Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES: Often Imitated, Never Duplicated (Read 246 times)


    Morning, all. URD due to stomach virus. Today will be just me, my bathroom, my bed and a bottle of ginger ale.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


    Team TJ

      Good morning everyone.


      I got in a 3.4 mile run this morning.  Warm and muggy this morning but it is supposed to be back in the 30s by Friday.  One good thing about the weather in Georgia, if you don't like it just wait an hour and it will be different.


      For the past month or so I've been experiencing soreness in my right foot.  I've tried to analyze everything I've done or do to try to figure it out.  On Sunday morning, I figured it out.  I have 3 pair of shoes I rotate through.  On Sunday I ran in my New Balance that I hadn't worn in a week.  After 4 miles, my right foot was sore again.  They are super comfortable but there is something that just isn't working for me  Today I ran in my worn out Brooks Adrenalines and have absolutely no issues.  Looks like I have a permanant pair of grocery store shoes now...


      Y'all come see us.  Big grin

      Running for TJ because he can't.



        Sarah: Awww, you are sweet!  You have more confidence than I have!  The concert was awesome - he was the CUTEST little nug, I swear!  It was adorable!  What a good, solid 6 miler last night - excellent splits!  Bravo!


        Basya: Fantastic job w/the weights/trainer!


        Jedi: What a great run today, w/the hill repeats!  Excellent job!  


        Lilac: Enjoy the RD!


        April: I hope your RP joins up so you get to check out that house - that sounds like fun!!


        Shari: I'm so sorry you feel so darn crummy.  I hope you feel better soon!


        MBC: I hope you survive that 5 mile drive w/all your little ones in the car!


        Phil: You have some crazy animals!  OMG.  Nice meeting - short and sweet! 


        Code: They rock, right???  I love mine too.  I only carry one at a shot as well, but I have a handheld w/me most nights.  Yep, lots in my hands!


        Kristin: Awww, crap - not the best run.  I hope your knee is OK.


        Off to do Myrtl exercises and core. Maybe yoga too.

        Jess runs for bacon

          Morning, all. URD due to stomach virus. Today will be just me, my bathroom, my bed and a bottle of ginger ale.

           Yuck, feel better soon! Ginger ale always makes me feel better.


          Former Bad Ass

            Shari, feel better.



              Basya - No dancing banana? Baboon - Great run! To all those in the IR or just bedridden - Get well soon I'm planning for 11ish miles later. Hopefully it doesn't snow.

              YAYpril - B-Plus

                 RE: Knuckle lights, I wear both. I tried wearing one and it just wasn't bright enough for me. My neighborhood is poorly-lit and the sidewalks are bad.

                April, is that the house I saw with Aardvark last week? That place was so cool!


                Yep! I used to live right down the road from there and I pass it every time I go to Wegmans, so as soon as you said it was off Jacksonville I knew what house you were talking about.


                Go figure

                  Hey everyone.  Done with 10.24 miles today, with the last ten minutes at a little under MP.  I never know how to add that to my calendar on this site.  I just call it an Easy run, because that's what the bulk of the miles were.  Still, looking at all those plain green bars makes me feel like I'm not doing anything!  Oh well, I guess I know I've been working hard.

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  You may be right

                    Going to go run 7 in a few hours.  It should be in the 70s by then. It's 69° right now. This is out of the ordinary for me because I very seldom run during the day.  Going to go enjoy this beautiful day.  Smile   


                    Hope everyone has a great day!


                    Don't believe everything you think. 



                      At work now, planning on 3 miles and some weightlifting later tonight.  Excited to be starting the marathon training!


                      Not a dude

                        5.18 awesome miles this morning. That was by far the best run I have had in weeks. I'm not sure if it was due to ending the streak or a general feeling of lightness now that classes are over and I have less stuff to do, but it felt good to be out there and alive this morning. Smile

                          lilac_jive, I hope you enjoy your restday.


                          jedigunnie26.2, for how long do you do each hill repeat?


                          April, I hope you have a great run tonight.


                          Kristin, I hope that your knee feels better soon.


                          MtnBikerChk, here's to hoping that the kids don't decide to perform en route.


                          Baboon, cool!


                          c0derunner, sweet!


                          Ouch, Shari. Feel well soon.


                          Robert, great run. I kind of miss running in hot weather.


                          RM2B, enjoy your workouts.


                          B-Plus, I don't know how to insert a dancing bananaSad


                          So_Im_a_Runner, I'm still figuring out how to log my runs, too.


                          NIghtcrawler, enjoy.


                          buchy2009, have fun running and lifting.


                          I still have to do ab work.


                            Just got back from the Doc. I do have a hernia and will need surgery. Won't be running in the Operation Jack 1/2 marathon (that I already signed up for) on day after Xmas in CA. Boo hoo.


                            Not a dude

                              Just got back from the Doc. I do have a hernia and will need surgery. Won't be running in the Operation Jack 1/2 marathon (that I already signed up for) on day after Xmas in CA. Boo hoo.


                              Ugh! I'm so sorry to hear that!!!!!!!!


                              Have they scheduled your surgery already?


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Just got back from the Doc. I do have a hernia and will need surgery. Won't be running in the Operation Jack 1/2 marathon (that I already signed up for) on day after Xmas in CA. Boo hoo.


                                Sorry to hear this, mucknort.  Hope the surgery goes well.
