Beginners and Beyond


September Goals (Read 66 times)


    1) Continue with my kamikase mini-version of a marathon plan.

    2) Not re-injure my heel.

    3) Run a semi-decent HM (no PR expected, just something that will tell me how much exactly I've lost since June)

    4) Lose a few pounds to help with racing.


    1) I'm just realizing now that 10 weeks to train for a marathon, immediately after 2 months of no running at all, is not ideal. I hurt everywhere.

    2) No PF, I'm being careful.

    3) My HM finish time last week was far from my PR, but it was a course PR (third year running this race) and considering that I have done zero speedwork since last May, I think I did something acceptable.

    4) No idea if I lost weight, my scale's batteries are dead and I haven't replaced them.

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


    delicate flower

      1)  200+ miles

      2)  Bitch slap the shit out of my HM PR


      I had a good month.


      1)  With tonight's run, I close out around 233.

      2)  Beat my old PR by 8:55, and proving to myself that it was no fluke, I beat it again by 8:19.


      It's nice to be healthy and up to speed again.



      Are we there, yet?

        I've been looking forward to September since I signed up for NC24 back in December. My goal is to still be moving on the course at the end of 12 hours and hopefully have 50 miles or more covered.

        I was still on the course and moving, even if slowly, at the end of 12 hours plus I did one more lap to reach 50+ miles since my official total was 49.6 (no partial laps counted).

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




          Regain my running mojo (physical & mental)

          Set course  PR on the KaiserPermanente 5K

          Run 120 miles


          1. Finally regaining mojo - monitoring a slow increase in mileage

          2.  Missed PR by 3 seconds, Satisfied with race effort since still recovering from injuries.

          3.  Missed mileage goal.  Ran 103.9 - still regaining health.

          “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot



            Good job people with your goals. Smile

            - Andrew

            Jess runs for bacon

              Lots of good goals this month Smile


              -hit over 100 miles (I feel like I have said this so many times and have yet to hit it)

              -myself the two halfs I am running this month

              -dress up like a zombie at the Dorney Haunt 5k


              1) Finally hit over 100, should be around 116 for the month

              2) I think that was supposed to say "enjoy myself," which I did. Second got me a PR Smile

              3) I didn't and I regret it Sad


                Just two, easy, right?


                • 6:20 PR for a 10K
                • Run a 5K with a pace that starts with a 7


                Hah!  No, and no!  But I had a good month anyway. Smile


                  1) 170 miles at a minimum

                  2) Complete all long runs

                  3) Get at least 25 runs in



                  1) I ran 216.83 so am very happy with that


                  2) I was 1.5 shy of my 22 mile long run but exceeded the rest by at least 1/4 mile. I'm hoping to make up the 22 this weekend.


                  3) I got in 26 runs



                    1) I ran 216.83 so am very happy with that


                    2) I was 1.5 shy of my 22 mile long run but exceeded the rest by at least 1/4 mile. I'm hoping to make up the 22 this weekend.


                    3) I got in 26 runs


                    Great job!

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      I'm currently on pace for 600 miles for September. I don't plan to make it there though.


                      Yep, I didn't make it.




                        I assume you did not drown, so congrats!  :P


                        Indeed. I'll have an RR up some point this week.

                        5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                        10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                        HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                        FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18



                          1.  Get to my marathon taper healthy.

                          2. Enjoy my runs more with the (hopefully) cooler weather and less sweat in my eyes.

                          3. Decide on a marathon time goal. My lack of a race close to it and the crazy heat have made this a bit of a challenge.



                          1.  I am tapering and stronger than I've been all summer.

                          2.  The cooler weather has definitely helped. My easy pace has decreased by 20-25 seconds And my runs have been much more enjoyable.

                          3.  The above has made picking my marathon pace more difficult.  My easy pace is now almost what my MP had been. I asked for pace advice here if anyone is interested in weighing in.

                            To complete my training plan and stay injury free.


                            Well, I made a lot of modifications to the plan, but I've done pretty well with the mileage.  Good enough for me.


                            I am injury free, other than the trail rash on my leg, so I'm gonna count that goal as met..

                            Bin Running

                              1. Recover from this persistent cough..

                              2. 200 miles

                              3. <45:00 for 10K


                              1. Still a little residue..

                              2. 221.7

                              3. Nope.. 49:XX

                              2015 Races

                              2XU HM - 29 Mar


                                1. Stay healthy!

                                2. Keep the miles up and roll in some tempo runs before starting marathon training in Nov

                                3. Drop some weight.  To assist with my marathon goals in the spring, I am rededicating myself over the fall/winter to dropping some more weight, less weight = more speed! Smile


                                1. Yup!

                                2. Yup! 260.6 miles, monthly PR!  Still no tempo runs, but I did have two races, we'll count those as speed work. Smile

                                3. Weight is steady at least, but I need to get to work on that.


                                My running blog

                                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!
