Beginners and Beyond

NYC Marathon Runners (Read 92 times)


Seven Deadly Shins

    It's just French for a hat, so no wonder Canadians picked it up.



    YES!!  That's why it sounded familiar!


      Tuque is a word that was created by French settlers when they came to live in America, in the 16th century. They quickly realized they would need to wear a warm hat 10 months out of the year, and being great fashion designers, they invented this beautiful hat, which is knitted and covers the ears. Just beautiful and so elegant... When the Brits arrived later on, they stole our idea and called it toque, which is ridiculous. Americans are even more ridiculous when they call it just a hat. Obviously, it's not just any ordinary hat...

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



        You're missing a neck warmer. I ordered 1 last year in a Running Room catalogue but they ran out so I became more intrigued to possess one. I finally found 1 in VT 2 months ago.


        I already have a neck warmer. I love it. I thought of packing it for New York, but when I saw the look of disappointment in my SO's eyes when I asked him what he thought, I decided not to bring it, in case I'm tempted. I can imagine myself being the only runner out of 50,000 with a neck warmer on. That'd be embarrassing...

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Americans are weird.


            Americans are weird.


            Anyone who eats things called candy corn, or peeps, is definitely weird...

            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



              I already have a neck warmer. I love it. I thought of packing it for New York, but when I saw the look of disappointment in my SO's eyes when I asked him what he thought, I decided not to bring it, in case I'm tempted. I can imagine myself being the only runner out of 50,000 with a neck warmer on. That'd be embarrassing...


              How long have runners been wearing neck warmers? I always wore a cotton turtleneck for cold temps so now don't have to.


              Tuques or toques are weird. There I said it. I won't wear a hat that has tassles on it. I started seeing them more often here in our area about 10 years ago. I never knew about them until the Great White North song in the 80's or their Christmas one.



                How long have runners been wearing neck warmers? I always wore a cotton turtleneck for cold temps so now don't have to.


                Tuques or toques are weird. There I said it. I won't wear a hat that has tassles on it. I started seeing them more often here in our area about 10 years ago. I never knew about them until the Great White North song in the 80's or their Christmas one.


                Tassles?  They are pompons! My God... don't you people ever go to any fashion shows?


                And now I have that song stuck in my head. Thanks...

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                  I already have a neck warmer. I love it. I thought of packing it for New York, but when I saw the look of disappointment in my SO's eyes when I asked him what he thought, I decided not to bring it, in case I'm tempted. I can imagine myself being the only runner out of 50,000 with a neck warmer on. That'd be embarrassing...


                  I would go for a half zip over a neck warmer.


                    I love my neck warmer, but it's gotta be in the teens before that gets busted out.



                    Former Bad Ass


                      I already have a neck warmer. I love it. I thought of packing it for New York, but when I saw the look of disappointment in my SO's eyes when I asked him what he thought, I decided not to bring it, in case I'm tempted. I can imagine myself being the only runner out of 50,000 with a neck warmer on. That'd be embarrassing...


                      It is not that cold for a neck warmer!



                        Peeps are another favorite from my youth.



                        <--------does not run with a neck warmer.



                          <--------does not run with a neck warmer.


                          I actually hate them. It feels suffocating around my neck and if I put it up over my face and breath into it, it gets all wet/frozen and gross.



                            I actually hate them. It feels suffocating around my neck and if I put it up over my face and breath into it, it gets all wet/frozen and gross.


                            Yes, I prefer the zippered collar because I can adjust it multiple times in-run as opposed to having my gobbler overheat.


                              I use my neck warmer mainly when i hike on the mountain in winter, or i go snowshoeing. I find I don't have much use for it on my TM. 

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                                Yes, I prefer the zippered collar because I can adjust it multiple times in-run as opposed to having my gobbler overheat.


                                Mine gets pulled down & back up throughout the run as needed to avoid an overheated gobbler. It's made of SmartWool, which is very nice. As long as it's on your face it does not get frozen. It's only a problem when you pull it down, then all the stuff accumulated on it freezes, then you pull a stiff icy piece of material back over your face. But it melts & warms back up pretty quickly, and the cycle gets repeated. Hmm. When I describe it that way, it doesn't sound very nice at all. But for me it is an invaluable accessory to make running in ridiculous winter conditions bearable. I do not like the bitter cold wind on my face or in my lungs.
