Beginners and Beyond


RR- Corvallis 5K (Read 58 times)


    So I've been mostly in base building mode lately.  My plan is to build myself up to basic HM shape, but then instead of all that fuss about tapering and recovering, just sort of hang out at that level, running local races as I feel interested and ready.  I'm trying to take the stress out of racing and put the fun back into running, and I think it's working so far.

    Today was my second race of the year.  My first race was last month.  It was also a 5K, and ended up being a 4-second PR, BUT, the course measured short on my Garmin.  It was a certified course and did go under a ton of bridges, so I didn't worry too much, but definitely had it on my mind.


    Today's race was the inaugural 5K that they just added to the local HM (which is tomorrow).  I read the Runners' World article with Meb earlier in the week, and that inspired me to really focus on form at today's race, specifically, lifting my knees when I run.  I've tried it on a few short easy runs, and it seems to work well.  My pace drops and I don't feel like I'm putting in any extra effort.   Will it work for a race?  We will see.


    I ran my usual 2 mile warmup with strides and made it to the start with about 10 minutes to spare.  It had been fairly nice for my warmup, but right at the end it started raining pretty hard and getting windy.  It was a small crowd: 100 finishers.


    At the start, I did recognize the pink princess lady.  I was right with her last year during the HM when I was holding pace, but of course finished way ahead of me since I blew up badly early on.  She is in her mid-60's, teeny tiny, blonde, and runs in tutus.


    We got off pretty easily with the small group, although I did accidentally bump the pink princess in the chute as I passed her.  We got out onto the road, and I recognized my vet in front of me.  I also realize that she's slowing down, and I don't want to fade with her.  So I pull past.  She of course knew me from my 100-pounds overweight days, so she was super complimentary as I ran by.  Now I need to make sure I stay ahead of her!


    The rain has died down, but we hit a turn and head straight into the wind.  I run this route pretty regularly, and also know that it's a very slight uphill to the turnaround.  I let my pace slack off a bit, although still wonder if I'm too winded for this point in the race.  My hands are icicles.  A couple of people pass me.  One is running with a very heavy step.


    Mile 1: 8:26.  Last month's mile 1 via Garmin: 8:26.


    I reel back in the people who passed me, and am working on closing the gap with the others.  I know I'm fading, but it looks like the others have faded more.  I'm blaming the wind, but maybe we're all lazy.  I see the leaders coming past just before we get to the covered bridge.  Just before the turnaround, I also think I spot one of my coworker's twins.  Cool!  They are 14, and there are several other kids running this one sans parents.


    The turnaround was a cone with an aid station behind it.  I catch up to one guy just as we get there.  Luckily, he lets me take the inside track around the cone and pull past him.  We are out of the wind, and I know it's a gradual downhill from here!


    Coming back, I can see I have some space between me and the vet.  The breathing behind me fades and I have nobody on my tail.  I try to focus on keeping my effort and my knees up when I can.  I know I'm off PR pace.


    Mile 2: 8:32.  Last month's mile 2 via Garmin: 8:35


    Hard to imagine that I'll really be done in a mile.  I'm no longer reeling people in, but they're not getting away, either.


    Towards the end of the mile, I suddenly hear footsteps behind me.  It's pink princess, and she is flying, absolutely flying.  She is the better runner today.  Nobody else is close.  I'm concentrating on one foot in front of the other.  There are railroad tracks, curbs, and small dips in the sidewalk that suddenly seem very challenging.  I'm running hard, but at least I think I'm staying upright and not doing the cringey grimace thing I did last month.


    Mile 3: 8:13.  Last month's mile 3 via Garmin: 8:24


    Actually, I don't think I noticed mile 3 buzz at all.  I am just looking for the finish and hoping it comes soon.  I am giving it all I have.


    Last 0.11: 7:37 pace.  Last month there was no 0.1. 


    Somehow I am right with pink princess in the chute.  I had mentally lost her and had just been focusing on my race, but looking at the results, she only beat me by 4 seconds in the end.  Somebody recognized her in the chute and asked if she was running Boston this year, and she will be.  I complimented her on her kick, and we talked a bit.  She was happy this race was the week before Boston this year, since usually it's the same week and she can't do both events.


    Final time: 25:55.  Well off my PR, but I'm happy with it.  I think I ran well.


    One of my coworker's twins would have been first female, but they used chip time for overall awards, and she ended up losing by 1 second.  IMO, first female to cross the line should get the award.  She did get an award since she was the under-15 female winner anyway.


    I was first (of 3) in my age group, but they didn't have AG awards since it was such a small race.  One of these days I will get one again!


    Later, as I was leaving to go run some more easy miles, I ran on to some people from my running club, and they had an extra bib for tomorrow's half marathon.  Running a HM tomorrow with lots of people around sounded like a lot more fun than heading out right then to run in the wind by myself, so I grabbed it.  I don't expect to actually race tomorrow, but it sounds like a nice run anyway.  We will see how it goes.


       It was also a 5K, and ended up being a 4-second PR, BUT, the course measured short on my Garmin.  It was a certified course and did go under a ton of bridges, so I didn't worry too much, but definitely had it on my mind.


      Congrats on the PR Zel ! Enjoy it! I've seem many discussions on the main forums where experienced runners say to trust the race organizers over the Garmin for course length. It was a certified course too! You ran that time, you PRed by 4 seconds. That time is yours to keep.


        Oh the PR was last month. Smile  But I feel good about how I ran this one.


          You did great on this one. Your last mile was faster than your first two, and you had a kick left.  Wind and rain are huge distractions, but you didn't let them slow you down.  Congratulations.


            Sounds like you did a great job...congrats!

            marathon pr - 3:16


              Oh the PR was last month. Smile  But I feel good about how I ran this one.


              Doh! Sorry, I got a little confused there. Congrats on this race then Big grin


                Way to go!


                I love your base building/fun running/local races plan.  This is exactly what I'm doing for the next few months.  I hope to be like Gimli, "very dangerous over short distances" without killing myself in a marathon.  Big grin


                  The windy conditions sounded like they could have made the difference too, in this not being a PR.  Nice race and congrats on winning your AG.

                  Life is good.

                    Way to go, Zel.


                    Good result for a base-building fun run Wink


                      That's very encouraging, Zel. I think your next training cycle is going to be a very strong one. Congratulations!

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Your splits are always so good! Have fun at tomorrow's long run.


                          Strong finish, this is good. I would love to see you get back at the stuff that hurts (but is over much quickly) for awhile if your schedule allows. You were doing so well at it last year.


                            As for your coworker's sister, it is generally accepted that gun time is used for standings, awards and placings regardless of how much faster someone runs a chip time.


                            I once ran a chip time good for 4th place overall, but started so far back in the corral I was the 21st runner to cross the line. My official placing for that race was 21.


                            Are we there, yet?

                              One of my coworker's twins would have been first female, but they used chip time for overall awards, and she ended up losing by 1 second.  IMO, first female to cross the line should get the award.  She did get an award since she was the under-15 female winner anyway.



                              Nice controlled race.


                              Sorry, but using chip time like that to determine overall placing is not right. First it's counter to USATF rules, though if this wasn't a USATF sanctioned race, the RD can do what he pleases. Second is that it doesn't take into consideration the actual head to head competition. How would a chip time tell you who would win if they had lined up side by side and raced each other throughout the race.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                                Nice controlled race.


                                Sorry, but using chip time like that to determine overall placing is not right. First it's counter to USATF rules, though if this wasn't a USATF sanctioned race, the RD can do what he pleases. Second is that it doesn't take into consideration the actual head to head competition. How would a chip time tell you who would win if they had lined up side by side and raced each other throughout the race.


                                Hmm, that's interesting- I assumed the event was santioned, since it is fairly big (for the area), has prize money, etc. They are under new management and I just noticed that this year, they are not USATF sanctioned at all.  Last year they were.


                                I agree that awards should be done by gun time.  A PR is one thing, but awards are person vs. person, and crossing the finish line in front should matter in this case.  But year, in a local unsanctioned 5K with 100 people, probably not a huge deal.
