Beginners and Beyond


Where are the MonDAILIES? (Read 48 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury  to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.


      Mornin' Chirrins!


      Did 6 miles this morning.


      Have a great day everyone!

        Good morning everyone!


        I want a do over for last week!  Sick, busy, Mother's Day, perfect storm for a low mileage week.  Yeah, I know, a bunch of excuses.  Oh well, back on track this week with a nice 10.6 miles this morning. Smile


        Hope everyone has a great day!


        My running blog

        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


          Good Morning, Friends!!


          How's your Monday morning treating you?   Mine's treating me to some Pinklightful coffee!!   YUM!!


          Flarunner - Great run this morning!!  Thanks for starting us off!!  Have a Pinktacular day!!


          Dave 2 - Some weeks are like that.   But, the important part is that you're back out there and you had a wonderful run this morning!!  Hope your day is incredible!!


          I'm in the office today after 4 straight days in the house.   I was getting cabin fever!  One week down and three to go before I get the cast off.   I think that next week will go by pretty quickly because I'll be out of town on business.


          Happy Monday to you all!!    And, may your next run open your eyes to the beauty all around you!!


          - Sarah

          But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


          delicate flower

            Good morning and welcome to another glorious work week!  HOORAY WORK!  Hey, it beats being unemployed, right?  I had a great weekend jam packed with fun stuff.  I even managed some exercise and a treadmill run.


            I've got an abbreviated work day today thanks to an afternoon dentist appointment.  I'll be hitting the gym afterwards for some elliptical and a legs workout.


            Is it Friday yet?



            Team TJ

              Good morning flaunner, D, Pink, and Baboon.


              5.1 mile run done.  Push-ups and crunches tonight.


              Happy Monday.

              Running for TJ because he can't.



              Wickedly Average

                Good Morning, Flarunner, Dave, Sarah, Baboon, & Robert!  Good Morning, Dailies!


                Happy Monday!


                I'm heading out for about 6-8 today, a relatively long run considering I've been running 5 and under the last couple of weeks. It's a nice, cool sunny morning here so it should be a nice run. I'll be heading downtown to the riverwalk for this one. Always some nice scenery there.

                Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

                YAYpril - B-Plus

                  Gooooood Mooooorning!


                  Day 1 of marathon training. Yippee! I'm looking at an easy 6 after work.

                  Just B.S.

                    Good morning all!!


                    1st day of post marathon recovery after my Mothers Day full.


                    Planned for 1,500 yard in the pool but hubby had to get to a meeting so only got in

                    1,000 yards with 10 wonderful minutes in the hot hub afterward.


                    Have a good day everyone!


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Morning!  9 miles tonight, hopefully some with hubby.  I cannot log into the work computer so I am sitting on my desk twiddling my thumbs.  Bah.



                        6 easy miles first thing this morning wearing tights, gloves, long sleeves, the works. It was only 33*. WTH? And by tomorrow afternoon it will be 86*? This is just messed up.

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                          Good morning gang.


                          fla - That's great that you're able to get out this week.


                          April - How exciting for you.


                          I just finished an entire week off with no running, and I'll ease back into this week. I'll run about 4 miles after work.


                            flarunner- Thanks for kicking things off and I'm thinking you must almost never run in the daylight. Nice job again on the early 6.


                            Dtothe2nd- Weeks like that happen ... just roll with it and keep plugging away. Nice job on the early 10+ this morning and hopefully this week will be a good one.


                            Pinktastic- For some reason I picture you with a HUGE wall calendar and a big PINK marker crossing off the days to when the cast comes off. Wink I'm glad to hear you're getting out to the office today and hopefully that trip (and the coffee) will shake out those cabin-fever feelings.


                            Baboon- Well, I guess I can tell who's got some run-induced endorphins still having their effects from last week. Enjoy your day & workout later this afternoon. (I'd say enjoy the dentist appointment but that seems a bit overkill Wink


                            Robert31320- Fine work on the early 5+ miles and way to go with keeping the crunches and push-ups going!


                            RunTomRun- Cool, sunny and along the riverwalk ... that sounds like a great way to extend that morning run. Enjoy your 6-8 miles and the rest of your day as well.


                            AprilRunner- Woohoo, day one!! I can't remember what plan you decided to do for the marathon training, (I'm thinking it was Pfitz) but make sure make those easy miles (recovery) at a nice and easy pace. Day one won't matter but by day 43, a slow & easy pace is needed for that active recovery.


                            Just B.S.- I think there's a rule for post-marathons that you're supposed to have a 2:1 time ratio in the hot tub vs swim time. So, you definitely deserved more than 10 minutes soak time.


                            Docket_Rocket- Enjoy those 9 miles this evening.


                            MTA for the sneak-ins. Wink


                            StepbyStep-SH- Those were the same conditions here this morning ... frost covering the grass and I said I'll wait for the sun to run today.


                            B-Plus- Welcome back! I'm not sure what I would do with a week off ... taper is bad enough.


                            I got in 10 miles yesterday during the late afternoon while we were visiting my mom for Mother's Day. It was a fun run that was fairly hilly and about a 50/50 mix of roads & trails. It was one of those runs that just flew by and the pace just felt effortless, even though it ended up being a progressive run. Anyway, I have about 5 easy recovery miles on tap for this afternoon ... if I can follow my own advice I just gave to April.

                            Train smart ... race smarter.

                            Hip Redux

                              4 miles done last night, today will be a bike ride and a short run after.   I am doing a duathlon with MBC this weekend.  I probably should try to run and bike and all that.  Big grin


                              Our dear friend Basya is tapering, it sounds like we need an intervention!  Someone, come up with a way to keep her occupied, stat!  lol



                              Run to live; live to run

                                10.8 for me. Travel for work today.

