Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES - A chilly start (Read 39 times)


Run to live; live to run


    Not the memories Baby, that was so much fun!


    True. Now I want an avocado crisp, damn it




      It is actually huge with each one hundredth of a second being something ridiculous like 1 MPH in pace!


      Lily, there is a clip of the finale of his race right out on our board in George's thread.  Do you even read our threads? 


      Thanks! I will go check that right away. I usually skip all threads about famous athletes, because... meh... they're not us. We are more glorious than they are.  But I'm curious about this Rupp guy. He looks just like a little boy!

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        True. Now I want an avocado crisp, damn it


        You can always make one.  It was a tortilla flat, cheese, tomatoes, onions, more cheese and about 170 avocados sliced!  lol


        I have never seen so many avocados in a single dish in my life.  I love that thing!


        I will send you some pics if you ever decide to try it.


        Wickedly Average

          And while y'all were burning some calories discussing LRB's intervals, I went out and ran what I thought would be a chilly 3.5. It was about 40 out so I dressed for 40. Should have dressed for 60. I forgot the '20 degree warmer' rule, I guess.


          Oh well, it felt good to run and I'm pleased to still be able to do so.

          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


          delicate flower

            'Morning.  I had a great day of skiing with the wife today.  Skied from 8 to 3 (a couple of eat breaks) and I skied the trail that destroyed my knee last year.  My ski mojo is returning.  Now I'm icing down and chilling.  More of the same tomorrow.  Life is good.




              DH and I ran 3.5 today and I was very grateful. We took it VERY slow since it was our first run since being sick. It was a sunny, windy day along the waterfront, and we enjoyed every minute of it.


              RIP, Meg.


              Wickedly Average

                Glad you conquered that ski slope,  baboon!

                Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                  Sheeit, his sack is bigger than mine.  I would not touch that slope with a 39 & a half foot pole.  lol


                  Glad to see you enjoying it Boon.


                    3 miles 29:03 - 9:41 avg. pace - easy + plyometric warm up + 3x200m @ 6:45 pace for Meg

                     Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile



                      Yay for my first set of 8 x 100 done.  This round, I remembered that the workout is supposed to focus on form an efficiency, so that's what I tried to pay attention to as I was running.


                        Great job, Zelanie!


                        Tom, sounds like you have perfect weather for running where you live. I envy you. Do you shoot?


                        Moth, please stick around! It's nice to see you here. 


                        I did 6 miles at recovery, 9:09 pace. Total for the day, 24 miles. Why don't I feel recovered after my recovery run? I call BS on these types of runs... grrr...

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                          So one thing or another (aka life) kept getting in the way today, keeping me from running. Before ya know it, it's 5:00 & getting dark out. I figure I need to just hit the treadmill at this point. Did 10, felt much easier than my usual 10 on the treadmill at 5am. It was going SO well, that the meatloaf came out of the oven at 6:30, but I stayed on the treadmill till 7:00. GREATEST WILL POWER EVER!!



                            Why don't I feel recovered after my recovery run? I call BS on these types of runs... grrr...


                            It is for the next morning, you will feel like a million bucks!  Super Bad on the 24 for the day!


                            Supp Mikey Mike!


                            Welcome to my world Zelly!


                            Way to fight the loaf Dave, now go eat it up!


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Hi, guys.  At the hotel getting ready. i still feel under the weather but still starting tomorrow.  I forgot my asthma meds so we will see how it goes.


                              As to the LRB/Marjorie picture, I think you need to FE again and take the pic.



                                Hi, guys.  At the hotel getting ready. i still feel under the weather but still starting tomorrow. 


                                Stay away from spicy foods this time!
