Beginners and Beyond


Runners, yeah, we're different (Read 166 times)

Hip Redux



      Love the guy in the bank line.  Sometimes ya just gotta stretch it out!

      Hip Redux

        Oh, and potentially NSFW with that first picture lol



        delicate flower

          That San Francisco hill running looks brutal.  I want in.



          Will run for beer.

            Now THAT is funny!

            Dad on the run.

              These made me smile. I haven't been running nearly as long as some of you seasoned people but I thought these adds were pretty cool and I love the looks that the non-runners are giving. Priceless.

              Chasing the sub 20 5K.


              Beer-and-waffle Powered

                Classic series of adsSmile.

                In the words of my late-coach : Just hang in there, relax... and at the end of a race anyone you see.....just pass them


                  I hadn't seen those -- thanks for the link.


                  That first ad boosted my mood Smile.


                    Great ads. Impressive photo catching the snot rocket in mid-flight.


                    Jack K.

                    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                      I remember the snot rocket ad, maybe from Sports Illustrated, but the others were new to me. I admit I have done some stretching while shopping, though not in a bank line.

                      Don't call me Buttercup!

                        Those were great! Thanks for sharing.

                        Slow and steady wins the....  wait a second! I've been lied to! 


                          I got my first pair of running shoes then.  I opened the box, and there was that picture of the guy band-aiding his nipples.  I had no idea about anything about running and was like WTF?


                          I didn't follow a plan or anything, got shin splints, and gave up that time around.  I am glad I tried again later.

                          Hip Redux

                            I got my first pair of running shoes then.  I opened the box, and there was that picture of the guy band-aiding his nipples.  I had no idea about anything about running and was like WTF?



                            Kinda like the look the lady is giving that guy in the photo!  lol




                              Kinda like the look the lady is giving that guy in the photo!  lol


                              Yeah, that was me, hehe!

                              Love the Half

                                I always loved this commercial although the folks who like to be constantly outraged were appropriately outraged.


                                Nike Chainsaw

                                Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                                Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                                Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).
