Beginners and Beyond


Torta Tuesday Penguins (Read 23 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    I'm in a pissy ass mood today. I had a fantastic week, followed by a shitty week, followed by so far another shitty week. My legs feel like death, my shins hurt, my achilles hurt and I just can't seem to get a grasp on what the hell is going on! I've been at this for two years and any time I try to make progress something goes wrong and this guy who has been running less than a year goes out lastnight after not running for about a week and a half and runs a 13.1 at 9:09m/m. However, he does run with a 5s and nike app and I don't trust the phone GPS at all. When I ran with my phone my mileage would vary greatly from one day to the next, for all I know he could have really only ran 11.5 to 12 miles. I'm beyond frustrated and just got on here to rant a little. He will end up beating me in mileage this month but I wonder how many extra miles he gets because of his phones inability to track accurately? I know that makes me sound like a sore loser but when I run with my watch it beeps without fail in the same spots every time I go run.


    Jimmy, so sorry to hear your aches and pains, etc, are coming back.  As for that other guy...forget him!    At every given moment in a runner's life, there will ALWAYS be someone who is running better and faster than you.  But the flip side is there also will always be someone out there running not as well as you, who might even be jealous of YOU because he/she is having his/her own set of problems that may be even worse than yours.  So don't compare yourself to what others are doing, you will just drive yourself crazy doing that.   Just concentrate on you and keep planning and keep trying and one of these days you WILL hit on what works for you and you'll be golden.    However, be prepared for the fact that what does work for you may not turn out to be exactly the way you ever saw yourself in your mind as a runner.  Hell, when I was in my 30s and 40s and doing crazy mileage and running strong, if someone had told me I'd eventually be a run/walk type of runner and I would not be able to go past 6 miles anymore, I'd have told that person he/she was nuts.  Yet here I am, arthritis and all, doing exactly that.  I'll never be as fast as I was, I'll never go long again...but so what?  A lot of it, Jimmy, is about attitude and adjustment. If you really WANT to get out there, then you have to try and stay positive about what you have to change to do that, and then just adjust accordingly and just get out there and DO it.  Sure, I'd love to be able to actually RACE like I used to do, and run more miles per week, and so forth.  But it ain't gonna happen.  So I do my run/walk thing and I take my photos at races and, surprise, surprise, it ain't the way it was, but I find I'm very happy with the running life I still can maintain.  It's different, but it's still very satisfying.    So don't give up, Jimmy!  Running can be like a diamond mine at keep chipping away a little at a time - and maybe for a LONG time before you find anything - but one day you hit it just right and that diamond pops out.      We are all individuals with our own unique running styles, strengths and, yes, weaknesses too.  You are not a WORSE runner than that other guy, you are just a DIFFERENT type of runner.  So quit comparing yourself to the other runners around you, find that attitude in you that you need and just go do it! Just keep chipping away until you find your diamond and then get out there and do what you know is RIGHT FOR YOU, and the hell with what anyone else thinks about it.   I don't think I'm alone in this when I say we are all rooting for you!  Good luck!

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    Former Bad Ass

      Hey, Penguins, I was watching the BBC news last night about the Malaysia plane disappearing.  Crazy stuff and so sad.  Then I recalled something...didn't Bin post a while back that he was going on vacation for about a week or so to Malaysia?  I don't know when he was scheduled to go and I sure hope he is now home safe...but has anyone heard from him lately?  I sure hope he was not on THAT plane as part of his trip back from vacation.



      That sounds dang painful, Jerry.  Hope that resolves quickly for you!


      Hope you can get your walk in today, HsM!


      Well, at least you CAN walk, Jack, so that's something.  Good luck with the easy run.  Heck, if you have to for a while, do what I do and do run/walk, if it helps you ease back into it better.


      His wife tagged him to pictures yesterday and today so I assume Bin is fine.  I will try to contact him via FB.



        'Morning.  URD, still hurting from yesterday's DNF run.  Kind of in that bony part just below and outside knee with pain radiating down.  Can hardly walk.  It will be a couch day with the ice bag.  I'll have to check RWOL to see what this is. :-(

        Ouch! I hope your'e going to be alright.


        Jack-- great report, and awesome job on your marathon!  I bet I'm walking older than you are!  Okay, I'm actually feeling a little better today than yesterday.


        Mitch- awesome picture.  Bella is a beauty.


        Lauren-- you're doing fantastic.


        Docket-- thanks for the word about Bin.



        CoAlmparing yourself to someone else will only get you hugely frustrated and annoyed.  I ran for 3 years, had finished 4-milers, 10ks, trained at least somewhat consistently, etc.  My sister invited me to a 5k in her hometown, and we drove down because we thought it would be fun.  She had run once or twice ... and she was so far ahead of me I never saw her on the course.  

        I swear, this is my life!



        Again, lazing around.  Wanted to let you know that I put up my report about my trail race:


        "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


        Smaller By The Day

          That plane story is crazy.  I saw the pics of bin on facebook as well.  I'm pretty sure he's okay.  I think that plane was headed from Malaysia to China.


          Weight 100 pounds lost

          5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

          10K 48:59 April 2013

          HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

          MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

          Singer who runs a smidge

            He's on my mileage team, and he's posted miles for this week ... hasn't that plane been gone for a few days now?

            When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


              Awood - good job on the outdoor run.  It does take a few days to get used to the difference.  I seem to be faster outside because I can take a longer stride, but I also have a much harder time sticking to my paces.  Must be fun seeing your tattoo featured on the website.


              PADRunner - do you modify the bootcamp for your knee?  Seems like you have to be pretty careful while it's healing.


              Scotty - sunshine is good, but you're getting hot!  Hope you got in a run this afternoon.


              Damaris - which is easier on the adductors, the bike or the run?


              Jerry - I hope the doctor can diagnose something that doesn't require surgery.  Meniscus surgery isn't a bad one (my husband has had it twice) but the results aren't always good for runners (e.g. David Horton).


              Z - enjoy your MLR tonight.


              HM - hope you enjoyed your walk.  It feels like spring today, but tomorrow it rains and the day after our high is only 24.  Crazy.


              Jack - maybe try just a long walk to loosen up your muscles?


              Jimmy - I know you're frustrated. I do understand.  After 2 1/2 years of running, instead of being a successful marathoner training for ultras, I have yet to do my first half.  I think both of us push too hard when our bodies are behaving and the running feels easy, and thus a good week becomes a new injury week.  Take it easy and let your body heal, and then see how it feels.


              Mitch - no wonder Bella can keep up with you.  She was born to run.  A friend of ours had a couple of very sweet dobies and I learned to really love the breed.


              Lauren - good job on the intervals and the lifting.  Progress is a wonderful thing.


              Cherie - next stop is your RR.  Hope your body is behaving itself, mostly.


              I'm glad Bin is okay.  Thanks for letting us know.


              AFM:  We took advantage of the beautiful weather to go for a short hike.  Unfortunately, just because most of the snow is gone in town does not mean it's gone from the mountains.  The trail we took is a popular one, which meant it was packed down to ice and not melting very fast.  We did 5.5 miles, but most of that was on a road outside the State Park instead of the AT that we had intended to hike.  The good part was Ben got to play in the snow and the snowfed creek, and he got to play with a couple of dogs we met on the way.  Better still we weren't climbing rocks that were covered with ice.  Bad part was we haven't had a real hike in two months.  We're trying to get into shape for some spring backpacking and it is hard when you have to stick to the flats.


              Former Bad Ass

                Definitely the run.  I think the bike is the problem.  Nice hike.



                  AFM:  We took advantage of the beautiful weather to go for a short hike.  Unfortunately, just because most of the snow is gone in town does not mean it's gone from the mountains.  The trail we took is a popular one, which meant it was packed down to ice and not melting very fast.  We did 5.5 miles, but most of that was on a road outside the State Park instead of the AT that we had intended to hike.  The good part was Ben got to play in the snow and the snowfed creek, and he got to play with a couple of dogs we met on the way.  Better still we weren't climbing rocks that were covered with ice.  Bad part was we haven't had a real hike in two months.  We're trying to get into shape for some spring backpacking and it is hard when you have to stick to the flats.


                  It sounds so slippery!  I'm glad nobody fell, and that Ben had such a good time.


                  "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                  Bin Running

                    Hello guys!


                    I'm ok. Not on the plane but that scary stuff. 4 days on and they haven't found the plane. Too many theory going on. They need to find it for the family closure.


                    Running is ok but doesn't have much time to pop in to chat. I do catch up on everyone while I am in office but replying at 3am isn't gonna help much. Hee.


                    Thanks for thinking of me. I hope they find the plane soon and pray for a miracle.

                    2015 Races

                    2XU HM - 29 Mar



                      PADRunner - do you modify the bootcamp for your knee?  Seems like you have to be pretty careful while it's healing.



                      I try to, anything with impacts or that I feel any pain with Kind of hard to explain the pain, it doesn't hurt just moving only on impact.


                        Nicely said, Scotty!
