Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: The Origin of Twitter (Read 55 times)

    Hey everyone!


    Great job today B+ and Kristin!


    10.7 recovery miles for me this evening, bringing me to a new weekly mileage PR, 80.2 miles, my first 80+ mile week! Smile


    My running blog

    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


    Former Bad Ass

      I am not sure, LOL.


      Ric-G, bravo on the easy eight-miler this morning.

      Jay, great 17.5 GA.

      B-Plus, I hope that you ingested yummy pizza in a timely fashion.

      Robert, I'm glad that your calf is feeling better.

      Rondog65, excellent virtual HM.

      Oski, beautiful ride with DH. Brava on your discipline in making sure that such a major chore is done ASAP.


      Damaris, you blow my mind. HTF did you run 26.2 in such tough weather?!?!?

      Weights and abs are done. Next stop: bed.

