Beginners and Beyond

Thursdailies don't care about weather! (Read 42 times)


Go figure

    Hey again everyone.  Thanks so much for taking me back yesterday - you all are really pretty decent for a group of runners.  Actually you just bear out what they always say about runners being good people.


    As for me, I had a good second run last night.  Even though we had the group run, the girl I'm training had to get her workout in, so I did that with her within the group setting.  At one point we had like 12 people doing her 8x2min at 10k pace, which was pretty fun.  We just did 10min warm up, then 2min on, 3min easy until we finished the 8 reps.  In the end it was 6 miles.


    This morning I'm up for my usual 10.  Supposedly more people are coming, but we'll see...for now it's just the store owner and I that are religious about the 6am Tue/Thur. thing.  I'll be sporting my new Adidas Glide Boost, so I'm excited to give those an extended run and see how I like them.  I also picked up a new green Nathan Heel Spur light, so that will be fun to give a go too.


    Enjoy your runs!

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


      What up doe!


      Heading back to the bedreadedmill here in a few for the third consecutive day, which matches my longest streak set once last year.  Me thinks there will be a few more such streaks what with how the weather has been thus far this season.


      Speaking of weather, it is currently -6 here, but today should be the last day of that nonsense.  Well, we can all hope anyway.


      I will see everyone after my run, peace!


        Morning, SIAR! So... Is she cute? :-)


        Morning, LRB! Poor baby has to run on the mean dreadmill... aww... 


        7 recovery miles after work. My legs need a little break.


        Nothing else to report, just another regular Thursday. Weather here is 7F, feels like -8. Which reminds me, I have to put sand in the stairs and on the path leading to the door. It's like an ice rink.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        delicate flower

          Hello and whatcha got there, holmes!  Whatever it is, save some for me!


          8 mile treadmill speed workout last night.  Half mile intervals.  7:28 avg pace.  I got down to 5K pace on a couple of the intervals and didn't try to push it harder.  I am looking forward to some outdoor running after work today.   The arctic cold seems to be on the way out. 



            Well aside from the OP, seems like everyone does care about the weather. Joining in the treadmill drudgery, 10 for me this morning. Slow.

            Tomorrow is supposed to be 35, I could not possibly be more excited.



            Barking Mad To Run

              No treadmill workouts for me.  Will be 67 degrees today in San Antonio.  Plan on some hills today after work, about 4 miles worth.  I did a nice 3.4 miles around the university campus after work yesterday.  58 degrees and a bit of drizzling rain.  No wind, though, which was nice, so even with the drizzle it was quite pleasant outside.


              Also, I decided to join that "miles' game.  Not the challenge, just that "for fun and motivation' miles thing/game.  Registered today and logged my miles for the week it asked for.  Now I guess I wait to be assigned to a team, right?  I don't do much weekly mileage, but I guess every little bit helps a team.


              Sounds like some fun running for you, SIAR.  Enjoy all your new running gear.


              Hope your weather does improve for you, LRB.  That dreadmill has to be getting old by now.


              Well, if you have an ice rink in your yard, Lily, skating is considered x-training right?  And, of course, ALL Canadians are experts at the three winter 'S-es', right?  Skating, Skiing, and Snowshoeing. 


              Enjoy the outdoor running, Baboon!


              35 is a heat wave for you, isn't it, DaveP?  Does that mean outside run for you too coming up?

              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  Since I took my SRD yesterday, I need to do 7 recovery miles tonight.  Hubby gave me his cold, blah.


                SIAR, good job, coach!


                LRB, hop on!


                Lily, enjoy the 7.


                Baboon, nice 8.


                Dave, I care about the weather.  Wanna hear about mine? 


                Scotty, nice weather.  Enjoy!



                Go figure

                  10 miler was nice this morning, mainly because I didn't over dress for the cold this time. The sun is actually coming up at the end of 6am runs...there is hope for spring and summer after all! I was quite happy in the new shoes today, the Glide Boost. I really like the new Boost foam. To me, it almost feels like a Hoka. The upper is a little shapeless for my liking, but they'll be a nice shoe to put 600-700 miles on. And, if you haven't tried on of those heel spur lights, I highly recommend them. You can see them from like a mile away, and you kinda get this ground effects like thing going on that is rather fun.


                  No more runs today, but yoga tonight.


                  LRB...that is not a streak you want to be breaking! I guess we were all due for a real winter after a few mild ones.


                  Lily...of course she is cute, but she just got engaged over the holiday lol. I'm still spending a lot of time with one of the other girls I run with, but we haven't gone anywhere with it yet. You really want to marry me off, don't you? Lol. Have fun with your recovery miles.


                  Baboon...nice intervals! You weren't messing around with that average pace. Enjoy the great outdoors.


                  Dave...I tried, but yeah, hard not to care when it's cold enough to lose limbs. Good luck getting through your 10 on the wheel.


                  Scotty...enjoy the hill workout! Speed work in disguise, as they say, right! Joining the team game sounds fun...I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


                  Docket...are you mocking me? Smile bummer about the cold...hope you at least got it in a fun way lol. Have a good run.

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  Former Bad Ass

                    You said the girl you're training, so.... 




                      What up all, hope everyone has an awesome day whether running or whatever Smile Sorry you're still dealing with the arctic blast LRB, if it makes you feel any better it actually feels like summer here today - 30 degrees Smile

                      Rocky and I did a progression run with hills, 7.4 miles this morning while trying not to get ran over. I've also got bicycle crunches scheduled for today - fun fun.

                      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                        Morning, folks! Since I failed to take my shoes when I drove to the Y at 5 a.m. (doh!), I turned around and worked in my home office instead (I know there's a desk here somewhere ... underneath all this ... stuff).

                        I'll head back to the Y later with time for 5-7 recovery miles before my noon strength training class.

                        Small non-running victory: For the last week I have successfully lived by my new "clean up your eating!" rules:
                        • No mindless after-dinner munching

                        • No grabbing a candy bar and/or bag of chips while grocery shopping or stopping for gas

                        • No more than 1-2 adult beverages per week

                        • No munching on crackers, nuts, sweets at the computer


                        It isn't showing on the scale yet, but I feel better about my eating now. I had gotten into some really bad habits that have led to being 15 pounds over where I was when I ran my first marathon, despite averaging 40 or more miles per week. If I really want to BQ, I need to keep this up and get back down to where I should be.

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                          I just had 4 chocolate chip cookies............. the Pillbury ones and I am trying to justify it with my run this morning Sad..... I am so getting back on track of healthy eating starting this afternoon!


                          Morning, folks! Since I failed to take my shoes when I drove to the Y at 5 a.m. (doh!), I turned around and worked in my home office instead (I know there's a desk here somewhere ... underneath all this ... stuff).

                          I'll head back to the Y later with time for 5-7 recovery miles before my noon strength training class.

                          Small non-running victory: For the last week I have successfully lived by my new "clean up your eating!" rules:
                          • No mindless after-dinner munching

                          • No grabbing a candy bar and/or bag of chips while grocery shopping or stopping for gas

                          • No more than 1-2 adult beverages per week

                          • No munching on crackers, nuts, sweets at the computer


                          It isn't showing on the scale yet, but I feel better about my eating now. I had gotten into some really bad habits that have led to being 15 pounds over where I was when I ran my first marathon, despite averaging 40 or more miles per week. If I really want to BQ, I need to keep this up and get back down to where I should be.

                          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                            • No mindless after-dinner munching



                            It seems like I am looking for something eat constantly from dinnertime till bedtime....




                              It seems like I am looking for something eat constantly from dinnertime till bedtime....


                              I had gotten really bad about that - sometimes eating almost a day's worth of calories in dry cereal, nuts, chocolate, cheese, cookies ...

                              Now I'm concentrating on making a cup of hot tea after putting DS to bed and just sipping on it. If I am truly hungry just before bedtime, I'll have a small banana to make it easier to fall asleep, but that's it.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                                Good morning everyone!


                                I'm working from home today. I have to give up my Saturday for a "planning retreat" so they're not going to see me around the office for the rest of the week. I'm getting a lot done around the house. We finally got the Christmas tree out of the living room last night. It was needle-geddon.


                                Our group (beer) run is getting back into the swing of things tonight, so I'll post about 3 with them this evening. I hope everyone has a great day!