Beginners and Beyond


It's the TUESDAILIES (Read 43 times)



    I'm still drained from yesterday's. I'm still not hungry. On the bright side, the thought of eating no longer disgusts me.


    I'm hydrating. In a bit, I'll head to the gym for weights and cardio.


      'Sup B!


      Eat, drink and recover well.  There is also the knowledge that you got the run done and out of the way to lift your spirits.


      Speaking of run, I will try my hand at it myself this morning in the form of tempo intervals at my favorite hangout, the track.


      I have some time to kill before that though and will do so while caffeine loading.


        Morning, people.


        my favorite hangout, the track.



        My new favorite hangout too, thanks my man here along with the Messrs. Hanson.

        2.5 mile warmup, 8x600 w/400 recoveries, 2.5 mile cooldown, 10 miles total.

        Targeted 7:00 pace or 2:36. Actual: 34, 37, 35, 39, 39, 37, 37, 35

        I am skeptical that is the right conversion; according to the watch, the 2:39 intervals were at 7:00. Close enough; worst case I ran them too fast.

        And to answer yesterday's dilemma - didn't program the intervals on my watch, just used the track markings & manual lap.

        Good workout.


        Have a good day everyone & stay cool out there



          Has little Brreta arrived? 


          Great solid intervals, Dave! I don't understand how you guys can run such even intervals in real life (meaning not on a TM). You've got skilz.


          10 easy with 8 strides. Another heatwave has hit us, but I think it will end tomorrow, with some rain. Yesterday was really hot in the garage, almost 90F, but it seemed to affect me less than usual. I wonder if I am adjusting a bit. I must be, to a certain degree.


          Have a great day!

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

          From the Internet.



            I went to the gym yesterday afternoon like a silly banana, ran 2 miles this morning but they were not pretty. Perhaps I am too old to stack all my hard workouts on the same day :P I slept in compression sleeves and I think that was the only reason I could move at all when I got up. Feeling a little looser now though, will spend some time with my foam roller later.


            delicate flower

              'Morning!!  Hello Basya, LRB, Michigan Dave, Lily, and Lauren!  And to the rest of you, wake up a little earlier, will ya?  roffles


              7 easy miles last night and 7 easy miles this morning for the PM/AM double.  This morning's pace was a little faster than last night's, but I really just don't do as well with morning runs.  My paces are usually slower and I have a harder time getting my heart rate up.  This morning was an exception simply because I'm still in recovery from the Sunday race and my legs were a little more rested today.  I dunno...I think my body just likes the afternoon sun and warmth plus the full day of food and nutrition inside me.  Alrighty then.


              Rock it.



                Morning, all!

                I felt a bit like I was joining Damaris this morning - it was already 78* ("feels like" 80*) at 5 a.m. That might be OK for Florida,  but for Wisconsin, it's just plain wrong. 5.4 miles very slow.


                Think I'll take DS to meet up with friends at a pool this afternoon, since it is supposed to top out around 90*.

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                  Morning! URD for me today. DW didn't get any sleep and has been having contractions all night. She's miserable. We went in to the hospital around midnight last night but they sent us home because she's not dilated far enough, even though she's having contractions every 3 minutes.

                  - Andrew


                    Morning! URD for me today. DW didn't get any sleep and has been having contractions all night. She's miserable. We went in to the hospital around midnight last night but they sent us home because she's not dilated far enough, even though she's having contractions every 3 minutes.


                     That's tough. Hopefully today is the day and it will be a breeze for her. Go, Mrs Brr!

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Morning, all!

                      I felt a bit like I was joining Damaris this morning - it was already 78* ("feels like" 80*) at 5 a.m. That might be barely seen in OK for Florida at 5am in the Summer,  but for Wisconsin, it's just plain wrong. 5.4 miles very slow.


                      Think I'll take DS to meet up with friends at a pool this afternoon, since it is supposed to top out around 90*.


                      There.  Fix your post.


                      Morning.  SRD for me today as we have the Kiss/Def Leppard concert tonight.  Feeling a bit better but OK with not running today.


                        Rick, have fun doing your tempo intervals.


                        DaveP MI, wonderful intervals.


                        Lily, terrific ten. I hope that the weather doesn't become too uncomfortable.


                        Lauren, brava on the two. I should you my foam roller and MuscleTrac more often. Thank you for the reminder.


                        Phil, smokin' AM/PM double.


                        Shari, great 5.4. Enjoy the pooltime with DS.


                        Damaris, I envy you. Enjoy rhe concert for me, too, while your at it.


                        Brrita, come on, little lady!


                        I ended up sleeping through the night. A solid six hours. Joy! I hadn't eaten anything since the Italian ice last night before hitting the gym this morning. I did weights and an hour on the AMT. Thankfully, I can do push-ups with the kids ad ab work at home.


                        I almost left the gym to return home for some extra sleep. Then, on a treadmill near the AMT that I was using, I noticed a woman who's eight months pregnant steadily running at a pace that I use for my intervals. I had no excuse.


                        Have a wonderful day, everyone.



                          There.  Fix your post.


                          Morning.  SRD for me today as we have the Kiss/Def Leppard concert tonight.  Feeling a bit better but OK with not running today.


                          Hope you feel 100% recovered before your trip, D. Flying while sick is not fun. Have a great time tonight! Sounds like fun!

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                            I can never remember a time when I ran at tempo pace with such ease, and it is a new pace for me!


                            The workout was 4 x 5 minutes at tempo pace with 2 minute recoveries and I killed that bitch.  It wasn't even funny!


                            I am not sure what is going on but I like it.  8.3 miles total, 3.2 of them at 6:20.  Boosh!


                              Andrew, sending best wishes for your wife! I had heard so many stories about second babies coming faster than the first - guess that isn't always the case.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Up at 5 a.m. today and off to the YMCA that is adjacent to O.P. Schnabel Park, a very good local park with both off-road and paved trails.  However, just could not seem to get my motor going this morning.  A very slow 3.1 miles done and it didn't help that it was already 79 degrees, 88% humidity and dew-point of 78 at 5:30 in the morning.  Our temp today is hitting 97 with a heat index of 103, so I'm glad I did go this morning.

                                At one point this armadillo came out of the woods and scurried along about 4 feet parallel to me, so I got to run with an armadillo for a moment or two.  Funny little creatures.  Saw plenty of deer in the park too, including a fawn and its bounded out of the brush and went across the trail in front of me and onto another trail. .  Luckily, I saw the deer early this time and did not get knocked on my butt.  I got in in my head to follow them and see how long I could keep an eye on them so I went right behind them on the trail they went on.  They were far enough ahead of me so I posed no threat to them but the result of my antics was a kind of crazy "Charlie Chaplin" movie chase, with all of us going every which way on the winding trails, switiching back and forth on several trails, etc. hey finally bounded off-trail into some thick brush where I couldn't follow.  I went back on the paved trails and then encountered a guy walking his dog and gave the dog a treat and the guy turned out to be a Vietnam vet, so we had a nice short chat a about our respective military days before we each went our way.   So in spite of my slow running motor I did manage to have a bit of fun along the way.

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
