Beginners and Beyond


October 2014 Racing Thread (Read 57 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Please post all races, goals, and results, for October (any distance).  Now go!



    10/04 Docket_Rocket - Tower of Terror 10 Miler (Goal: Pacing Hubby) (Result: RR)

    10/04 Baboon - Tower of Terror 10 Miler (Goal is to run however the hell I feel like running that day) (Result: RR)

    10/04 Catwhoorg - ATC Cartersvile 10K (Goal: PR) (Result: 46:36)

    10/05 Lauren710 - RMHP Women's Classic 5K (Goal: mid-23:00s) (Result: 23:36, RR)

    10/05 Zelanie - Portland Marathon (Debut) (RR)

    10/05 FreeSoul87 - Evansville Half Marathon (Result: 1:53:12, RR)

    10/05 Runwell3 - Maine Marathon Relay (Goal is to simply enjoy a run with family)

    10/11 hog4life - Monte Sano 15k  (Goal: Beat last year's time of 1:20) (Result: 1:27:03)

    10/11 Baboon - Hartford Half Marathon (Result: 1:34:29, RR)

    10/11 riblah - Beachside Half Marathon

    10/11 PADRunner - 28th Annual Lake Joe Pool 10K Pumpkin Run (Result: 1:06:47, PR)

    10/12 bluerun - Staten Island Half Marathon (Result: 1:48:56 RR)

    10/12 Docket_Rocket - Chicago Marathon (Result: 4:46:49, Post Surgery PR!, RR)

    10/12 Kristin10185 - Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration 10K (Goal: under 60 minutes)

    10/13 Lauren710 - Tufts Health Plan 10K (Coal: as close to 50:00 as I can get) (Result: 49:41!!, RR)

    10/18 nova_runner88 - Baltimore Half Marathon

    10/18 Kristin10185 - Baltimore Half Marathon

    10/18 hog4life - Liz Hurley 5K (Tentative)

    10/19 Jerryb49 - IMT Des Moines Half Marathon (Result: 2:17:46, RR)

    10/19 hog4life - 4 Bridges Half Marathon (Tentative)

    10/19 c0derunner - Detroit International Half Marathon (Goal: Sub-1:50)

    10/19 DaveP MI - Detroit Marathon ( Result: 3:40:32, 12 min PR)

    10/19 LRB - Detroit Marathon (Goal: Break the speed of light and sound combined) (RR)

    10/25 Runny_Babbit - Monster Dash Chicago

    10/25 hog4life - UCP Life Without Limits Half Marathon (Goal: have fun with Team TJ)

    10/25 Robert31320 - UCP Life Without Limits Half Marathon (Goal: finish without having Mitch having to push me and TJ)

    10/25 Dtothe2nd - Wicked 10k (Goal: sub-40) (Result: 38:12, PR! RR)

    10/25 Catwhoorg - Silver Comet HM (Goal: PR) (Result: 1:42:41, PR!)

    10/26 Lurch - MCM

    10/26 SlymoonRuns - MCM

    10/26 LRS - Fire on the Mountain 50k

    10/26 B-Plus - RnR Vancouver Half Marathon (Goal: 1:23-1:24, subject to change) (Result: 1:24:12, PR!)




      Well ain't you on top of things 

      So happy the HM is a week away, I've been craving another race (and to add bling to my wall).

      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


      delicate flower

        10/4 Baboon - Tower of Terror 10 Miler - Goal is to run however the hell I feel like running that day


        From the Internet.

          10/05 Lauren710 - RMHP Women's Classic 5K (goal: mid-23:00s)

          10/13 Lauren710 - Tufts Health Plan 10K (goal: as close to 50:00 as I can get)


            10/11, hog4life, Mitch, Monte Sano 15k, beat last year's time of 1;20

            10/25, hog4life, Mitch, UCP Life Without Limits Half, have fun with Team TJ


            Couple of maybes

            10/18, Liz Hurley 5K

            10/19, 4 Bridges Half Marathon


              10/25 - Dtothe2nd - Wicked 10k (goal: sub-40)


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                10/11 PADRunner - 28th Annual Lake Joe Pool 10K Pumpkin Run

                  10/19 - Detroit International Half Marathon


                  Sub 1:50.



                    10/5  Maine Marathon Relay,  goal is to simply enjoy a run with family


                    Former Bad Ass

                      All updated!  If only LRB, B+, Dave and others would finally post their races here! 



                        All updated!  If only LRB, B+, Dave and others would finally post their races here! 


                        I actually started earlier but got sidetracked.


                        10/26 B-Plus - RnR Vancouver Half (1:23-1:24, subject to change)


                        Why don't you just put LRB and Dave down for Free Press. Isn't that what they're running?


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Done, thanks.  If only LRB and Dave would add theirs....



                            Dammit, fine.

                            10/19 DaveP MI - Detroit Marathon


                            MTA: I would not expect LRB to give in so easily.



                              I would not expect LRB to give in so easily.



                                Rick... lol... come on, it's not like we don't already know the when and the how fast. It's no secret to those of us who pay attention to those things. 

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010
