Beginners and Beyond


ankylosing spondylitis - maybe - ugh (Read 99 times)


Smaller By The Day

    So yeah...a couple of years ago I thought I had pink eye.  The doctor thought the same until it got severely worse.  Before I knew it, I got a crash course in Iritis.  I'll keep it short and sweet.  It sucks.


    They asked me to do some blood work, and based on that they told me that I would probably get it again some day, and again, and again, and again.  Basically, if your eye feels or looks funny get back here so we can save your vision and you a lot of pain.


    They also told me that there was a high risk of me developing ankylosing spondylitis.  They told me what to look for.  WWEEELLLLLLL....I had one symptom already, but didn't want to submit.  I'm stubborn.  Whatever.  Running actually eliminated a the one symptom that I had.  How cool is that?  They don't recommend running for people with ankylosing spondylitis.  It can cause you a stress fracture in your spine.


    I haven't told anyone other than my wife, but the syptoms seem to be piling up.  That's kind of why I don't post a lot.  For those that know me on facebook, don't bring this up on facebook unless it's by private message.  I'll delete you in a heartbeat.  The symptoms all go away with activity, which is consistent with what I've read.  I'll let you look into ankylosing spondylitis if you'd like, but I'll just say that if that is what is going on, it sucks big balls.


    Anyway, my spine gets inflamed when I'm not active.  My achilles tendonitis sets in when I don't move frequently.  I can be exhausted for days at a time for no reason.  I will have to give in soon and see my doctor again.  I'm not looking forward to it.  I just want to vent.  I think I literally need a week to decide what I'm willing to do, and sacrifice before I see the doctor again.  I gave up football because of injuries, my wrestling career ended in college because of injuries, and I was 2nd in the nation on Bench Press as a powerlifter until injuries ended my quest for #1.  I swear that I'll make it until my half marathon with Mitch before I let some idiot in a lab coat take this away.


    Because of sports, I've gone from 167 to 315 to 215 pounds.  My mind and spirit have always existed for my friends and family.  My body has been like my car.  It's there to perform; FOR ME.  It's failing, and I don't know how to fix it.  Maybe it's nothing, and I coincidentally have multiple symptoms of what my doctor warned me about.  That would be great.  Let's just stick with that for another week.


    Weight 100 pounds lost

    5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

    10K 48:59 April 2013

    HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

    MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


      Wow! Dude, this sucks. Now I have to go look that up. Don't you dare put your health at risk for me. Being friends doesn't "require" running. Take care, I'll be praying and thinking good thoughts for ya.


      Smaller By The Day

        Dude, I seriously think the fear of running for people with ankylosing spondylitis is a bunch of crap.  If running can cause a spinal fracture, then I'd be destined for a wheelchair anyway.  Running is pretty low impact compared to the rest of my life.


        Wow! Dude, this sucks. Now I have to go look that up. Don't you dare put your health at risk for me. Being friends doesn't "require" running. Take care, I'll be praying and thinking good thoughts for ya.


        Weight 100 pounds lost

        5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

        10K 48:59 April 2013

        HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

        MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


        Former Bad Ass

          Wow.  Lots of things going on with you.  Research the condition and issue to death.


          Stay strong.  And get a second opinion.



            Dude, I seriously think the fear of running for people with ankylosing spondylitis is a bunch of crap.  If running can cause a spinal fracture, then I'd be destined for a wheelchair anyway.  Running is pretty low impact compared to the rest of my life.



            I've just spent the last little while reading, and there are a whole bunch of things involved with this. Does all the driving tend to make you stiffen up? I think the "not running", will be a doctors own opinion, and that will vary. If the running makes you feel good, then I say continue on. I think the problem for you will be if you become sedentary, and we both know that ain't happening.

            Jack K.

            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

              Wow, Awood...  two things come to mind: see the doctor and stay active.


                Wow, I am so sorry that you're facing this.  I am so glad you're going to go in and hopefully get some answers!  Knowing (and getting a second opinion) is better than not knowing, I think.


                Thanks for letting us know what was going on.  I will be pulling for you!

                Will run for scenery.

                  I googled it - what a horrible thing to be facing.  I can understand wanting some time to think, but definitely get yourself to the doctor.  The one good thing I saw in the article I read was that exercise helps.

                  Stupid feet!

                  Stupid elbow!

                  Little Blue

                    Wow, that's scary.  Take one more week, then go to the doctor.  This doesn't look like something that will go away with hoping.  Best of luck to you, and your wife.

                    Hip Redux

                      Well, that sucks.  Sad   I hope you get some good news from the dr.



                      Smaller By The Day


                        I've just spent the last little while reading, and there are a whole bunch of things involved with this. Does all the driving tend to make you stiffen up? I think the "not running", will be a doctors own opinion, and that will vary. If the running makes you feel good, then I say continue on. I think the problem for you will be if you become sedentary, and we both know that ain't happening.


                        I look like an 80 year old man for the first couple of minutes when I get out of the car now.  When I'm at the house, I have to get up and move around from time to time.


                        Thank you guys for letting me vent a little bit, and for the kind words.


                        Weight 100 pounds lost

                        5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                        10K 48:59 April 2013

                        HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                        MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                          My bosses daughter has been  diagnosed with that. She's in HS and a volleyball player.


                          When I decided to run a 5k 4 yrs ago to help with my circulation, I hurt my back, dr. said is was probably muscle spasms. I took 6 months off and tried again. I hurt my back again. Did a MRI and found 2 compression fractures, diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. i took forteo for 2 years and started running again. Weight bearing exercise is supposed to help with osteoporosis, yet running is not recommended. So far it's either helped or I've been lucky who knows.


                          It's a catch-22 what helps can also hurt. Do what you think is best for you.


                            Wow dude, sorry about that. I have heard of AS only because years ago I went in for something with my eye, and the doc mentioned that as a  possibility to consider, without really telling me much more about it. I went home & looked it up, and scared the shit out of me. Fortunately it wasn't.


                            Good luck, and a huge +1 to a second opinion.



                              Hope the doc can give you some good news.


                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                              Team TJ

                                Dang A, that seems like a lot to have to deal with.  Stay strong brother!

                                Running for TJ because he can't.

