Beginners and Beyond


Advantages of running that have nothing to do with running (Read 122 times)


    Because of running, I know the streets in my area really well, particularly which ones cut through, which ones dead end, and how they all connect to each other.


    Add yours!

    Singer who runs a smidge

      The ability to make a very tight connection at the airport ...

      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

      Love the Half

        This actually has everything to do with running but I was never good at following directions anyway.


        I typically run in the afternoon from my office.  I have been doing that for over five years.  If you want to run from my office, pick a distance.  Any distance from 1 mile to 20 miles.  I can give you an exact route that will give you that distance and I'll be within 2/10 of whatever distance you select.

        Short term goal: 17:59 5K

        Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

        Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


          This actually has everything to do with running but I was never good at following directions anyway.



          That's a good one, actually.  Maybe I meant "non-physical" advantages of running?  Like the ability to convert distances from standard to metric with ease. Smile

             If you want to run from my office, pick a distance.  Any distance from 1 mile to 20 miles.  I can give you an exact route that will give you that distance and I'll be within 2/10 of whatever distance you select.


            Replace "office" with "house" and I can do the same.  And I realized about 2 years ago that I knew pretty much exactly how far I was from home no matter where I was currently at in my run.




            Jack K.

            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


              Replace "office" with "house" and I can do the same.  And I realized about 2 years ago that I knew pretty much exactly how far I was from home no matter where I was currently at in my run.


              This is me as well.


              delicate flower

                I know where all the dogs live within a five mile radius of my house.  I don't know how this is an advantage but it just is.  And I have a pretty good idea of when exactly sunset is every day, I know when the bugs will start to come out, and I know that every Saturday afternoon the local coffee place roasts beans.


                Dad on the run.

                  Sex is better. Don't get nearly as winded... Just sayin'

                  Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                    - knowledge of what the current temperature, wind speeds and precipitation forecast is for the day and what's projected for the week

                    - ample opportunity to check out fit college boys in short shorts at the track 

                    - knowledge of which of your neighbors are evil inconsiderate, selfish assholes (the ones who don't shovel their sidewalks)


                    Super B****

                      I can last longer on one O2 tank when I'm diving.  A moot point if my buddy can't, but still.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog

                      Will run for scenery.

                        I'm totally comfortable talking to strangers about poop.

                        Stupid feet!

                        Stupid elbow!


                        faster than a glacier

                          I'm totally comfortable talking to strangers about poop.


                          You consider that an advantage? 

                            1. I get to see the sunrise most mornings.

                            2. I'm much better at dealing with cold weather.

                            3. It's easier for me to wake up early.


                            Baboon - I'm still trying to figure out where all the dogs live. It seems like a new one is running after/barking at me every week.

                            5k - 25:15 (11/18/12)

                            10k - 1:01:51 (2/14/15)

                            10mi - 1:33:18 (3/2/14)

                            HM - 2:06:12 (3/24/13)


                            Upcoming Races:

                            Benched until further notice. :/


                            Everything you need is already inside. [[Bill Bowerman]]


                              In our area, almost every house has at least one dog.  The surprising thing, to me, is how many are allowed outside off leash and without e-collars.


                              The thing about paying attention to the extended forecast is really true.  When walking the dog, I don't really care what the forecast is, as we will go out regardless.  For running, I pick the day for my long run and the location based largely on the weather, especially this winter.  Is the sun shining?  Good, go outside.  Is it 20 degrees, cloudy and windy - down to the treadmill.  Saturday is supposed to be nice - long run day.  Or Wednesday is sunny and warm - that's a good day for a long run too.


                                This is kind of a physical thing, but I really like the fact that I can totally pull of the skinny jeans that are in style right now.



                                July 27 - San Francisco marathon
