Beginners and Beyond

2015: Day 3. The Dailies (Read 45 times)


Are we there, yet?

    Can't believe anyone who has been running for a while hasn't heard of Terry Fox. Even RW has had feature articles on him over the years.


    Cold (36F) rain here. Kept it short and quick, sort of a 4.1 mile progression run.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






      Thank you! Now you heard Marjorie... In the corner all three of you!


      Seriously, we have few heroes in Canada. We are not hero oriented around here.  But Terry Fox is considered by far the biggest, most beloved of all our Canadian heroes.

      Really? Even I didn't know that 


        Really? Even I didn't know that 


        Why am I not surprised...  BTW, while I was running, I was listening to CHOM-FM. The guy on the air said that he had seen a runner in the streets this morning. He thought that was crazy. I immediately thought "Hey, it must have been Eric!". Then the guy added that the runner was wearing split shorts. So no, not Eric.


        I knew of the Fred Lebow half-marathon in New York, but I did not know the man and the link with the marathon. Very interesting.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          I have read about Fred Lebow I just could not have told you his name, which leads me to think I may have read about Terry as well I just do not recall it.


          Barking Mad To Run

            At least today San Antonio has some sunshine again and the temp will be in the 60s today and on Sunday.  I went to Lackland  Air Force Base and got in a very pleasant 4.4 miles.


            This weather will not last though.  Monday morning our low is down 25 degrees!  Crazy damn Texas weather!

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


            Barking Mad To Run

              6 miles on the treadmill.

              Ran while watching the documentary Into the Wind, about Terry Fox. Whom I guess is a national hero in Canada, but I'd never heard of him. For those who do not know the story - after losing his leg to cancer, he decided to run all the way across Canada, on a prosthetic leg, to raise money for cancer research. Very emotional, inspirational story. I was sweating a lot; that must've been the extra liquid coming out of my eyes.


              Not only in Canada.  He is one of my personal inspirations.   Never Give Up!

              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Barking Mad To Run

                I have read about Fred Lebow I just could not have told you his name, which leads me to think I may have read about Terry as well I just do not recall it.


                Yes, Fred Lebow too, another personal inspiration for me.  I recall seeing a photo of him doing his last New York City Marathon shortly before he died, accompanied by Grete Waitz, if I remember correctly.   He was 'near the end' there, and it took him a while to get the marathon done, but he sure did it.   I don't think there was a dry eye in the whole large crowd that cheered him into the finish...or a dry eye for anyone who ever watched the film of that moment.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Barking Mad To Run

                  Looks like you ahd a good flocking run!


                  I'm here, and so are the ducks. Off to run!


                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Barking Mad To Run


                    Yep, I grew up in Akron.  You guys always stir up fond memories of why we left!


                    +1!  Just before I was assigned by the Air Force to San Antonio, I was at Wright-Patterson in Dayton.  The last year I was there is flippin' snowed late in the year!   That was it for me...dang winter!  I called my assignment manager and asked for 'someplace warm"  and got assigned to San Antonio in 1994.   Have lived here now a bit over 20 years...and I don't miss winter AT ALL!

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Can't believe anyone who has been running for a while hasn't heard of Terry Fox. Even RW has had feature articles on him over the years.



                      Yeah this may be more just me, than Americans in general. Only really been part of the "running community" for about 2 years, i.e. hanging out on these forums. I never followed running as a sport, and and cannot name runners or know the history like I do baseball or football.



                      Barking Mad To Run

                        I did 10.2 after we got home from the puppy pool. Not too bad here. We don't get colder weather until next week.


                        Puppy pool?  The doggies get their own pool to swim in?  How cool is that!  Nice.

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                          Yeah this may be more just me, than Americans in general. Only really been part of the "running community" for about 2 years, i.e. hanging out on these forums. I never followed running as a sport, and and cannot name runners or know the history like I do baseball or football.


                          Do you know Wayne Gretzky? Sorry to say this, lily, but I think he's a bigger hero than Terry Fox Big grin

                          on my way to badass

                            I've heard of Terry Fox, but I am from Rochester, NY- which is like a bedroom community of Toronto. I seem to recall Terry being on some late 70's-early 80's TV show like Real People or That's Incredible.

                            Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              Hey everybody..getting back into running after a long hiatus..last ran almost 3 years ago..Northcoast 24 hour race..but really haven't trained or run much for over 5 years..realized it's time when I couldn't keep up with my 5 year old running home from the playground.


                              Ran 3 miles on Thursday and 4 in the rain today..rocking the 13mm pace. Don't care about that..I need my pants to fit and to get in shape to keep up with my kids Smile


                              Welcome, Murphy!  The heck with the pace, just keep putting one foot in front of another.  You are out there, that's what counts!  Good luck!


                              As you progress, even without 'structured speedwork', you will find you do get a bit faster to a degree.  On my run today, part of it was on a winding 1.5 mile track at Lackland Air Force Base, with mile markers at every 1/4 mile, and I made sure to to run my 'normal" training run pace  that I go in just about all my training runs and not 'push it" so I could see what my pace was .  When I got to the mile marker I was very surprised to find I had just done a 10:49 mile.  STill pretty slow, but also surprising for me because here I always thought I was doing about 11:20 per mile or there-about on my training runs.  I guess my recent weight-loss and being more consistent with my running has helped, because it sure is not speedwork, which I don't do - although once a week I do a run/walk  of 3 - 5 miles of hills, so that may have helped too.


                              So keep at it!  You will get to where you want to be, I have no doubt!  And the people here are great with support, advice, etc. We have quite a range of folks here, from the speedy and talented runners like LRB, Cy, Baboon, etc., and right down to my category,  the slow "fun-runner"  person here on the forum.  Lots of really good folks here, don't be shy about asking questions, you will get back a lot of useful information.  Again, welcome, and good luck!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                                Do you know Wayne Gretzky? Sorry to say this, lily, but I think he's a bigger hero than Terry Fox Big grin


                                Ha, the name is vaguely familiar. I certainly know the Canadians in major US team sports. And sorry I consider the NHL a US sport, considering where most of the teams are located.

                                I imagine Neil Young is up there on the hero list as well, right?
