Beginners and Beyond


Tardigrade Thursdailies (Read 39 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Tardigrade:  Slow Paced


    Which seems a lot of us are this morning!   AFM, I so did not want to get up this morning, ended up sleeping in for an extra 30 minutes.


    Another beautiful day in San Antonio today, sunny and 85 degrees.  Will go out after work and do 3 - 4 miles, as usual.  I wish I could be like Basya or Marjorie or LRB or some of the rest of you and get out there and knock out 10 miles or so with no problem!  However, my stupid old back just won't allow it anymore, causes me too much pain to do distance running these days.  So I guess I'm now stuck for what remains of my running life with the shorter distances. 


    OK, pity-party over.  For an old dog who's been running 30 years, I'm not doing too badly and in my previous 'good' days I had a pretty good run - pun intended.    So I can't really complain.  It is what it is and I'm just happy to be able to get out there and do anything.

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

    Just B.S.

      Scotty you rock! I posted a pick for you late yesterday. We added 7 more inches to that last night

      And school closed for 2 nd day in a row. So much snow here that my employer closed for the first

      time in years.


      My street is not plowed yet and city streets down to one lane.


      Good news is more time for treadmill and bike while watching Olympics!


        You're kidding me, Scotty... Tardigrade? Like a child made up that word. :-)


        I may or may not run today. I received a call around 3:30 am and someone was on her way to the birthing home. 


        In other news: I want to register for a 50k in June, 5 weeks after my May marathon. But I don't want to train for the 50k. I want to wing it. Is that stupid?

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        delicate flower

          Good morning!!  lollergazer roffles


          Treadmill and more treadmill:  7 miles last night with a gentle hill profile.  6 easy miles done before work this morning.  With a HM Saturday, I am following the same basic schedule the few days leading into the race that I have done for the last few HM's I ran:  Get the runs in early Thursday and Friday to maximize leg rest time.  So, with a real easy 5 miler on tomorrow's schedule, I will have run a total of 5 miles during the 48 hours before the race.  COOL STORY BRO.


          WE LOVE YOU, SCOTTY!


          Just B.S.

            Woohoo!  Grandma day!


            Lily not a bit crazy. Do a few longer slower runs then do the 50 k moderately.


            In Ireland I ran super easy jogger pace because I was on vacation. Race was actually 27 miles with 3,000

            feet of climb finished in 5:05 my slowest ever  but because I ran it 55 minutes slower than my previous marathon

            I wasn't tired at all and could have easily run 4 more miles. However I know slowing down purposely is not in your

            DNA Smile

            You're kidding me, Scotty... Tardigrade? Like a child made up that word. :-)


            I may or may not run today. I received a call around 3:30 am and someone was on her way to the birthing home. 


            In other news: I want to register for a 50k in June, 5 weeks after my May marathon. But I don't want to train for the 50k. I want to wing it. Is that stupid?


              For an old dog who's been running 30 years, I'm not doing too badly and in my previous 'good' days I had a pretty good run - pun intended.    So I can't really complain.  It is what it is and I'm just happy to be able to get out there and do anything.


              Scotty, you're doing great. Honestly, I want to be like you and have a life like yours. 

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              Barking Mad To Run

                I saw that photo, Beth.  That is a lot of snow!  So you're off of work this week?  Enjoy the TM (is that even possible?) and the Olympic watching.


                Yay, Lily, the kid is finally ready to come out!    I'm not a distance runner, lily, so I won't give you any advice on the 50K. do you 'wing it' for 30 miles? Unless you're a bird, of course...   Fly, Lily Fly!  (to the tune of "Fly Robin Fly", I am aging myself here, I don't any of the young folks will even know that song...very popular during the Disco era..OMG! )


                7 miles last night with a gentle hill profile.  6 easy miles done before work this morning.   SHEESH, Phil!  After all that knee stuff, look at you now!  You really are the Rehab King!  Good luck with the upcoming half!

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Barking Mad To Run

                  Good morning!!  lollergazer roffles


                  Treadmill and more treadmill:  7 miles last night with a gentle hill profile.  6 easy miles done before work this morning.  With a HM Saturday, I am following the same basic schedule the few days leading into the race that I have done for the last few HM's I ran:  Get the runs in early Thursday and Friday to maximize leg rest time.  So, with a real easy 5 miler on tomorrow's schedule, I will have run a total of 5 miles during the 48 hours before the race.  COOL STORY BRO.


                  WE LOVE YOU, SCOTTY!


                  lol.  Thanks, Bro...


                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                    Good morning, everyone! Thank you for starting today's thread, scottydawg. I like today's word. I'm sure feeling tardigrade this morning. I wish that I were able to do three races in one weekend, as you do.


                    Beth, oy, seven more inches?!? Have fun running and biking indoors later.


                    Lily, that's so exciting! Good luck to DD and the little person! 50K is only 7.8K longer than a marathon. How much more training would you need, since it's only five weeks after the marathon?


                    Phil, enjoy your easy run and good luck on Saturday!


                    7.0 miles done in 1:08:42. 9:49 pace. If I didn't have to go to work, I'd have just kept at it.

                    Just B.S.

                      No just for the day so they can clean up the parking lot. Hate the mill but it has saved my marathon training

                      This winter.


                      I saw that photo, Beth.  That is a lot of snow!  So you're off of work this week?  Enjoy the TM (is that even possible?) and the Olympic watching.


                      Yay, Lily, the kid is finally ready to come out!    I'm not a distance runner, lily, so I won't give you any advice on the 50K. do you 'wing it' for 30 miles? Unless you're a bird, of course...   Fly, Lily Fly!  (to the tune of "Fly Robin Fly", I am aging myself here, I don't any of the young folks will even know that song...very popular during the Disco era..OMG! )


                      7 miles last night with a gentle hill profile.  6 easy miles done before work this morning.   SHEESH, Phil!  After all that knee stuff, look at you now!  You really are the Rehab King!  Good luck with the upcoming half!

                        Hate the mill but it has saved my marathon training This winter.


                        You and me both. Without the hamster wheel, I'd be out of running shape and my behind would be the size of New Hampshire.

                        Just B.S.

                          Haha me too! I normally do 90% of my winter running outside but the 15 storms of snow/ice since mid Dec, some of them lasting 2-3 days and a solid month of sub -5 F, there literally has been no way to get the outdoor runs accomplished.



                          You and me both. Without the hamster wheel, I'd be out of running shape and my behind would be the size of New Hampshire.


                          Barking Mad To Run

                            For an old dog who's been running 30 years, I'm not doing too badly and in my previous 'good' days I had a pretty good run - pun intended.    So I can't really complain.  It is what it is and I'm just happy to be able to get out there and do anything.


                            Scotty, you're doing great. Honestly, I want to be like you and have a life like yours. 


                            You mean be a person who was a March of Dimes baby, survived 4 wars, 3 helicopter crashes, fought cancer, had 4 knee surgeries and has a big screw completely through one knee, had bi-lateral hernia surgery, and now has some major arthritis from it all (spine, knees, hips, hands) and lives every day with aches and pains of varying degree, takes about 20 minutes to just even get moving correctly after getting out of bed and sometimes, in cold weather when his fingers don't work right, even has to have his spouse tie his shoes in the morning?   Lily, I love you and the folks here way too much to wish all THAT on  any of you!


                            But thanks, seriously, I know what you mean.  There are a lot of people who are dealing with much worse than I am.   All in all, I consider myself very lucky.  I'm still able to function, I have the most wonderful loving spouse in the world, good friends, a place that I enjoy living that has pretty great weather for most of the year round, a job that I really like and fairly good health and, I think, a fairly good attitude and a sense of humor that helps me get through things.  All in all, I would say I feel the same as what Gary Cooper said when he played Lou Gehrig in "Pride Of The Yankees" - - "today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. .."

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                            Just B.S.

                              You need to get started on that biography Scotty Smile


                              delicate flower

                                All in all, I consider myself very lucky.  I'm still able to function, I have the most wonderful loving spouse in the world, good friends, a place that I enjoy living that has pretty great weather for most of the year round, a job that I really like and fairly good health and, I think, a fairly good attitude and a sense of humor that helps me get through things. 


                                You have all of us too, which pretty much trumps all of that.

