Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


rather be sprinting

    Hey, guys. Sarah, I feel your sfx pain. Sad  Dave--no running sucks but you CAN get through it--just throw yourself into what crosstraining is possible.


    So... yeah, I  don't know if I mentioned this elsewhere, but the reason I disappeared is I have a femoral neck stress fracture.  It is on the compression side so it's not QUITE as bad as it could be, but it's just about the second-worst kind of break you can get; if I had kept running on it I could easily have shattered my hip and needed a hip replacement at age 25.  That is a terrifying thought and has so far kept me from overdoing it.  BTW I did get a bone density scan: happily my bones are quite thick and health, no osteoporosis or osteopenia despite my adolescent history of anorexia.  I guess genetics dealt me a good hand in terms of bone health.  It also means, though, that I REALLY need to watch how hard I push myself, as I somehow broke the largest, healthy bone in my body through sheer force of will.


    I think it might have been doing tuck jumps in track spikes, actually.  On top of the stress of coming back too fast from my last injury/time off running, and maybe too fast an increase in speedwork/mileage or too much Olympic lifting?  Too much everything, I suppose, weakened it, and then jumping and landing hard probably did me in.


    I haven't run in more than a month.  I still have 3.5 weeks to a month of zero running and zero lower body lifting that isn't leg extensions/curls/presses with weight I can handle "easily for 20 reps" according to the doctor (ugh).  The good news is:


    1. I joined a Masters swim team!  I can now swim slightly faster than 'pathetic' and mimic an epileptic dolphin with my butterfly stroke.  And it is fun, albeit in a frustrating way: I feel I have untapped potential for speed that I can't access because the movement is so new to me and I'm just not coordinated in the water yet.  But the coach is fantastic and makes up for the team practice time at 6 am.


    2. I'm finally allowed to bike, as well, so I'm doing hard intervals on the spin bike.  If you think I'm going to risk road biking and falling on my hip, you're craaazy.


    3. Upper body has never looked so ripped.  Been working on chinups, pushups, triceps, bench press (sadly still pretty weak), overhead press, and have truly perfected my renegade rows.   This impresses my new boyfriend, who is a bodybuilder.


    4. I haven't gained weight/fat.  Haven't lost, either, as I want to give my body enough to heal itself.  Been getting tons of calcium mostly in the form of Farmer's Market cheese.


    Anyway, hi guys, definitely need the support right now.  Despite the above good points, I'm struggling a bit.  I can't motivate myself to pool run, for instance, as I just don't believe it helps: the movement is just too awkward and SO not anything like real running.  I guess spinning and swimming will have to do because psychologically I just cannot face it. :/

    PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

    Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb


      Upper body has never looked so ripped. 

      You know the rules; pics or it didn't happen!  Wink


      Sorry to hear about your condition, I wondered where you wondered off to.  I thought it was something I said. lol


      Seriously, you are so active physically that this is a total surprise.  Yet you are so active physically that I suppose anything is possible. I know from experience that swimming is a very good alternative, so keep at it.


      Sending healing vibes your way, and glad you checked in.  Keep us updated and keep it positive.  You have been through a lot the past year so your time is coming!


        No idea how much longer I should wait, but thinking about testing it out sometime this weekend.


        What exactly is your ailment?  The only thing I remember is pain behind your knee.


        Super B****

          I have not dealt with the phenomena (knocks on wood), but I hear tell it hurts like hell and looks about the same.  I cannot wait to see you back it though, your times were dropping like mad!

          There you go.  (This isn't really bad at all... though my ITB is still crunching when I roll it, so there's more crap in there to get rid of.  Fun.)


          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog



            What exactly is your ailment?  The only thing I remember is pain behind your knee.


            That's the one. Keeps coming back.



            rather be sprinting

              Pics, LRB?  OK!  This is actually JUST pre-injury--I'm not squatting now--but you can see some traps/shoulder.s



              and I hope this is appropriate, sorry if it is not--just a progress picture I took of my back.  Actually I've progressed a bit since then:




              Anyhow, yeah, I don't know how it happened either--I tried to train smart,but I seem to have no middle gears and always just train through too much pain.  I guess in future I just have to be more careful. Sad


              I do want to hear about all of your exploits! I'll try to hang around more as I get ready to run again.

              PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

              Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb


                There you go.  (This isn't really bad at all... though my ITB is still crunching when I roll it, so there's more crap in there to get rid of.  Fun.)


                Incredible!  I am not sure I would ever do that, in fact, I am pretty sure I would not.  When I had my ITB problem (spent 5 weeks on the bench), I was told to buy a foam roller, then roll on it until my IT band "hurt like the dickens".  I passed!  lol


                But I understand needing to take things to another level when all else fails.  Thankfully for me, I was able to do some strengthening exercises and find a shoe that did not exacerbate the problem.


                Hopefully you are on the mend, we want more pics of you racing horses!  Tongue


                  Anyhow, yeah, I don't know how it happened either--I tried to train smart,but I seem to have no middle gears and always just train through too much pain.  I guess in future I just have to be more careful.


                  It is better then the burnout you experienced last year!  How is Dad doing, did he ever get that 7:00 mile he was after?


                    That's the one. Keeps coming back.


                    It is truly bizarre (and unfortunate) that there is no name for that or treatment.  Have you seen a chiropractor?  Though that whole cracky thingy that they do creeps me the F out, them people are good when traditional medicine fails to come up with a diagnosis.


                    Dr. Mary in Warren works with Olympic athletes, and has a ton of experience.  She is pretty sharp.  Just sitting and talking with one may uncover the root cause of your problem, something you are possibly overlooking.


                    In any event, good luck with your test run!



                      It is truly bizarre (and unfortunate) that there is no name for that or treatment.  Have you seen a chiropractor?  Though that whole cracky thingy that they do creeps me the F out, them people are good when traditional medicine fails to come up with a diagnosis.


                      Dr. Mary in Warren works with Olympic athletes, and has a ton of experience.  She is pretty sharp.  Just sitting and talking with one may uncover the root cause of your problem, something you are possibly overlooking.


                      In any event, good luck with your test run!


                      Well I would imagine there is both a name and a treatment, I have just gotten neither. I have still never seen a specialist; only had the 5-minute GP exam (no real diagnosis) sending me to PT (assessed as probably gastroc strain). Had both improvement and regression during PT; overall I think a waste of time & money. If the test run goes poorly, next step is to (finally) ask for a referral to a sports med doc. Of course I would like a proper diagnosis, but I am dreading the potential of another round of PT...



                      rather be sprinting

                        Dave, please do get a referral to a sports medicine doctor or orthopedist.  Sometimes there's an easy fix for things and it  is SO SO important to get a diagnosis, as on occasion you can make things worse from not knowing what something is.  Like, for instance, when I didn't know I had an sfx I was still doing things like the rowing machine thinking it was OK, but turns out it puts a LOT of pressure on the femur.  So please do go and let us know what's up.  Insurance covers most of that anyhow, doesn't it?


                        LRB--My dad is also on the semi-injured list, so he's probably not going to attempt sub-7:00 this year--maybe in winter on the indoor track with me since with luck I'll be fit to compete again.  (Can you say 4 x 200 relay on a banked track? YES).  He's not seriously wounded, just knee twinges from too much tennis so he's wary of speedwork, which I believe is quite right.  I have him doing some exercises to strengthen core and quad muscles to protect his knees.


                        So many of my friends, online and IRL, are injured and off running... I really do believe it's a very injury-prone sport when done on a serious competitive level.  Of course, that's most things done on a serious competitive level.  My coach told me the other day "You can't train to avoid a stress fracture, you just have to know when you're beginning to feel pain and back off," and I guess that's right--you train and simply need to listen to your body and know how it's responding, not blindly follow plans.  Balancing that with the 'good' pain of proper breakdown, from which you can recover--tha'ts the tough part.  Oy.


                        I also believe more and more in cardio crosstraining as well as weights.  I'll continue swimming and cycling once I can run again.  Even though I will always prefer running, I just gotta do it.

                        PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                        Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Welcome back, scap!  Sorry about the injury but your upper body is coming along nicely.


                          Dave, sorry for the low miles.



                            Scappodaqui - the problem with stress fractures, and a lot of other running injuries, is that there often is no warning at all.  Both my injuries came completely out of nowhere.  I had months of running injury free.  I didn't even need an advil after any of my runs.  Then one day, big TWINGE, and then I couldn't run.  Not for months and months.  I think that is what is so scary to me about starting up again.  I have no way of knowing when or whether I'll get hurt again..

                            Will run for scenery.

                              Hey Scap,

                              Nice to see you popping in.  I knew you wete out w/ something, but being on the verge of a shattered hip is pretty damn scary - be careful!


                              The swimming sounds great.  (Masters at age 25 ? Speaking of scary.....)  Most of us swim like crap until we get some good instruction - then there's buttloads of improvement !  There's an awesome book out there by Sheila Taormina (Olympic medalist) that is all about Freestyle.  It helped me a lot.


                              Yeah, and pool jogging just sucks.

                              Stupid feet!

                              Stupid elbow!


                              rather be sprinting

                                Ginny--oy, I'm sorry to hear that's how it went for you.  Are you back running yet?  Excuse me if I haven't read through the whole thread--sadly long.  For me, though, it didn't come on suddenly.  I was having twinges in a specific part of my thigh for about 8 weeks before I think it fractured officially.  I remember feeling odd because I couldn't extend the leg during a pistol squat.


                                Damaris--good to see you too, hope the asthma is treating you OK.


                                jjs--yeah, I'm improving pretty quickly as the movement becomes more natural.  I'm doing my 50s in <45s now, which isn't terrible.  But it would be super awesome to get my mile time under 30 (I'm at about 35 now, though that wasn't all out).  I'll definitely check out that book, though the 3 x per week workouts should be good for me for now.  How is your swimming?

                                PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                                Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb