Beginners and Beyond


2014: Good, bad or indifferent? (Read 66 times)


    Started bad. Shin splints again. DNS a spring HM.   I quit running in March for a few months and joined a gym. Started back running in summer. And built up very slowly. It was August before I attempted a run over 3.1M  slowly adding since then.   Did 2 HM this Fall even though I wasn't trained.  Very happy.  But still paranoid.




      The Good: Two really, really good marathons. I exceeded my expectations with big PR's in both.


      The Bad: I can't really complain about much when it comes to what my running goals were this year and what I did.


      The Indifferent: I'm not sure what more I can chase at the marathon distance or what another minute or two drop in PR would mean to me. Right now I just don't have the motivation to jump into another marathon training cycle. And in a way that sort of bugs me. I may pace a friend at Chicago this fall but I won't be running one for me this year. And I'm looking forward to it because I want to race more in 2015 at shorter distances as I do have some goals in mind on that front.






        The Indifferent: I'm not sure what more I can chase at the marathon distance or what another minute or two drop in PR would mean to me. Right now I just don't have the motivation to jump into another marathon training cycle. And in a way that sort of bugs me. I may pace a friend at Chicago this fall but I won't be running one for me this year. And I'm looking forward to it because I want to race more in 2015 at shorter distances as I do have some goals in mind on that front.


        Ultra time!



        Are we there, yet?

          The year started well with solid but not spectacular races at the Clearwater HM and Jackpot Ultra 12-hour. After that it was a lot of ups and downs with my goal race at NC 24 in September a disappointment. One oddity was a very frustrating day at Labor Pain where I was almost an hour late because I couldn't find the start, but learned a lot about trail racing and about myself in pushing through all that anyway.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            Ultra time!


            The thought has crossed my mind more than once.





               Ultra time!


              Just reading that gives me the heebie geebies. lol



                Just reading that gives me the heebie geebies. lol


                Yeah I'm not sure I'm cut out for that kind of nonsense.



                  And I'm looking forward to it because I want to race more in 2015 at shorter distances as I do have some goals in mind on that front.


                  Given the killer performance in your fall marathon, you are ripe to rip shit up across the board from the half marathon down next season!


                    Running related: 2013 was an awesome year for me and 2014 was about 3 minutes away from awesomeness. So I give it a solid GOOD. To be honest, I did not put in the same sweat into this year as I had done in 2013, so no surprise there. No PRs for me, but lots of great memories. I especially enjoyed seeing that I could still run rather strongly, in pretty bad conditions, only 2 weeks after my second best marathon finish time.


                    Health wise: I probably have the lungs of an 80 year old woman, but I still have the abs of a 20 year old. That averages out to 50, which sounds about right for me. I guess I am indifferent to it all.


                    On a personal level: My clan grew by one member this year and it's a female. Be afraid, gentlemen. Be very afraid.


                    Good stuff over all.

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Health wise: I probably have the lungs of an 80 year old woman, but I still have the abs of a 20 year old. That averages out to 50, which sounds about right for me. I guess I am indifferent to it all.

                      Somehow I doubt an 80 year old could run an 8mm for 26.2


                        Somehow I doubt an 80 year old could run an 8mm for 26.2


                        Sure, if she has strong abs, she can. It's all in the form. 

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                          Sure, if she has strong abs, she can. It's all in the form. 


                          Have you ever run or considered running an ultra?



                            Have you ever run or considered running an ultra?


                            I once ran (and walked) some sort of ultra event in a gym, many years ago. It was hot in there and the music was horrible. I had to smile each time I would see someone. It was a nightmare. And that's coming from the TM lady.  Maybe running outside would have been more pleasant? Maybe I should give it some thought...

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                              I once ran (and walked) some sort of ultra event in a gym, many years ago. It was hot in there and the music was horrible. I had to smile each time I would see someone. It was a nightmare. And that's coming from the TM lady.  Maybe running outside would have been more pleasant? Maybe I should give it some thought...


                              Well walking and ultra marathons are synonymous so that's normal and no I was not inferring you should consider it, I was just wondering if you had.


                              I like you where you are I would just like to see you run the 5 and 10k a bit more in the spring and early summer, but I understand why you do not.

                                Some good, some bad, not much indifference.



                                A strong Boston, but a mediocre fall marathon.  I'm happiest with my showing at the Buffalo HM, a PR and probably my best race ever at any distance.  I'm most disappointed with not defending the "most wins for the year" title among Buffalo-area runners.  My summer injury turned out to have a silver lining, forcing me to learn better form and maintenance and more apt to not run through potential problems.


                                I forced myself to be more social in the sport, and made some new friends who seem like genuinely good people, not just folks with a common interest.


                                Not running:

                                Not important compared to the challenges some people face.  I have health, a job I don't hate, and a cat to keep me from going (more) crazy.
