Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES: Gray hair is cool (Read 51 times)


    Morning!  I have 11 with 8 at GMP on tap today.  I'll admit to plucking the stray gray hairs that I find, but soon enough I'm sure there will be too many to pluck!


    LRB- Time for some redemption for last week! Smile


    Little Blue- Hiya!


    D2- Glad the calf is cooperating.  And yeah, ear and back hair is 


    Basya- Glad you'll be running again soon!


    Step- Nice run!


    I could get away with that in my early 30s, but for the last 5 years or so, plucking the grays would leave me mostly bald. I've never colored my hair - too cheap and too lazy to do that, since it reaches almost to my waist.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      I don't normally post in the dailies, but your title pulled me in.


      Hey babe! 


      Welp, my track workout is done:


      3 easy + 1 at tempo + 4 x 1000 VO2 max intervals (which ended up around 5k pace today)


      My hips and quads were noticeably tight and except for the first 400 meters of the first 1000, I was unable to attain and hold my target pace of 5:50.  The effort was there though it just did not show up in the pace window so I am cool with it.


      I intended this to be 6 x 1000 but ran out of time, which is why I usually do them on Saturday but that day is now reserved for that other run. 


        Oh, and the house is giving an additional 25% off its already discounted liquidation apparel.


        Ladies click here, Bro's click here.


        Use code AUG25D at checkout.



          Morning! RD for me. I have a fair number of grays on my face. If I go a week without shaving, you can really tell. I also start getting grays on my head, and they really stick out. It's odd that grays stick out since they're dead. You'd think they'd be shorter. I trim it pretty short about every 3 weeks to a month to keep that at bay.

          - Andrew


          Former Bad Ass

            Thanks, LRB.  if I buy something it's your fault.



              Oh, and the house is giving an additional 25% off its already discounted liquidation apparel.


              Ladies click here, Bro's click here.


              Use code AUG25D at checkout.


              Thanks, I almost bought some shoes last night, but I still can't decide, glad I waited. Smile


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


      's your fault.


                Isn't it always.  lol

                  Egad.  1" split shorts that look like boxer prints... "why is that dude running in his underwear?"


                  LRish thing of some sort scheduled today, maybe on a new route to change things up.


                    ...maybe on a new route to change things up.


                    I have similar thoughts for this weekend's run if for no other reason than to stay ahead of the monotony.


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      I can't believe how some idiots drive.  So me and about 10,000 other drivers are sitting in commuter traffic on the highway, inching along bit by bit and stopping at times.  While we were all at a dead-stop for a bit,  I guess the guy 2 cars ahead of me got tired of it all and decided he wanted to swing out to the other lane and get off the highway.  But...he was a bit too close to the guy in front of this idiot BACKS UP - on the highway no less, sheesh - and, of course, rams right into the guy behind him.  Dammit.  So now all of us behind him are stuck really good because now we can't get around the idiot and the guy he hit, we have to wait for the cops to show up, etc.  Sheesh.  Good thing today is a running day and my boss is VERY liberal about me coming in late to work on my running mornings as long as I make up the time.  I ended up coming in about 45 minutes later than I usually do on a running morning.


                      Well, at least I had a really good run/walk this morning.    3.5 miles done at Fort Sam Houston.   We actually did get some rain last night, so this morning actually felt a bit 'cool', even though the temp was already near 80 at 5 a.m. when I went out...but that dew-point behaved itself nicely and stayed under 70.


                      Also...sad about Lauren of my favorite actors of olden-time...she died yesterday at home, per her family, of a massive stroke.  89 years old and in recent photos she still looked pretty darn good.  Wish I could age that well!


                      I dunno, LRB, I don't mind my gray hair.  It annoys Gail, though, lol.  Mainly because my gray hair is so light that in the sunshine it almost looks kinda silver-blondish and Gail's is that kinda darker gray, so she says she's jealous, lol, why can't her gray hair be like mine?  Well, she should be least she doesn't have a bald spot on the top back of her head like I do.


                      Little Blue, that's why electric razors these days have a trimmer attachment. for old men like me to take care of that ear hair and nose hair... I'm not going hair is just growing out of me in two different directions! 


                      For someone who has a sore calf, Dave, you're doing all right!  9 miles!  way to go.


                      Basya, RDing?     Is the world coming to an end?


                      That sounds like a tough workout, Step.  And done under the moon too?  All of you?  Sure you weren't participating in some Druid ritual? 


                      Hope your 11 with 8 went well, Zelanie, and you weren't at 6's and 7's with it...


                      At least you're getting rain, Baboon.  Maybe too much?   Funny, the states that don't need it seem to be getting too much and the states that are in drought and do need it can't seem to get enough.  Mother Nature sure has a wild hair up these days about something.   Happy TM running!


                      Thanks for the review, Lily!  I was thinking about going to see that but was wondering about how it really is.  Congrats on your miles and enjoy that relaxing on the beach.  Sounds like a lovely place you have there.  Ever rent it out for a week or two? 


                      Sorry, FreeSoul, that you kept falling, but I'm sorry, I did sound about as adept on a trail run as I am, lol.  What was Rocky doing during all your 'greeting time' with roots and trees?


                      Glad your leg is feeling better, Mitch.


                      I dunno, Dave, some people can really pull off the bald look and look great with it.  Unfortunately, I am not one of them, so thank goodness I still have some hair.


                      Damaris dyes her hair?  Does hubby know this? 


                      Enjoy the RD, Andrew.  You are way too young to have gray hair anywhere! 

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Oh, and the house is giving an additional 25% off its already discounted liquidation apparel.


                        Ladies click here, Bro's click here.


                        Use code AUG25D at checkout.


                        Thanks.  Saw this before and ordered some shirts.  Got a notice they have now been shipped, hopefully will arrive soon.  Good deal on these!

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                        Singer who runs a smidge

                          I suspect I have a few grey hairs, but my hair is such a nondescript color that you can't really tell!  DH, on the other hand, is all grey.  I even noticed grey hairs on his wrists the other day! 

                          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                            10 miles easy. 8:11 pace, with last two at new MP, based on recent 10k (adjusted for a slower goal).

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                              Enjoy the RD, Andrew.  You are way too young to have gray hair anywhere! 


                              Tell me about it. I blame DW. She'd agree.

                              - Andrew


                                I suspect I have a few grey hairs, but my hair is such a nondescript color that you can't really tell!  DH, on the other hand, is all grey.  I even noticed grey hairs on his wrists the other day! 



                                It has a mind of its own sometimes.  lol
