children.    St. Jude's Ranch is a residential facility for abused, abandoned and neglected children.  Event is held in Gruene, Texas, starting in front of historic Gruene Hall, where a lot of music folks sang to help start their careers long ago, including folks like Willie Nelson, Lyle Lovett, George Strait (who happens to live down the road from where I work) and The Fabulous Thunderbirds.   The building in the picture below that will be on the race shirts is Gruene Hall, built in 1878, the oldest continually running dance hall in Texas.


                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Morning, penguins!  I have to admit that I threw in a couple of planks after my run yesterday in honor of the thread title, but I don't know that I am going to be searching out any fans today!  I did enjoy that as a kid, though.


                          Got in my 5 last night to finish out my first 30-mile week.  So I'm very happy with that!  I ran on my own instead of with the running club because I was worried it would be another kind of blah run like the day before, but it felt better.  So I had to throw in a fast finish.  I think I'm going to run a 5K next week, no watch, just to get a good current fitness level and maybe see what paces I "should" be running at.  The nice thing about that is since I don't know how fast I can run it, I don't really have a time to beat, so no pressure, right?  I might have a super secret goal, though.


                          Gustav- Thanks for starting us off again.  Are you running today?


                          D- Enjoy the 6 later!


                          Robert- That does sound like a good running track!


                          D2- Got you added already.  Now I can see your string of 8 milers in graph form. Smile  Enjoy the LR tomorrow.


                          Breanda- TGIF!!!1


                          Kara- Sounds like everyone is feeling better at your house then?  Have a good run later!


                          Bill- Hooray for a new weekly mileage record!


                            Scotty- I think yesterday's thread title got us all to do better workouts!  Good luck tomorrow- it sounds like a good race for a very good cause.

                            Jack K.

                            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                              Hi Pens...


                              Gus: Do you like Kiss or is it just a cool avatar?

                              Docket: Where are you going this weekend?

                              Robert: Nice work and thanks for the song.

                              D2: What is your long run now that eight is your "short" run?

                              Tweaky: Enjoy Fat Friday!

                              Kara: Nice day off with the hub. Smile

                              Bill: "His Slowness"  Lol!! It's all relative!

                              Scotty: I will be looking for your RR, as usual.

                              Zel: YES! 30 miles!  Milestones are nice.


                              As for me, no run today, but I am playing drums tonight. I shaved my beard into this weird Hulk Hogan looking thing, but it will be gone tomorrow. Seven miles on tap for tomorrow morning. Have a nice weekend.

                              Bin Running

                                Rest day for me today. Will only start running in Sunday after blood donation on thurs. Brought DS to watch Barney. Boy! That guy is a superstar. All the kids went crazy when he appeared from behind the curtain. Went to a sport warehouse sale and picked up a pair of mizuno precision 12 and elixir 6. At least I'm doing something running related. Everyone have a great weekend!

                                2015 Races

                                2XU HM - 29 Mar
