Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES: What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? (Read 66 times)




      'Sup crew!


      I know, I know; don't quit my day job.  lol


      No running for me today but I plan to get some good stretching done before I head off to work where yet another long ass day awaits me.


      It has really been busy this week so much so that one would think I that I have been sleeping like a baby, but instead I have been sleeping like a sleepless baby!


      Wha 'cha got?


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 6-9 miles tonight.  It rained the whole afternoon and night so I hope I can find my rental under water.



        delicate flower

          What's going on there this morning, Funkmasters!  Well it is Friday, so that begs the question of when the first of my staff will call in sick today.  Turns out that came last night via text.  Why don't these people just ask for the day off in advance?  Why the need to call in sick?  So already I was irritated and the work day hadn't even started.


          I took the last two days off from running for various reasons, but I'll be back at it today.  Looking forward to getting the hell out of the office today.  werd




            Yesterday Dorian and I ran 2.1 with Jumpstart, 91 degrees and sunny...

            This morning it was 79 degrees, 82% humidity and a dew point of 70.... it freaking sucked, but I swore I wasn't going to complain about summer this time around. I ran 5.1 miles with an average pace of 10:10 min/mile, so glad to have that over with 

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              What up buttercup?


              5 miles done, just wasn't feeling it so I cut it a lil short.  I might double up later, or just save it for my long run tomorrow.


              Hope everyone has a great day!


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                Who came up with the idea "sleep like a baby" anyway? In my experience, babies tend to sleep for short periods and wake up multiple times in the night. I think around here it should be "I slept like Baboon!"


                Despite a late night, since we finally had a morning with no storms, I dragged myself out of bed at 4 a.m. to get out there early. 6.63 miles in 1:02:03 (9:22 average). I threw in some fartleks by time: 3:00/4:00/5:00/4:00/3:00, shooting for a 10k effort - with equal time recovery. Pace for intervals were 8:37, 8:18, 8:21, 7:32, 7:41. The first three were on a slight uphill, the fourth on a downhill, fifth on flat ground.

                Core work: 35 crunches, 10 leg raises, planks 15 secs each (regular, side, reverse), 25 hip dips, 25 pushups.

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                  Good morning RA! I slept in. Thursday: 10 miles 1:35:10 - 9:31 avg. pace - fartlek / 4x800m repeats @ 7:50 pace. Very excellent meeting yesterday! Decided to sleep in this morning before the youngest has a doctor's appointment then off to camp. I'll run this evening after everyone is gone [and hopefully it's much cooler]. Dave, 5 miles is just a warm up! Run inspired runners!

                   Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile



                    Good morning dailies!


                    I'm going to be seeing a lot of my running club this weekend.  I've got my first Friday night group run of the season tonight, then we have our club relay and picnic tomorrow.  Both are a ton of fun, so I'm really looking forward to it!  Somewhere in there I have to make a dish for the potluck.


                    Happy Friday everyone!

                    Hip Redux

                      YOU GUYS!  I have no meetings on my calendar at work.   Mon-Thurs I was double and triple booked at times.   What am I going to do today with all this free time?  Likely goof around in the internet.


                      I walked 2.2 miles yesterday.


                      Slymoon Runs

                      race obsessed

                        Awesome Friday to all!


                        10 miles done still 73 dewpoint

                        Ran by feel and ignored my HR end result:  steady at 8:00 min/mile @ 136 HR.

                        So all good.


                          I think around here it should be "I slept like Baboon!"




                          I have not slept for 10 hours a single day in my life (or even close) yet he does it with regularity!


                          delicate flower




                            I have not slept for 10 hours a single day in my life (or even close) yet he does it with regularity!


                            Only on the weekends, and I usually pay for it with a restless Monday or Tuesday night.  I typically get about 7.5 hours during the week.  It's weird how some people can operate just fine on a regular schedule of 5-6 hours of sleep.  While that's fine for me once in a while, I need at least 7 consistently.




                              Morning! Legs felt good this morning. Temp was 57 and clear. It was time for some Tempo miles. I went out for 5 total, but I ended up with 6.2 w/ 3 of those at Tempo pace (7:41, 7:41, 7:33). Not too shabby! I actually saw three other runners out there this morning. It's always cool to see other people when you're running fast! Smile

                              - Andrew


                              delicate flower

                                Awesome Friday to all!


                                10 miles done still 73 dewpoint

                                Ran by feel and ignored my HR end result:  steady at 8:00 min/mile @ 136 HR.

                                So all good.


                                Heh...8:00 min/mile for me puts my heart rate in the 158 range.  136 HR equates to about a 10:30 pace.

