Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES Are Superfreaks (Read 65 times)


    Good morning, all!

    I'm taking today as my SRD for the week, since DS is home for a snow day. My body can use it, I think, because my feet and ankles were a bit sore yesterday after three days of 16, 8 and 10 miles.

    I'll get some cross-training in with the snow shovel - I took care of the first 3" already this morning, and we could get 5-7 more through the day. In between shoveling, I plan to bake. Muffins - done. Cookies on tap, and maybe some kind of bread.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


    delicate flower

      Since I can't run my next two races, I've signed up to volunteer.  One RD asked me what I'd like to do.  Ehh...I dunno.  I've only ever worked the registration table.  What cool job should I ask for?


      Ball of Fury

        Handing out medals?


        Since I can't run my next two races, I've signed up to volunteer.  One RD asked me what I'd like to do.  Ehh...I dunno.  I've only ever worked the registration table.  What cool job should I ask for?

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


        delicate flower

          Handing out medals?



          I am on course marshal or water station duty.



          Wickedly Average

            Good (late) morning, Dailies!


            Basya, glad you made it home safely! Hope you enjoyed the trip.


            We've got a thunderstorm rolling through, with a lot of heavy rain behind it on the radar. Needless to say, it'll be a treadmill day for me. Just looking for a short run anyway, keep the legs moving. This is my semi-taper week for Saturday's 15K. I'm getting a little excited about that race now.

            Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

            5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


              basya - that was some trip


              D2 - can't miss seeing you now...nice shoes


              Amik - speedwork may pay off. wouldn't be surprise if you PRd


              KL - long run? i'd do no more than 10 to 15 at this point...depends on you.


              zelanie - have a good nine


              lily - hope the 12 go well


              LRB - tuesdays off...nice.


              bruce - i hear you about the sleep


              ran 3 x 2 miles @7:30 pace this AM with a couple more easy. have a good day all.

              marathon pr - 3:16


                Here's the taper plan I put together for the half, after reading a bunch of stuff (I do so much searching and reading on running I can't remember where any of it comes from now lol).


                Last long run two weeks prior to the race (my last long run was this past Sat)

                2nd week prior to race, run my normal distances, but nothing fast

                Week prior to race, reduce distance and still nothing fast (see my log for how I tapered my distance prior to the 20k, I'll do the same next week before the half, well except for the long run that was only 5 days prior lol)

                Two days prior to race, either full rest, or a short easy run

                Day prior to race, 2-3 miles w/strides


                I only kind of tapered the week of the 20k and still had a good showing, so I figure with a full 2 week taper I should be plenty strong for the half.  I don't think any long runs in the next 12 days are going to help your marathon effort, your fitness is what it is at this point, so I would take it easy and save the energy for the race.


                Sounds good, and honestly since I feel a bit fatigued after the 15K race I did on Sat, followed by a tough Sunday run in the wind, I think I am going to put REST ahead of MILES.  :-)  I want to really be rested on Race day, no fatigue factor.    Still a little hard to do because mentally I have been geared towards max mileage every day.  But I suppose a couple beers this evening will help take my mind off of max running. Smile


                Shamrock Goals:  Dave's Half:  1:29:59 or better,   Duke's Full:  3:59:59 or better.  I think if the weather shapes up right, we'll get there. :-)

                The Plan '15 →   ///    "Run Hard, Live Easy."   ∞


                  Phil, i volunteered the parking garage once and was a course marshal another time, both were a blast, seriously!  I would like to do an aid station someday because with my addiction to multitasking, I would likely have four cups in each hand and not drop a drip!


                  Hi, Alexis!


                  Supp Shari!


                  Happy belated B-day Zel!


                  I got 12 X 400's at "R" pace done!


                  It's nothing short of hilarious how I always think I'm going to breeze through these workouts...until after the first work bout lol!


                  It was a tough workout, and I got so hot my pants felt like a wool blanket soon after it began.  Had I driven there, I would have taken them and my jacket off.


                  As it is, the 19:12 time for the 3 miles of reps I ran was a 6:24 pace, which is yep, a sub-20:00 - GASP!


                  Reality Check: there are no recoveries in a 5k, ha!


                  Still, with 10 total miles total including warm up and cool down, today was a very good day!



                    Sounds good, and honestly since I feel a bit fatigued after the 15K race I did on Sat, followed by a tough Sunday run in the wind, I think I am going to put REST ahead of MILES.  :-)  I want to really be rested on Race day, no fatigue factor.    Still a little hard to do because mentally I have been geared towards max mileage every day.  But I suppose a couple beers this evening will help take my mind off of max running. Smile


                    Shamrock Goals:  Dave's Half:  1:29:59 or better,   Duke's Full:  3:59:59 or better.  I think if the weather shapes up right, we'll get there. :-)


                    Probably a good idea.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the weather! Smile


                    My running blog

                    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                    Former Bad Ass

                      I love those.  But I also hate those!


                      Phil, i volunteered the parking garage once and was a course marshal another time, both were a blast, seriously!  I would like to do an aid station someday because with my addiction to multitasking, I would likely have four cups in each hand and not drop a drip!


                      Hi, Alexis!


                      Supp Shari!


                      Happy belated B-day Zel!


                      I got 12 X 400's at "R" pace done!


                      It's nothing short of hilarious how I always think I'm going to breeze through these workouts...until after the first work bout lol!


                      It was a tough workout, and I got so hot my pants felt like a wool blanket soon after it began.  Had I driven there, I would have taken them and my jacket off.


                      As it is, the 19:12 time for the 3 miles of reps I ran was a 6:24 pace, which is yep, a sub-20:00 - GASP!


                      Reality Check: there are no recoveries in a 5k, ha!


                      Still, with 10 total miles total including warm up and cool down, today was a very good day!



                      Run to live; live to run

                        Hi Dailies  I did 11.1 this am.

                        Guess that means Damris needs an extra tenth when she runs tonight right?

                        I also guess I don't fit in since I don't drink coffee (ducks and hides now).  My mom always said I couldn't be related since she drank coffee 24/7.  I will only drink it if I have a sore throat and there isn't any tea.  Guess I just usually just have water.



                        Barking Mad To Run

                          Crazy weather here in San Antonio!  85 flippin' degrees yesterday afternoon, this morning it drops to the high 40s.  Will get back to 70 today but the winds are blowing around here at 35 - 40 mph!  Should make for an interesting run after work.   This a.m., due to the winds, about 1100 homes lost power around downtown San Antonio.  Wind can cause a power outage?  Right now at work all our internet connections are going in and out like crazy, things are very slow, we are not getting much done today.  Frustrating.   Anyway, I will head to the Y after work and get in about 3 easy miles.

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            Hi Dailies  I did 11.1 this am.

                            Guess that means Damris needs an extra tenth when she runs tonight right?

                            I also guess I don't fit in since I don't drink coffee (ducks and hides now).  My mom always said I couldn't be related since she drank coffee 24/7.  I will only drink it if I have a sore throat and there isn't any tea.  Guess I just usually just have water.


                            Nah, there are many people who do not drink coffee.  The only unwritten requirement for the dailies is that you have a do have one of those don't you lol!

                            Ball of Fury

                              I have never even tried coffee so no worries!  And just to update my situation, I am still at work and am really tired and have decided to make today my SRD, I will do the speedwork in the AM, and then easy miles Thursday and Friday.  I hate rearranging the schedule but I want to be able to do the quality runs to the best of my ability and that would not happen today!


                              Hi Dailies  I did 11.1 this am.

                              Guess that means Damris needs an extra tenth when she runs tonight right?

                              I also guess I don't fit in since I don't drink coffee (ducks and hides now).  My mom always said I couldn't be related since she drank coffee 24/7.  I will only drink it if I have a sore throat and there isn't any tea.  Guess I just usually just have water.

                              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                              Run to live; live to run

                                i do have a runners pulse in the 40's or low 50's.  Yay!  I can stay!


                                Nah, there are many people who do not drink coffee.  The only unwritten requirement for the dailies is that you have a do have one of those don't you lol!
