Beginners and Beyond


August 2014 Racing Thread (Read 37 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Sorry I'm behind!  Please post your races!


    08/09 PADRunner - Hands & Feet for Charity V 5K (Result: 30:16, PR!)

    08/09 Bozydeco - Jog Days of Summer 5K (Goal: Sub 27:28) (Result: 28:19)

    08/09 StoneFence - Fox Creek 5K (Goal sub 35:38 for a new PR) (Result: 34:32.7, PR!)

    08/16 Daves_Not_Here - Running With The Bears Half Marathon

    08/16 Dtothe2nd - Strider Mile (Goal: sub 5:30) (Result: DNS)

    08/17 B+ - Richmond Oval 10K (Goal: Top 15) (Result: 8th Place!)

    08/24 Baboon - Old Wethersfield 10K (Goal: Boot current 43:16 PR in the ass

    08/25 bluerun - Self Transcendence Marathon (Result: 4:00:48, RR)

    08/28 Alpharetta Mayor's Challenge 5K - Goal (sub 28:00) (Result: 30:04)

    08/30 Love the Half - Charleston Distance Run: America's 15 Miler

    08/31 Lurch - Disneyland Half Marathon

    08/31 Mr. Docket - Disneyland Half Marathon (RR)

    08/31 Docket_Rocket - Disneyland Half Marathon (RR)

    08/31 mucknort - Disneyland Half Marathon

    08/31 Runny_babbit - Chicago Women's Half Marathon

    08/31 wcrunner2 - Labor Pain 12-Hour (planning to stop at 50K as training run for NC 24)



      8/9 PADRunner - Hands & Feet for Charity V 5K


      delicate flower

        8/24 - Baboon - Old Wethersfield 10K.  Goal is to take my PR (43:16) and boot it in the ass. 


          8/16 Dtothe2nd - Strider Mile (goal: sub 5:30)


          My running blog

          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

          Love the Half

            08/30 Love the Half - Charleston Distance Run: America's 15 Miler

            Short term goal: 17:59 5K

            Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

            Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


              8/17 B+ - Richmond Oval 10k (top 15)


              Former Bad Ass

                All updated!


                  8/9 Jog Days of Summer 5K (goal= sub 27:28)

                  “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot

                  on my way to badass

                    8/9- StoneFence- Fox Creek 5K- goal sub 35:38 for a new PR.

                    Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


                    Are we there, yet?

                      8/31 wcrunner2 - Labor Pain 12-Hour (planning to stop at 50K as training run for NC 24)

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K
                            05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                      on my way to badass

                        8/9- StoneFence-Fox Creek 5K 34:32.7 New PR!

                        Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


                          08/09 PADRunner - Hands & Feet for Charity V 5K - 30:16 :46 PR Getting closer!

                            8/9 Jog Days of Summer 5K (goal= sub 27:28)

                            Result = 28:19

                            “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


                            Former Bad Ass

                              All results and races updated.


                              Great job this weekend, guys!



                                8/17 B+ - Richmond Oval 10k (top 15)


                                8th place
