Beginners and Beyond

Question of the DAILIES (Read 47 times)


    Was there ever a woman from Nantucket? 


      What up doe Crew!


      A big green blob is bearing down on my area, this is going to be close...


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning.  5 miles and PiYo tonight.



        delicate flower

          Good morning, internet friends!  So-so track session last night.  I had a couple of things working against me.  First, it was two days after a very hard effort 9 mile run.  I probably could have waited another day.  Second, it was 88 degrees with 70 dew point.  And I swear it feels 10 degrees warmer on the track.  Not unbearable heat but doing speedwork in that is tough.  I managed 8 miles at a 7:43 avg pace.  I did 4 x 800m at 5K pace (6:40), 2 x 400m at 10K pace (6:55...that's all I could muster), and the rest was warm up, recoveries, cool down.  The speeds and avg pace were good, but this was only a so-so workout due to the rest breaks I had to take to keep myself from overheating.  You probably could have fried an egg on my head.  I keep telling myself this will get easier when the temps drop, and the speed workouts in the summer heat will help me in the fall.  RIGHT?


          8 easy miles planned after work, then I sherpa for DW again tonight in her Tuesday night off-road triathlon series.



            Heading out for some intervals on the road.


              I have 12 miles with 12x400m @ 5k pace (aiming for 6:40/6:45) and 200m jog intervals. Going to the local gym for that one. I don't feel comfortable running speed intervals on rocky dirt roads with dead snakes on them. But first, breakfast and lots of coffee.

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              Run to live; live to run

                10.1. Ran one of my favorite Spots to run. I'm down in Hilton Head for work. Was well worth getting up at 330. Sitting at the center waiting for them to open.



                  Morning, people!


                  After yesterday's 7-mile so-called easy/recovery run which felt like death, I felt pretty good this morning.

                  3 mile warmup to the track, 5x1000m at ~5k pace w/400m recoveries, 2.75 mile cooldown, 10 miles total.

                  Targeted 4:18 splits. Actual - 4:20. 4:19. 4:20, 4:19, 4:21

                  Thunder & lightning started at the ~8.5 mile point, but I was determined to go 10, and managed to pull in just before the skies opened up. Although my clothes were soaked enough that it felt like I got caught in the rain anyway.


                  Also finally picked up a headlamp yesterday, since it is starting to get pretty dark when I go out. I was a bit uneasy about going out with something strapped to my head, I thought it was going to be heavy & uncomfortable. And at the beginning I was very conscious of it, and in fact the beam was bouncing all over the place, I thought it was going to be miserable. But I adjusted the position of the light on my head a tiny bit and it stopped bouncing; I guess I just had to find the flat spot on my head. And I pretty much got used to it.


                  Have a good day everyone.



                  delicate flower

                    Nice workouts there, MI_Dave!


                    Slymoon Runs

                    race obsessed

                      Was there ever a woman from Nantucket? 


                      What did she do with the bucket.


                      15 done finished around 11pm.


                        F*ck... I just realized that the last time I did my 400m speed intervals, I ran .4 mile intervals on the TM, instead of .25 mile. I'm so damn stupid!!! Today's .25 mile intervals will feel like nothing compared... Okay, off I go.

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                          Great, consistent splits there Dave. I did not fare so well this morning.


                          3 x mile @ 5k, target = 5:52


                          Actual:  6:00, 5:53, 5:52


                          I really struggled to get into a groove with the first one, but I'm glad I finally got it.


                            F*ck... I just realized that the last time I did my 400m speed intervals, I ran .4 mile intervals on the TM, instead of .25 mile. I'm so damn stupid!!! Today's .25 mile intervals will feel like nothing compared... Okay, off I go.


                            Should be really easy then!


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Lily, enjoy!



                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Was there ever a woman from Nantucket? 


                                I think she kicked the bucket.


                                Another day in Texas, another 97 degree high.  So once more into the breach, I was up at 5 a.m. and off to the university campus.  Nice run/walk this morning.  Did one of my hill routes, ended up with 4 miles, felt really strong all the way.  Morning temp was 73 degrees already at 5:30 a.m., but the dew-point was sweeeet....under 68.....and the humidity was only about 60-something percent, nice!



                                "A big green blob is bearing down on my area"  OMG, LRB! My ex-wife is heading your way?  Run!  Run for your life!


                                Sorry about your sorry weather for your track workout, Phil, but sounds like you did overcome.  Good luck to your DW tonite!


                                Are you feeling 100 percent now, Damaris?  Good luck with you miles and your pie, yo!


                                Well, lily, dead snakes on the road are better than live ones!   Hope your workout went well!


                                Hilton Head, nice, Marjorie.  Did you have a scenic run?  Of course, running in the dark, probably not able to see all that much.  Congrats on the ten and the point one.


                                Nice track work for you, DaveP and glad you did not get turned into one of those "struck-by-lightning" cartoon characters...


                                Glad you finally found your groove this morning, B-Plus!


                                You ran last night, Sly Moon, at 11 pm.  It was still about 85 degrees in San Antonio around that time!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt