Beginners and Beyond


RR- Run to Get Lucky 5K (Read 62 times)

    Congrats on the PR! Is that a guy holding a keg at the start?

    “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


    Former Bad Ass



        WTG Zel! Great race. Great read.



        2015 Goals:

        Sub 30 5K

        Sub 60 10K


        delicate flower

          Nice racin' there, Captain Zel!  And that's what that was too...racin'.  You ran hard and kept your focus.  MOJO is in full effect!


          It cracks me up to see people all bundled up in long shirts and rain gear when it is FIFTY DEGREES.



            I love both the pictures...those adorable boys at the start, and your fantastic floater at the end.


              Great job Zel and a nice floater at the finish line.  I'm glad to see you getting your mojo back!


              That's pretty funny about the carrot and the rabbit.  Maybe there should have been someone dressed as a stick to chase the rabbit.

              Life is good.


                Great job Zel!  No better way to start off the season than with a PR!


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                Barking Mad To Run

                  Congrats, Zelanie! Very descriptive, enjoyable report!  Nice finish photo too....floater!  And what Great Legs! 


                  Way to go on 3rd in your AG and on your new PR!  As someone else said, nice way to find your mojo!

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                  Slymoon Runs

                  race obsessed

                    Nice one Z and way to get back out there!


                      Thanks, everyone!  The narrow start wasn't an issue at all- it seemed like everyone was able to get up to pace pretty quickly, and we were pretty spread out by the time we hit the bigger puddles.


                      That was a guy with a keg at the start.  They started the race by "tapping" the keg with a spoon, then I guess the point was to run back and fill your glass. Smile


                      I talked to carrot guy and bunny after the race.  According to him, it was all in good fun and he wasn't pacing her at all.  According to her, she got a boost from his pacing.  Apparently he is one of those annoying guys who hardly even trains and then shows up and runs 23: xx while zigzagging along the path and stopping for water.  Kids these days.  She wanted to run and win the costume contest, but her friend backed out at the last minute, so she called him.  Sometimes they run in a group of 3 with carrot, bunny, and Elmer Fudd, but they didn't have a 3rd that day.






                      And another one of me that I found while looking for the costume pics:


                        With your beautiful smile and your energetic form, you make running look so appealing! (but we know better )

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                        From the Internet.

                          That's a great picture of you! You're so photogenic! Smile


                            Hah, you guys are sweet.  Really it was 1/2 mile into the race, and who doesn't feel their best at that point?  Plus I didn't post the more "serious" ones.


                            Cy- I forgot, I think the only time we use "febrile" in English is in the term "febrile seizures".  So you might say something like "your report has given me racing fever" or "gotten me fired up" or something like that instead.  There isn't really a good way to put that sentence together without "febrile" , but I have no idea why it's a real English word that we never use, even when it would make sense (like in this case).


                              Hah, you guys are sweet.  Really it was 1/2 mile into the race, and who doesn't feel their best at that point?  Plus I didn't post the more "serious" ones.


                              Cy- I forgot, I think the only time we use "febrile" in English is in the term "febrile seizures".  So you might say something like "your report has given me racing fever" or "gotten me fired up" or something like that instead.  There isn't really a good way to put that sentence together without "febrile" , but I have no idea why it's a real English word that we never use, even when it would make sense (like in this case).


                              It's interesting about the word febrile, Zel. I read Cy's question and immediately researched it. I did not know that the word was also used in English. The original French meaning is the same as in English. It's medical. But over time, a second meaning was created, which means a state of feverish anxiety. Words are fun.

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                                Thans Zel. As lily said, we use it in french. When that word popped in my mind I looked for the english translation and it was, well, febrile. I had never heard it in english, but there are many many words I don't know. So I used it, but with a doubt in my mind, thus the question.
