Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #31 (Read 33 times)


    I ended up with 10.7 miles. At the end of the run, when I was almost home, I got bitten again. A woman opened up her front door to let three dogs into the front yard to do their business. Seeing me, they all came swarming. I had met two of them before, when they charged our dog while we were walking him, and knew they were basically friendly, just not well trained. The third dog is the one that bit me. I think the excitement of the pack charging a stranger got to him, since he didn't continue to bite after they backed off, but it was scary. One of the bites is on my wrist, so I get to wear my watch on the other arm for a while.


    I would call police or animal control.  Theres just no excuse for that. Hope you are ok.


    RP got bit 2 months ago and was put on some harsh antibiotics. He still doesn't feel right.


      6.7 miles done after work. Sunny, windy, dry and almost 80 degrees ffs.


      delicate flower

        I ran 8 x 400 hard/400 easy at the track.  6:08 avg pace on the hard ones.  Not bad.  I had a 50 minute tempo run to do but was short on time so I called an audible and did my own thing.


        Dog is now at the kennel.  I told DW the house has less love in it when the dog isn't home.



          Lol I go to see him Tuesday morning... reading an article, I'm a little nervous. I don't like needles, in fact I am extremely uncomfortable with needles 😟


          Just don't look. You can barely feel the needle go in. It's nothing.  It's the involuntary muscle spasms that are disturbing. It's not even very painful and it only takes a few minutes.


            Movie time! We bought a package to see all 7 Best Picture Oscar nominees for $35. (It excludes the two nominees on Netflix.) We haven’t seen any of them yet, so it’s a pretty good deal even if we don’t quite make it to all of them. Tonight is Jojo Rabbit, which we’re looking forward to.



            delicate flower

              Movie time! We bought a package to see all 7 Best Picture Oscar nominees for $35. (It excludes the two nominees on Netflix.) We haven’t seen any of them yet, so it’s a pretty good deal even if we don’t quite make it to all of them. Tonight is Jojo Rabbit, which we’re looking forward to.


              Cool!  I downloaded The Irishman for my five hour flight tomorrow.  I also downloaded The Report.  I am looking forward to my flight!



                 I downloaded The Irishman for my five hour flight tomorrow.  


                You might not get through the whole movie! Seriously you probably know this but the movie is three and a half hours long. I thought it was way overrated; it seemed mostly like a big Scorcese ego trip. I think I would have rather just watched Goodfellas for the 37th time. Now go get your fucking shine box.



                Former Bad Ass

                  LRB! Glad to see you (and hopefully in a better mood).


                  The vet gave me kitty morphine for Rubio and he took it with food. Hoping he does not cry in his sleep tonight, poor baby. He just downed his third 1/4 can portion so I would say he is eating more now than Wednesday. Hoping it continues.





                    Just don't look. You can barely feel the needle go in. It's nothing.  It's the involuntary muscle spasms that are disturbing. It's not even very painful and it only takes a few minutes.


                    That's comforting 🙏

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                      I ended up with 10.7 miles. At the end of the run, when I was almost home, I got bitten again. A woman opened up her front door to let three dogs into the front yard to do their business. Seeing me, they all came swarming. I had met two of them before, when they charged our dog while we were walking him, and knew they were basically friendly, just not well trained. The third dog is the one that bit me. I think the excitement of the pack charging a stranger got to him, since he didn't continue to bite after they backed off, but it was scary. One of the bites is on my wrist, so I get to wear my watch on the other arm for a while.


                      Ginny, I'm really sorry. That's a) scary, and b) gotta be painful, and c) just totally unnecessary! What did the owner say?


                        Lol I go to see him Tuesday morning... reading an article, I'm a little nervous. I don't like needles, in fact I am extremely uncomfortable with needles 😟


                        Same. Whenever I'm getting a shot, or if they need to draw blood, I need to (internally) give myself a little pep talk and I always have to look away. It's not a big deal--trust me, I'm someone who doesn't like needles at all.


                          I told DW the house has less love in it when the dog isn't home.


                          Truer words have never been spoken.



                            Just don't look. You can barely feel the needle go in. It's nothing.  It's the involuntary muscle spasms that are disturbing. It's not even very painful and it only takes a few minutes.


                            Yep, this.


                              Movie time! We bought a package to see all 7 Best Picture Oscar nominees for $35. (It excludes the two nominees on Netflix.) We haven’t seen any of them yet, so it’s a pretty good deal even if we don’t quite make it to all of them. Tonight is Jojo Rabbit, which we’re looking forward to.



                                LRB! Glad to see you (and hopefully in a better mood).


                                The vet gave me kitty morphine for Rubio and he took it with food. Hoping he does not cry in his sleep tonight, poor baby. He just downed his third 1/4 can portion so I would say he is eating more now than Wednesday. Hoping it continues.


                                Sad Poor honey. Breaks my heart to see/hear animals in pain. Glad your vet was accommodating and gave him some good meds. Definitely sounds like it's working.