Beginners and Beyond


Burlington 5K - welcome back, legs (Read 54 times)


delicate flower

    Hello, friends.  I am now two weeks post-shitty marathon.  The last time I ran a 5K two weeks post-marathon, I had a good race and broke 20:00 (19:57) for the first time.  I was hopeful that I could do that again today, though given my marathon performance, I really didn't know what I'd be able to run today.  I was wondering if I had gotten slower all around.  3:26 marathon predicts to a 21:07 minute 5K.  But whatever...just run.  Today was the first time I ran hard since the marathon.  I hadn't even done any strides.  I was shooting for another sub-20:00.  PR is 19:45 but I wasn't thinking about that.  I just wanted break 20:00 again.  That would be a good race to me.


    I felt good during my warm up...I felt light and bouncy.  I spent a few minutes trying to size up the competition.  Meh, everyone looks fast to me. Tucked in singlet guy looked like he might be trouble (he won).  I lined up on the front row.  Race weather was 54 degrees and cloudy.  Rain ended about 30 minutes before gun time and the humidity was still in the air.


    Mile 1 - 6:21.  The rest of the front row shot out like gangbusters.  I was in about 12th place very early (I counted).  I didn't care...just run my race.  I was surprised at the fast field.  Prior year results didn't point to this.  I felt good though..under control, breathing well, running my own race.  Slowly I started moving up.  A gentle incline was enough to slow people down.  By the end of mile 1, I was in 5th place.


    Mile 2 - 6:19.  Gentle incline turns into a gentle decline and I open up my stride a little.  Confidence is gaining.  5th and 4th place were running side by side.  I move past them rather easily.  As I pass, their footsteps fade behind me.  I am running fast and it is beginning to feel hard.  The 3rd place runner is getting closer.  As I pass him, he tries to match me.  He is sucking wind though and I know he's toast.  I move past him quickly and he drops.  A quick check of the Garmin and I realize it's the first time I looked at it.  I have no idea where I am in relation to my goal.  Dammit.  OK, just run.


    Mile 3 - 6:42.  Really starting to fatigue in the early stages of mile 3.  As I turned into a roundabout street, it's another incline and my pace is slowing.  My lap pace is north of 7 minutes through the first half of this mile.  I approach the roundabout and give the leader a thumbs up which he returns.  I turn back towards the finish and start to dig.  I see the 3rd place runner and know he won't catch me, which is fine and all but I want sub-20.  I lose sight of the leader for the first time, as we turn towards the finish.  I am running as hard as I can but I am in serious pain.  If I can break 20:00, I might as well keep 2nd place locked up.  When I see the finish clock is at 19:40 as I approach, I know I have it.  I run hard through the finish and pump my fist a few times, on the verge of puking.


    Officially 19:55.  2 / 124 overall.  First place beat me by 30 seconds, officially a "shitload" in a 5K.  I shook his hand, gathered up some free coffee and cookies, and happily chatted with a few fellow runners who congratulated me on my finish.  That was cool.  Smile


    I wouldn't call this a redemption, since only a good marathon can ease the memory of a bad one.  It certainly felt great to have a good race though.  I needed this.  Having never broken 20:00 before this year, I've now done it three times in my last four tries.  I am really, really happy with this race.


    McMillan predicts a 3:14 marathon off a 19:55 5K.  lolololol rofl roflpotamus.



    delicate flower

      Small town race started at the local grange hall.



      Approaching the finish with sub-20 and 2nd place both locked up.



      Collecting my major award.  Guy calls "Phil...uhhh...Phil Rrrru..."  I said "Close enough!"



      Award was this medal.  How did they know I like these things?  Of course, I repped for my triathlon club.




        What a great race!  Congratulations on the sub-20 and the 2nd overall!  I hear you on the shitload; the girl that beat me in my 5k was like 2:40 faster than me.  


        I must have missed what happened in your marathon; sorry it didn't go well.  Sounds like your fitness is fine though.  Have you considered a mile race? 


        5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

        10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

        HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)


          You make me laugh.


          Congrats on the placement, that's huge.


            don't know how you can do this so soon after your marathon - that's crazy... i like the way you just ran and let the details work themselves out...congrats!

            marathon pr - 3:16


              If you wear the tucked in singlet, you'd better be fast.

              And I love playing the McMillan marathon prediction off a 5k game - I'm running a 3:22!

              Hard to believe you did not check your Garmin before mile 2. I am all over that thing for at least the first 2 miles in a 5k.


              Overall, super impressive performance, and extra cool on the 2nd OA. No way I could've raced 2 weeks after. It's like you did the post-marathon shuffle to the starting line, then busted off a sub-20. Can't imagine where you'll be after giving yourself a few more weeks to recover and get a little speed work in.



                Congrats. That time, 2 weeks post marathon is impressive.  And 2nd OA is pretty cool.


                  Congratulations, Phil! 

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  delicate flower

                    It's like you did the post-marathon shuffle to the starting line, then busted off a sub-20. Can't imagine where you'll be after giving yourself a few more weeks to recover and get a little speed work in.


                    That's pretty much exactly what it felt like.  I've got another 5K in two weeks, and then another on Turkey Day, because racing.  If my first week of Ironman training is any indication, I am looking at lots of hard running the next two months.  Two quality runs plus a LR every week, without the volume of marathon training.  My early 2016 HM's should be fun.    



                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Way to go, Phil!  Congrats on your race and your legs being back!

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Former Bad Ass




                          Nearly puking through the chute.  Sounds like a perfectly executed 5k to me.


                          5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                          10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                          15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                          13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                          26.2 - TBD (someday)


                          Are we there, yet?

                            Having had some experience with less than stellar marathons, I'm not too surprised by the results. It's probably an indication that you were just flat and possibly hadn't tapered sufficiently to be well rested for the marathon. I'd take the sub-20:00 as a very positive indication that overall your fitness overall is improving.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                              Nearly puking through the chute.  Sounds like a perfectly executed 5k to me.



                              I'm so glad it went well and that you have a much better more recent experience to look back on. 2nd OA is awesome. Congratulations!


                                Well done!  I'm really impressed by how quickly you got your legs back after the marathon.  Congrats.

                                Life is good.
