Beginners and Beyond

We do shit around here on Fridays, too. (Read 35 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    Cyberic, I was wondering if the decrease in flexibility with your work schedule was a "fairness" thing if you worked for a school. Not sure it's the same in Canada, but here teachers and others working with kids have very little flexibility with their schedule during the work day.  I could see it being something people would complain about, even though the groups have totally different jobs.


    The mileage game, if you are on a team, is based on team miles. Everyone has a yearly goal & it's essentially yearly goal/52.


    Former Bad Ass

      14 with 5 @ GMP done. That was confusing because I have no idea what to shoot for but what I chose went well. 🤷‍♀️



        I've never participated in the miles game, but from what I understand a 60 mpw runner does not score more than  a 30 mpw runner?


        The teams are seeded evenly (as possible), so that each team has a high mileage runner, 2800 miles per year, a mid range runner, 2000, a low range runner, 800 miles etc.. You are simply expected to run that average per week and whichever teams has the most weekly wins at the end of the year, wins. There is also all star week and the playoffs but as easy as it sounds there is this thing called LIFE that sometimes gets in the way. But yeah, you are counting on that 30 mpw runner to run their 30 miles as much as you are the 60 mpw runner because it can be the difference between a 1st place finish or 5th.


            it can be the difference between a 1st place finish or 5th.


          Baboon and I can only DREAM about 5th place. The only thing keeping Baboon's team out of last place is mine.



            I remember vividly a low mileage runner (who shall remain nameless) who could not for the life himself run his measly 20 GD miles per week and it cost us victories like 5 weeks in a row! I literally hated him! Like, why join a game where people are counting on you to do what you PLEDGED you were going to do only to back out after one or two weeks. Dude once posted that he had gained 10 lbs, and was unable to the 2 stinking extra miles we needed and I think that's when I quit. lol


               Baboon and I can only DREAM about 5th place. The only thing keeping Baboon's team out of last place is mine.


              I haven't played since it went viral on RA, so I have no idea how many teams there are but I imagine there are a lot.


              Former Bad Ass

                I remember vividly a low mileage runner (who shall remain nameless) who could not for the life himself run his measly 20 GD miles per week and it cost us victories like 5 weeks in a row! I literally hated him! Like, why join a game where people are counting on you to do what you PLEDGED you were going to do only to back out after one or two weeks. Dude once posted that he had gained 10 lbs, and was unable to the 2 stinking extra miles we needed and I think that's when I quit. lol


                I still remember when your team voted someone out.  Your vote was hilarious.  It was something like take out that fool, yo, or something.


                From the Internet.

                  Good evening friends! I'm billing hourly on my current assignment which means I am VERY PRODUCTIVE during normal work hours right now!


                  I made time for a 10 mile MLR this morning. It was nice.

                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    LRB, 10 teams.


                      I still remember when your team voted someone out.  Your vote was hilarious.  It was something like take out that fool, yo, or something.


                      Oh wow, I had forgotten all about that! I mistakenly sent an email to everyone like get that bum the fuck out of town. Oops! lol


                      I was so mad at him. That's when I knew I had to quit because it was draining my energy seeing the same people not run their miles or "forgetting" to post every week.


                      Former Bad Ass


                        Oh wow, I had forgotten all about that! I mistakenly sent an email to everyone like get that bum the fuck out of town. Oops! lol


                        I was so mad at him. That's when I knew I had to quit because it was draining my energy seeing the same people not run their miles or "forgetting" to post every week.


                        I think it was my fault because I didn't bcc each person or whatever Dahlia wanted me to do.



                          Ok the miles game, yes it's a team thing, that I got, but what I wasn't sure was the "goal" vs what you actually run thing. So a person whose goal was 1000 miles and runs 1100 will score more "points" than one who had a 2500 miles goal and runs 2400. It's that part that I'm not sure.


                          Or is it that they try to make teams with a same amount of yearly miles, and it's the miles that count? In that case a team with the 1000->1100 and the 2500->2400 teammates evens out as the total is still 3500?


                          Is it a points thing, or a miles thing?



                            The miles game is about teams and it's the team's mileage that matters


                            I guess this answers my question Smile



                              Not sure what you mean. The game is by team and points depend on how the team does vs their weekly goal total.


                              But this confuses me


                                But it is just that I'm curious, because I do not participate in miles games, as I am very competitive and I could get mad at people not giving a damn about the game and their team. Like, why do you even participate?


                                I was in a miles game type app a while ago, and we were always top 4 or 5  world wide week after week, and then people stopped posting their miles, and it started to suck.