Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #82 (Read 31 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Yes. Of course, that’s the question our leaders should have thought about the last 8 years or so while we racked up huge deficits during an economic expansion. Too late to worry about that now.  Unemployment claims will likely set a record this week, by far. And maybe again next week.


    We are expecting a massive amount of bankruptcies soon. We are getting ready.




      Yes. Of course, that’s the question our leaders should have thought about the last 8 years or so while we racked up huge deficits during an economic expansion. Too late to worry about that now.  Unemployment claims will likely set a record this week, by far. And maybe again next week.


      We do have a Space Force now, though. So we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.

