Beginners and Beyond


Fresh Start Mondailies (Read 55 times)

    Good Morning Runners. Awful waking up to the evil attack in Vegas this morning.


    7mi 8:51 avg pace. I got a little sore spot in my one knee and just wanted to take it really easy. I don't think it's anything to worry about at this point. No pain at all while running.

    PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


      Yeah, I've been watching the news. I'm so sad.


      Will get out to run later before work. I'm feeling kinda run-down, so I'm pushing off the hard workout until tomorrow. 5 easy miles scheduled today.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  Another sad start to the day. How many must we have?  Ugh.


        I have 5 miles tonight.  Slept like shit as every Monday.



        delicate flower

          Good morning, I guess.



            That shit is crazy 😢 A couple of friends were in Vegas this weekend, they came home last night.


            onemile - have you heard anything about Matt Thull/thunderdome running?



              onemile - have you heard anything about Matt Thull/thunderdome running?


              I have. He seems to be the local coach who everyone recommends.  My hesitation with him is that I don't think he has actually ever run a marathon.  He is a pretty accomplished runner though.  I think he charges $100 a month for a plan (with no in person sessions).  I decided to go with Hudson instead, which is $75/month.


                I ran 8


                  Morning Runners,

                  Yeah, that sucks. Sad Dude had a full auto weapon.

                  I'm thinking easy 8 later. JAY, I emailed you in case you wonder who did. Smile



                    I have. He seems to be the local coach who everyone recommends.  My hesitation with him is that I don't think he has actually ever run a marathon.  He is a pretty accomplished runner though.  I think he charges $100 a month for a plan (with no in person sessions).  I decided to go with Hudson instead, which is $75/month.


                    Interesting, I didn't realize he hadn't run one. That's something to think about. My friend Heidi (runmomto3boys, used to post here) recommended him. Maybe I'll look at Hudson too



                      Yeah, that sucks. Sad Dude had a full auto weapon.



                      He had at least 10 of them. JHC that is fucked up.


                      4 miles.




                        I won't say good morning....

                        Today might end up being a rest day, or I might end up taking Dorian and Jetta for an easy 3 or 4 this evening. We'll just have to wait and see how the day goes.


                        Last night while on our 11.2 mile run, Jetta and I nearly landed on top of a skunk  I had just turned the flashlight on my phone "on" because a car was coming, but I also went ahead and stopped because some of these assholes don't give a shit or even notice you. I spotted something in the ditch just in front of us, it wasn't moving but as I shined my light on it I could tell it was furry and the furry was long... black and white... without much more thinking I backed Jetta and myself up away from it. Sure enough the little rascal realized he had visitors and turned to run into the bushes....... Honestly I'd rather run into another dog, raccoon or anything else than a skunk...

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                          Yeah...taking today as an USRD. I feel awful. Just woke up from a 2.5 hr nap and popped some Sudafed. I never get sick...but if it has to happen, I'd rather it happen now than in 4 weeks - days out from running NYC!


                            3-4 easy miles planned after work with my Monday night running group.


                            Question about the training logs.  Is there a way to sync the log with Map My Run or do y'all input your workouts here manually?  I'm at the end of a training cycle, so it's a good time to make a switch from my excel sheet, just trying to figure out what can be done automatically and what I need to input myself.



                              Question about the training logs.  Is there a way to sync the log with Map My Run or do y'all input your workouts here manually?  I'm at the end of a training cycle, so it's a good time to make a switch from my excel sheet, just trying to figure out what can be done automatically and what I need to input myself.


                              IDK anything about Map My Run, but most of us upload workouts from our Garmins. You can set up RA to automatically sync with GarminConnect. Then you just need to go in manually to enter type of workout, route, and shoes (if you want).



                                 4 miles.


                                Nice paces for your MP run yesterday. Just checked your log.
