Beginners and Beyond


The bar is open... (Read 45 times)


    What will it be tonight?


    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      A 40 of Miller High Life.


        Do they still make 40's?  And do you need a red cup with that?

        Hip Redux

          I am drinking Hint water.


          Living la vida loca over here!


          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Do they still make 40's?  And do you need a red cup with that?


            Yes! $1.99 on sale and I thought, "Whoa, just like my college days!"  I forgot about the red Solo cup.


            delicate flower

              Grapefruit Polar Seltzer up in this hizzie!



                Grapefruit Polar Seltzer up in this hizzie!


                Shaken or stirred sir?


                delicate flower


                  Shaken or stirred sir?


                  On the rocks.


                  Just B.S.

                    One week ago I was at the Guinness brewery surrounded by free glasses of this.....and yet still I did not care...

                    I am a mutant!!!!!!!!!!


                      Undecided ... I'll let you know what sounds good after I put the 7yo to bed in a bit. Could be Woodchuck Pumpkin cider, could be Captain 'n' Coke, could be a New Planet Belgian Ale (one of the few decent GF beers I've found), or might just be a glass of ginger ale. Decisions, decisions.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        On the rocks.


                        An aristocrat 'eh?  Coming right up!


                        O, what the hell is hint water?

                        Hip Redux

                          Just water with some flavoring in it (but not sweet):



                            Beth, I actually went through about a six month stretch years ago where I drank Guinness exclusively.


                            Step, we will wait on ya!

                            Just B.S.

                              Beth, I actually went through about a six month stretch years ago where I drank Guinness exclusively.


                              Step, we will wait on ya!


                              Hubby's stomach doesn't seem to handle the Guinness well but he loved the Smithwick's and was

                              quite happy to find it on the shelf here at home. He can drink it from the  Smithwick's beer mug I

                              liberated from a pub in Belfast.


                              I also liberated a Guinness mug from the bar at the brewery. I didn't drink the free beer so I thought it was

                              a fair deal. Ooops, my bad.


                              I just don't like beer. Of any kind. Period.  It's yucky. Big grin


                              I didn't liberate anything else from the island. I swear.


                                He can drink it from the  Smithwick's beer mug I liberated from a pub in Belfast.


                                I also liberated a Guinness mug from the bar at the brewery.


                                Nice! lol
