Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES - Have you hugged your treadmill lately? (Read 33 times)


    Yeah, like that's going to happen.


    'Sup crew!


    I am headed to the gym for a tempo run.  A run that was supposed to be done outside after work today.


    But when Mother Nature serves you lemons, you gobble them up and ask for seconds.


    See ya! 

    Just B.S.

      We bought our treadmill for Christmas 2005 when hubby and son were training for sons first

      marathon. Not until this year have I spent so much time on it averaging at least twice a week as opposed to my

      Normal 10 times a winter.


      With another foot of snow on the way tonight she will be getting lots more love this week.


      I actually told hubby last night after 4 miles on the mill " I don't hate the treadmill anymore" never dreamed

      I would say those words Smile


      Tonight is 6 on the mill and 30 miles spin bike.


        Look at you, baby. Full of my dried up sweat mixed with dust. You're a beast and you know it. You control me and I control you, but there is more than just grunting and pushing buttons in this relationship. Our love is like a never ending run.


        That's how I talk to my treadmill. 


        9 miles with 6x800m @ 5k pace. We'll see how it goes. I'm still feeling sore all over. Maybe I'll switch for Thursday's run of 7 at recovery instead.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          The way I talked to my treadmill this morning cannot be printed on a family internet forum.

          10 miles on that bad boy, which for some reason felt particularly tough today.



          delicate flower

            Well good morning to you, INTERNET!  Treadmills for everyone!  I've got 8-9 miles of speedwork on the TM planned after work today.  Yesterday's beautiful weather was nice, but it's back to crappy weather the next two days.  It'll be rain instead of snow, so I'll take it.  Maybe all the rain will wash away the snow on the rail trail.





              I am breaking the TM trend. The storm missed us and temps aren't too bad (20s right now, but with some wind), so I will do my hill repeats outside. My second outdoor run since Feb. 1. Meh.

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


              Barking Mad To Run

                I don't even have a treadmill.  And don't want one, ever!


                82 degrees after work yesterday and a very blue, cloudless sky.  Started my run/walk from one of the local YMCAs, went down to the San Antonio Riverwalk, then wound back to a local park and enjoyed being on some natural trails under beautiful shade trees, then out of the park and along a road that runs by the river and then back to the YMCA.  Very nice outing on a beautiful day, one big loop that got me 4.2 miles done.   The weather was so pleasant, of course, that Mother Nature just had to screw with us again and so today we have 30 mph gusting winds, a temp in the upper 40s right now, and our high today will only be in the low 60s...and tomorrow morning we will have temps in the 30s again...a 50-degree drop in temp for us from the temp yesterday sheesh!  That Mother Nature is one Crazy Old Lady!


                Dang, Beth...30 miles spin bike!  You go!


                "Look at you, baby. Full of my dried up sweat mixed with dust. You're a beast and you know it. You control me and I control you, but there is more than just grunting and pushing buttons in this relationship. Our love is like a never ending run.    That's how I talk to my treadmill."  "Treadmill"...nice nickname for your DH, Lily.   Keep pushing his buttons!  


                Congrats on getting done the tough 10 miles, DaveP!


                Let's hope all that rain for you, Baboon, does not turn into flooding!  Happy miles after work today!


                Good luck with your outside hill repeats, Step!   Hope the wind cooperates for you and is at your back for the uphills.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  SRD or a bike ride.  We'll see.


                  back to court.  See you later.



                  delicate flower


                    Let's hope all that rain for you, Baboon, does not turn into flooding!  Happy miles after work today! 


                    Flooding is inevitable.  Happens every year when the late winter/early spring rains come and melt all the snow.  Between that and all the extra water volume from miles upstream, the river that runs through town can't handle it.  Usually it's minor flooding, but we've had some years where it's been crazy.  It's mostly just roads and flatlands that get flooded over...never any residences.



                      What a lively bunch, I love you peeps!


                      7 miles done, 3 of them steady state at 6:35.  Wasn't so bad, and I have come to view the old belt for what it is; a necessary evil that is not evil through actions of its own.


                      No different than an opossum, who like the treadmill had no hand in what it is or how it looks.  I therefore have no beef with either of them.





                        Yesterday's 6 miler gave me 40 miles in the last 7 days, if I think outside of the whole Monday-Sunday or Sunday through Saturday box. So I am taking today and tomorrow off and giving my legs some rest from running, and definitely give them some foam rolling treatment and stretching. I also really need to do some ab/core workouts today, I've been slacking on that and my upper body workouts since last week...... but now for some coffee.


                        No treadmill for me yet, so no kissy or lovey dovey on a damn treadmill 

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                          No different than an opossum, who like the treadmill had no hand in what it is or how it looks.  I therefore have no beef with either of them.


                          That's a funny, and weird, analogy. LOL...


                          Scotty, what brought you to San Antonio? Did you choose the location for your future retirement or was it a work related relocation? SO and I have started thinking about buying a house somewhere in the US for our future winters, when retired. We're considering either Florida, New Mexico, Arizona or San Antonio. What do you think?

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                          From the Internet.

                            I will hug the stupid treadmill tomorrow, when it's FUCKING SNOWING AGAIN, DAMMIT. Seriously, winter, this is just getting stupid.


                            Today, however, it was 42 degrees when I got up at 5:15, so I did a quick 2.55 recovery miles outside with no gloves and only one shirt on. First mile was painfully slow, second had a big hill, but I did it and it was outside and now I'm happy Smile


                              No different than an opossum, who like the treadmill had no hand in what it is or how it looks.  I therefore have no beef with either of them.


                              That's a funny, and weird, analogy. LOL...



                                I will hug the stupid treadmill tomorrow, when it's FUCKING SNOWING AGAIN, DAMMIT.

