Beginners and Beyond


Not ToDAILIES (Read 45 times)


    Wassup Clique!


    Today is the perfect day to take a break from running.  It is too damn cold outside (10 degrees & 0 degree wind chill), and I am not feeling that stupid dreadmill today.


    So we'll just sit here and enjoy some peace and quiet until it is time to go out in that crap, in the biggest damn coat I own!


    What about you?  Are you running today, or resting?


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  It's cliqué!  How many times do I have to tell you? 


      I have 8 GA miles and a core workout tonight.  Hoping to get Trixie home tonight, at least until the biopsy appointment.  She was too depressed there and I know she misses the house, the kitties, and us.




        Today is the perfect day to take a break from running.  It is too damn cold outside (10 degrees & 0 degree wind chill), and I am not feeling that stupid dreadmill today.



        Whoa - balmy! I show 8 / -5 here. Stupid dreadmill for me, squeezed in before work. Kept it to only 5, as this was my first 3-days-in-a-row running since, well, forever (June to be precise).


        Let's all just be thankful we are not in Buffalo with Jay. I mean because of the weather of course. Man they are getting dumped on.



          Morning, sunshines!


          I WILL run today. Treadmill, though, just in case I need to switch to something less jarring, like walking the indoor track or using the recumbent bike. I really could get used to not running at this time of year, but there's that marathon less than two months away that will be much more enjoyable if I get back to training. So ... off to the Y after I drop DS at school. And I really hope it warms up enough that they send the kids outside for recess today - he is a little wild after a full day trapped inside like yesterday.

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          Barking Mad To Run

            Another dang cold morning here in San Antonio, went all the way into the upper 20s last night/early this mornng....BRRR!    I hate cold weather!  I much prefer to run in the 90s than the 50s.   Thankfully, the day is "kind of' warming up quickly and we will have a high today of 54...which is still too dang cold for me, lol.  I want it to be back to at least where our temps are usually for this time of the year, mid-60s.     I plan on doing some hill work after work today, 3 - 4 miles, in the park near the San Antonio Zoo.   And because it is ONLY 54 degrees, I will be wearing a light base layer underneath my top running shirt...cuz that's the way we cold-weather wimp South Texans roll. 

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Morning!  It's cliqué!  How many times do I have to tell you? 


              Probably about the same amount of times I have told you ( and BBB) that I cannot do it on this stupid machine. 


              Hope the kitty is okay.


              I am at work, I dressed in all black and wore a fedora and top coat.  This just in; ladies apparently like men who dress that way. 


              Former Bad Ass


                Probably about the same amount of times I have told you ( and BBB) that I cannot do it on this stupid machine. 


                Hope the kitty is okay.


                I am at work, I dressed in all black and wore a fedora and top coat.  This just in; ladies apparently like men who dress that way. 


                Nah, I just like to use the new emoticon for facepalm.  I do that all the time with my husband. 




                  Probably about the same amount of times I have told you ( and BBB) that I cannot do it on this stupid machine. 


                  Hope the kitty is okay.


                  I am at work, I dressed in all black and wore a fedora and top coat.  This just in; ladies apparently like men who dress that way. 


                  Pics required so we can properly make a judgment on that, please.

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                     Nah, I just like to use the new emoticon for facepalm.  I do that all the time with my husband. 







                    delicate flower


                      Probably about the same amount of times I have told you ( and BBB) that I cannot do it on this stupid machine. 



                      Hey I ran outside yesterday!  Like, on actual roads!  Plenty of black ice and a little bit of slippage though.  And with the rail trail covered in snow and ice, I have no choice but to run on roads which means hills, hills, hills.  Easy effort, which was 9:15 pace.  My MP workout Tuesday kicked my butt and I was tired.  Back on the treadmill after work today.  I don't remember the last time December was this cold.  This is February weather.


                      And GOOD MORNING! 



                        And GOOD MORNING! 



                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                          Hi Dailies.


                          LRB: I know the feeling. Man, it will be like 68 today and I might have to wear long pants! Brrrrr...


                          The week of rest continues for me.


                            Morning!  Snow day today for the 5th day in a row.   It might rain this afternoon, though.  Or freezing rain.  The forecasters don't know.


                            Oski- I think lumbosacral stenosis is what they said.  Usually they don't do surgery for the degenerative form, which shows up in old, large breed dogs.  But they think she has the congenital form, found in younger, smaller dogs.  And for that, they do recommend surgery.  Still googling.  We might get a second opinion, but the place we went to is pretty good.


                            Skirt Runner

                              Still not working....still resting.....

                              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                                I put in a solid hour on the treadmill - 6.25 miles. Ribs hurt most in the first 2 miles, then eased up. I ran it as a (mostly) steady progression from 5.8 mph to 7.1 mph (10:20ish to 8:35ish), with one two-minute walk break. Otherwise increasing pace every .5 mile, every .25 over the last mile. Things are a bit sore now, but not bad. So I will probably repeat this distance tomorrow, or maybe a little farther. Legs wanted to go farther and faster, but I didn't want to push it.

                                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.
