Beginners and Beyond


Well, Here I Go (Read 80 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    Congrats on the race. Glad the weather held out for you.


       Any of these out near Troy?


      Yes. Right around the corner from where we ate at El Charro; 645 E. Big Beaver.


        Nice job Tcg! That time was pretty close, and sounds like you had a great experience!


          Congratulations on your race. I’ll be in Detroit for a few days after I run the Marine Corps Marathon, and will be looking for the pizza places. Do you know, are there locations near Troy?


          Buddy's Pizza locations near Troy.



          If you have to go anywhere near Dearborn I highly recommend Millers Bar for the best burger in town and according to many top ten lists one of the best in the country. They only have burgers, fries, and onion rings. No checks, it's the honor system. Just walk up to the bar and tell the bartender what you had. Last time we were in there the Governor showed up.



            If you have to go anywhere near Dearborn I highly recommend Millers Bar for the best burger in town and according to many top ten lists one of the best in the country. They only have burgers, fries, and onion rings. No checks, it's the honor system. Just walk up to the bar and tell the bartender what you had. Last time we were in there the Governor showed up.


            Yeah this place is a riot. And no plates, they just give you your food on a piece of wax paper. When you go to pay, you recite everything your group had, and regardless of how lengthy, the bartender instantaneously tells you your total bill. Either he is some kind of savant, or he just makes up a number that sounds reasonable.


            MTA: also there is a Shield's pizza in Troy. Or, used to be.




              Buddy's Pizza locations near Troy.




              If you have to go anywhere near Dearborn I highly recommend Millers Bar for the best burger in town and according to many top ten lists one of the best in the country. They only have burgers, fries, and onion rings. No checks, it's the honor system. Just walk up to the bar and tell the bartender what you had. Last time we were in there the Governor showed up.


              Haha, I have an uncle that lives in Dearborn that I plan to visit while there, so maybe I can go visit Millers! Thanks for all the tips!


                tcg - congratulations. You finished, and you finished strong. It doesn't have to be a PR to be a good race.

                  Congratulations TCG!!!!!!  Well run race, and the ultimate "check mate" in terms of proving that yes, yes indeed, you absolutely can.  That's also really cool that your wife and daughter ran, what a fantastic family memory.



                  Yeah this place is a riot. And no plates, they just give you your food on a piece of wax paper. When you go to pay, you recite everything your group had, and regardless of how lengthy, the bartender instantaneously tells you your total bill. Either he is some kind of savant, or he just makes up a number that sounds reasonable.


                  MTA: also there is a Shield's pizza in Troy. Or, used to be.


                  I want to go to this place, just to watch this unfold.  That's nuts!


                    Congratulations TCG!  Sounds like a wonderful experience!  I've seen several glowing reviews of this race this weekend, so I may have to add it to my wish list.


                      A couple pictures from my daughter. She runs different than me, she has no problem stopping and taking photos during a run. Her and my wife have a couple nice selfies from the bridge and the American Canadian border in the tunnel. She does the Disney halfs and she stops for every photo opportunity with every princess along the way. She does have fun though.


                      I missed this sign, it's one of the more creative. It was in Canada about 7 miles from the finish. It says You're Almost There #fakenews




                      This is a view from Windsor, that's our hotel in the center across the river.



                      Here's one I did take because I was walking for a minute.



                      I lost my rama

                        Congrats TCG!  And thanks for sharing the photos.  Love the creative signs.

                        3/17 - NYC Half

                        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                          My daughter and husband live in downtown Royal Oak. The next time we take them out to dinner I'll give the Berkley location a try.


                          Or maybe the next time they take me out to dinner. No wait, like that will happen.


                          My dad is 82 and my mom is 80.


                          To this day, the only time I have bought them a meal is when we go to our country club, where there is no bill at the end.  They will never allow it.


                          Congrats on finishing your marathon.


                          There's always next year...
