Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES - A chilly start (Read 39 times)


Wickedly Average

    Morning, Runners, Dailies, Lurkers, and the rest!


    Time to post your daily stuff for the world to critique! Smile

    Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

    5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


    Wickedly Average

      When I say chilly, I mean chilly!  18 degrees here in SE Tennessee! A bit cold for my tastes, though it's a more comfy 68 inside the house.


      I'm looking at heading out for 3.5 today to round out my week. Still nursing the knee, keeping the volume and frequency down. It's a delicate balance between getting the cardio benefit of the run, versus getting into the stiffness/hurt zone with the knee. I think another doctor visit is due. In the meantime, I'm keeping the volume down.


      And speaking of 'down', I'm down 2 pounds for the week, seeking to get back under 200 where I'm my best for running. I'm using MyFitnessPal this time, and it's working well. I can log my meals on the desktop, laptop, iPad or phone so it's perfect for wherever I am.


      Shoutout to my Cousin - she's running the Charleston Marathon in Charleston, SC. Good luck, Shonna!

      Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

      5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


      Go figure

        Good morning!  I'm up to meet some friends for 12 easy miles starting out down at our running store here in a little bit.


        Runtom...sounds like a painful issue to be dealing with...hope you can get it sorted out.  Nice job dropping some weight this week.

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


        Wickedly Average

          SIAR, the big key to the weight thing, for me, is just keeping track of what I take in. Just honestly tracking my intake is incentive enough to make sure that I don't take in a lot, and that what I do take in is a notch or two better than what I was taking in. I'm not nearly as heavy as I was pre-running, but I don't want to get that heavy either. A pound a week is my goal.


          As for the knee, if it wasn't a pain in the knee, I'd call it a pain in the a$$. Smile

          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


            Yeah it is currently 9 degrees with a wind chill of 1, which will seem like a sauna with what is headed our way next week.


            Boy this has been a shit year gong back to early December in terms of weather.


            Anyway, I have some intervals planned today but I am in no hurry to get out into that crap.  My running crew is meeting up at the park as we speak but by the time I get there they will be done and showered!


            Tom, I basically went down to two meals a day (lunch & dinner) during my stint on the bench last year, and supplemented with about 5 servings of fruit throughout the day.


            I have been into fitness a long time though and can count calories just by looking at food portions.  It was actually my first time going on an extended calorie restriction and it worked out extremely well.  Continued luck to you!


              Morning, gents!


              Cold? Yes. 9*, feels like -7*, and the snow started falling and blowing while I was out there. Could have used a second layer on bottom, but I survived. 6.94 miles slow as molasses. I need to do yoga again tonight and torture my hip with the foam roller, but first a busy day with DS at a 4-H speech contest, the library, nature workshop (making pinecone bird feeders) and then birthday party.


              I need to get back to tracking my eating, too. I thought I was going to be able to just give myself some rules, but that hasn't seemed to work. I followed them for a week, then regressed to old habits. I'll fire up MyFitnessPal after next weekend's marathon.


              Have a great day, all!

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                Looking at 7/-5 here today. But I need to leave shortly to take DD2 to her hockey game which is 45 minutes away. Problem with HS girls hockey is there are not so many schools with a team (even less with enough players for a JV team, which she is on), so the games are pretty spread out. So anyway I have my excuse to wait till this afternoon to run when it's a bit warmer.


                Did an unexpected double yesterday - ran at lunchtime, then changed a flat tire out in the cold & dark at 8:30 last night. Fun times.


                Have a good day everyone, and run for Meg!



                  Thanks everyone, for all your thoughts and kind words yesterday.  My dad is back home from the hospital and doing better.


                  SRD for me.  Wow, I can't believe all those cold temps.  Its 70 degrees here, about 20 degrees warmer than usual for this time of year.

                  Life is good.


                  Wickedly Average

                    I'm sorry that I missed that about your Dad, Outoftheblue. I hope he's feeling better.

                    Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                    5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                      Long run this morning, but I'm not sure how long, 17-19... Then I'll try to add a few recovery miles later this evening to compensate for the run I skipped yesterday. SO will be gone all day to target shooting practice in Ontario, and DS will be spending the weekend at DD's place. Probably the last time for him sleeping over there. When the baby has arrived, she won't be able to have him for a while. I think he will find it difficult. But today, the cat and I will enjoy having the house all to ourselves.

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        outoftheblue, I wish your dad a smooth recovery. I bet he's happy to be home again!

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                          Morning!  Got my 13 in after work yesterday.  Since I tend to get cold at the end of LRs (especially after work in the dark), I overdressed for the temps and I think that was a good call.  I started to feel tired around 8.5 and at 11.5 noticed that I was daydreaming and really slacking.  So I picked it up, and just that little change made me start feeling really good.  My last mile was the most enjoyable one by far.


                          Today I have last Monday's run, back from the dead.  So, 7ish with 8 sets of strides.


                          Tom- Glad you're able to get some miles in.


                          OOTB- Good news about your dad.  Wishing him a smooth and speedy recovery.


                            Welp, it ain't getting any warmer so I am driving over to the loop (25 miles one way) to do my speed work on the hills.


                            This is gonna hurt...


                              Gooooood morning.  I believe I will be heading out for maybe 10 miles, maybe not, after I finish with my coffee time.


                                Also, I found out that horse poop is a lot harder to dodge in the dark.   The fun part was trying to remember where is was on my way back so that I didn't step in it again!
