Beginners and Beyond

Saturdailies for remembering (Read 38 times)


Run to live; live to run

    Good luck racers.



      Good morning Marj!


      I will get out for a short run in an hour or so, until then I am just enjoying the serenity of a nice quiet morning.


      delicate flower



        Good luck today to D2theShizzle and FreeSoul!


        Just ran a 3 mile shakeout.  Real easy.  Hitting the road in a bit for the four hour drive to Burlington, VT.  Looking forward to packet pickup and the expo so I can buy some souvenir tech shirts and one of those green Vermont 26.2 stickers.  werd



          Good luck to anyone racing today!


          I stayed up last night (late for me - nearly midnight) hoping to catch a glimpse of the meteor shower, but only saw one shooting star. A group of friends was planning to start their long at 1 a.m. and head out for the top of a ridge in a rural area. I hope they were richly rewarded for that effort.

          I'm planning to run 15 miles or so on the rail-trails after the childcare opens at the Y this morning. Then DS and I will go to a presentation at a local wildlife refuge about prairie/grassland birds. And I'll see if I can get around to mowing the lawn later this afternoon/evening, since it didn't get done yesterday.



          Have a great day, everyone!

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


            Have a safe drive and a fun expo today, baboon!

            Marjorie, thanks for starting the dailies and I will be remembering your good guys this weekend. Without them, we also wouldn't have peace here, this side of the border. I'm grateful. Have a great day, hope you're feeling better!

            LRB, enjoy your quiet weekend morning. I so love those myself...


            SO and DS left early this morning, while I was still in bed. One is going to a gun competition, the other is going to spend the day with his big sister and his new little niece. The cat woke me up with her soft pawing of my face. If I'm not up by 7 a.m., she demands breakfast. She's a smart girl. Sooo... about to have a second cup of coffee. Then dishes, vacuuming, laundry, all things exciting. Then a 5 miler and a four miler later. Both at recovery pace.


            Have a great Saturday!

            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              Does this look familiar to anybody here?


              So anyway I have a 10k on Monday, and I dreamed last night that I ran it & won my AG. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

              In the mean time I am trying to figure out what to run today & tomorrow. I usually like to get a a lot of good running in on the weekends, but I am thinking I should take it kind of easy. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.


              Good luck racing people & have a great day everyone else!


              Hip Redux

                Dave - if you're gonna get that AG win, you need some fresh legs.


                Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!


                I'm heading out in a few minutes to go walk in the pool for 45 minutes while my husband goes to the local 5K race.



                  So anyway I have a 10k on Monday, and I dreamed last night that I ran it & won my AG.


                  From one dreamer to another; That.  Is.  Awesome! 


                  If it's a goal race reduce your volume.  If you are using it as speed work in the midst of training for something else, then it's house money and you can do whatever you like. I once ran 7 miles the day before a 10k because I was doing just that but regretted it the moment I stood up the morning of the race.


                  My usual routine is 45 to 55 minutes of running 48 hours out from a race (the actual miles are irrelevant), and no more than 35 minutes the day before it.  But that's just me, some people can run 10 miles the day before a race like it's nothing so there is that.



                    Hey everyone, sorry to be scarce lately. I've been taking care of my Dad a lot the past week. We spent the night with him in the ER last weekend and I was with him all day yesterday doing errands and doctor's visits. He's in the early stages of Alzheimer's and also dealing with a kidney stone and UTI infection on top of that. Not fun.


                    I'm heading out for some easy miles in a bit. It's beautiful outside. I can't wait.


                    Best of luck to all who are racing!

                    Jack K.

                    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                      Hi Dailies.


                      All done. Last little 3 miler is in the books. Now we are gorging on pancakes and bagels washed down with Gatorade. In a bit we will go to DD's swim meet and watch her swim one event, the 200m breaststroke. Then we have a two hour drive to the expo and hotel. It should be a good time. I am excited for DW because I think she will do well in her debut. She is now getting nervous. "How many carbs do I eat? How much Gatorade? Can I eat this or that?"  Lol, been there.


                      Have a good weekend.


                      Skirt Runner

                        Had a strong week of running til today. Today I learned a very hard lesson: margaritas and tacos the night before a long run do not mix .


                        I had moved all my runs around this week so I could take off tomorrow, because I am about to head down to Atlantic City for the weekend with my boyfriend. So, I will not be having a long run this week, as I had to bail not quite 2 miles into my long run that was supposed to be 11.5 miles due to bathroom issues. Oh well. We will call it a cutback week, My shins want a cutback week anyway. I have increased my mileage for 3 weeks straight so I guess it's not the worst thing.

                        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                          Hi Dailies.


                          The start of a big weekend for the Klomps!


                          Good luck with everything Hobbit, I dealt with something similar.  It is really, really tough.  And that is putting it mildly.


                          Good luck tomorrow BOON!


                          Hi Shari!


                          Enjoy your pool walk O.  You are getting there!


                          Good morning Julie.  Have I told you that I love you lately?  Because I do.


                          Hi Kristin.  That sounds rough!


                          Run to live; live to run

                            6.4 miles. Now at the puppy pool



                              6.4 miles. Now at the puppy pool


                              How are you feeling babe?  Better I hope?





                                Good morning Julie.  Have I told you that I love you lately?  Because I do.




                                Are you talking to this Julie? If so, I love you too! And if not, I love you anyway. :-)


                                HobbitLegs, I hope your dad gets better soon. It must be tough for all of you. A run on a beautiful day will do you lots of good.


                                Jack K. and Mrs K., good luck tomorrow! I envy both of you!


                                Shari, enjoy a beautiful trail run and a fun time with Kevin later. You may only have seen a shooting star, but doesn't it bring good luck, usually?


                                Kitchen is all clean. Now time for that first recovery run.

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010