Beginners and Beyond


I know my days of outdoor runs are numbered, but today, I just had to have one (Read 114 times)

Jack K.

uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

    Exactly! It is very warm here. Shorts and t-shirt weather but very windy.



      I seem to remember getting 2-3 snow days some years, none other years, and occasionally more in awful winters.  (Blizzard of '85 was like 3 off in a row, really unheard of but there were constant whiteout conditions from high wind.  The actual snowfall wasn't unusually severe.  Us kids went sledding on the drifts -- some were 10-12' high with other spots blown down to bare grass.)


      As an adult, this was one of the worst I have been in, complete with thunder and lightning.   3+ inches an hour made shoveling futile, and the plows had no chance of keeping even the Thruway clear.  Lots of people got stranded in their cars there.  I made it to work the next morning, but only after digging/rocking my car out twice in my apartment's parking lot -- once I got to the plowed road, it was fine.


      I have read a few stories that people in Buffalo are tougher than us in the Boston area, when it comes to snow days. We are looking at 10-14 that starts tomorrow am. We already got two 8 inch storms in early December. The worst is supposed to occur late Thursday into Friday. My wife teaches and heard early today that she has no school tomorrow along with all the other towns probably due to peer pressure.


      I hate running in this stuff so stay indoors most days. I don't complain about the cold. My 6 mile run today along the Charles River still has ice patches from 2 weeks ago that I have to slow down for. Sunday I'm running on part of the Boston course because I assume that it will be okay to run it by then.



        The Weather Channel started naming winter storms... 


        ^This. It is not in any way official like hurricane naming, it is purely marketing. They need to find ways to draw viewers like any other channel.



          You did the right thing getting outside in the weather.


          In East Tennessee, the weather isn't quite as cold, but we do a lot of whitewater paddling on free flowing rivers in the winter.......many times with snow on the ground and we're flipping and rolling our boats.  We wear dry suits but still get pretty darn cold upside down in the water.


          I like running outside in the winter, but I don't think I'm dealing with the low temps you get up there.

          Just B.S.

            Probably not. I just finished another treadmill run due to it being a feels like temo of -40f today.

            You did the right thing getting outside in the weather.


            In East Tennessee, the weather isn't quite as cold, but we do a lot of whitewater paddling on free flowing rivers in the winter.......many times with snow on the ground and we're flipping and rolling our boats.  We wear dry suits but still get pretty darn cold upside down in the water.


            I like running outside in the winter, but I don't think I'm dealing with the low temps you get up there.

            Little Blue

              Probably not. I just finished another treadmill run due to it being a feels like temo of -40f today.


                Justifiable treadmill run if there ever was one.


                Probably not. I just finished another treadmill run due to it being a feels like temp of -40f today.




                Although nothing like that, we are getting low temps that I have a hard time recalling ever seeing.  It was -1 when I woke up this morning, and -7 is predicted for early next week.  That is just unheard of around these parts!


                So long as the winds are nothing ridiculous I will be back at it this weekend though, but that is just me.  We all have our needs, tolerances, and breaking points so whatever anyone chooses is fine.


                Or as I like to say; you do you, and I will do me. 





                  Although nothing like that, we are getting low temps that I have a hard time recalling ever seeing.  It was -1 when I woke up this morning, and -7 is predicted for early next week.  That is just unheard of around these parts!


                  So long as the winds are nothing ridiculous I will be back at it this weekend though, but that is just me.  We all have our needs, tolerances, and breaking points so whatever anyone chooses is fine.


                  Or as I like to say; you do you, and I will do me. 


                  Yeah, I'm looking out at -5 temp, -20 windchill, and wondering what happened to global warming. Anyone with an Escalade or Hummer, get out and drive that thing! Supposed to actually get up to the 20's tomorrow, but with 25-30 mph wind. Then back to single digits/subzero. I agree with LRB I don't remember a cold snap like this in a long time. I do know that I am going stir crazy on the treadmill, and I will need to get an LR this weekend. It can be Sat or Sun, but I can't imagine it on the treadmill. I have done up to 10 on that thing, but I don't know how Lily & others do big miles on the mill.



                     Supposed to actually get up to the 20's tomorrow, but with 25-30 mph wind.


                    I ran in that shit last year and about died!  It was January 20th, here are the comments from my log:


                    "coldest wind/weather I have ever run in, fuck!"

                    Just B.S.

                      Going up to 15 F here on Sunday. That is springlike weather. Perhaps I should have a BBQ?

                      Veggies burgers for everyone. Smile


                        Going up to 15 F here on Sunday. That is springlike weather. Perhaps I should have a BBQ?

                        Veggies burgers for everyone. Smile


                        It sure felt like spring today when that sun was beaming bright as hell despite real temps in the teens.  And to think, February is usually the worst of the two months!
