Beginners and Beyond


The Internet (Read 93 times)

Hip Redux


      But you didn't fix our broken greyhound.


    The stubbornness was strong in that one.



      Somehow I grew up without it. I wish it had been invented by undergrad. Nowadays it might be a week on vacation. I have only had Facebook for 18 months so see how interesting it can be compared to just emails prior.


      My wife amuses me on it. I may ponder something with the intent to research it later if I remember. She is immediately on her phone getting the answer.



        Self taught in basic.


        Had to learn Fortran for previously discussed course. Got a really high mark for my project work, which was part programming, part data analysis.

        Never used Fortran again.


        Heck never used basic again. I am anything but a code monkey.

        5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

        10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

        HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

        FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18




          I made a balloon go across the computer screen in BASIC, I think.


          I wrote a program in high school for an infinite loop, which was essentially a phrase that scrolled across the black screen repeatedly.


          It was only something like 6 lines though if I recall correctly.


            My dad got a work computer that was networked somehow in the 80s, and I remember two things we could do with it- look up airline routes from one city to another, and play a game called "animal"- you thought of an animal, and the computer asked you a series of yes/no questions to guess your animal.  If it got it wrong, you got to put in your own question to distinguish your animal from the one it guessed.  It was so cool to figure out a new question and have your question go out there for other people to read on other computers somewhere else in the world!


            In college (1991-95), I used Usenet pretty regularly, in the computer lab at school, but not much else.


            We got a home PC in 1998, and I wasn't sure what we would want one for and was annoyed at the expense, but it soon turned out to be a lifeline for me since I could still communicate with others even when I was stuck in the house with a baby/up in the middle of the night with a baby/etc.


            We got broadband as soon as it was available in our area.  I think I read about it in an ad in the paper. 


            At home, I don't think we've been without the internet except for a couple of days when we were moving or something like that since we got it in 98.  I would have a hard time going without it.


            But, I do OK disconnecting when I'm away from home.  If I'm out of my routine, I mostly just go with the new routine.  In Costa Rica, there were a couple of days when I was completely offline visiting rural areas.  There was an earthquake (very small) when I was in the west, and people passed along information about it by texting.  It was weird learning about it in bits and pieces like that, instead of just googling it myself.  Obviously, somebody in that chain had internet and was passing info to those of us who didn't.


            We generally do a short camping trip a year, and don't use any electronics while we're there, and I don't miss it then either.  But that's another example of leaving my one routine, and stepping in to another, where the internet would make a lot less sense.


            Would I use it it there were forest wifi?  Hopefully I never have to test that. 


            Are we there, yet?

              I had to take a programming class in college as well, so I also took Fortran.  It was just ten years after it was actually useful to know Fortran.  lol   I programmed a phone/address look up system and that took me two weeks.  


              Fortran was a fun class. I finished all the assigned programs halfway through the course, so I went back, coded every single program in the book, and presented that to my instructor for the fun of it. He said some of my programs were better than the ones in the teacher's answer book.   BTW I spent 20 years in IT as a programmer/analyst after that.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




              Hip Redux


                Fortran was a fun class. I finished all the assigned programs halfway through the course, so I went back, coded every single program in the book, and presented that to my instructor for the fun of it. He said some of my programs were better than the ones in the teacher's answer book.   BTW I spent 20 years in IT as a programmer/analyst after that.


                Teacher's pet!



                  Long before smartphones, DW & I would go out to Sunday breakfast & divvy up the newspaper sections to avoid conversations.


                  There is much about your post that I can identify with but I had completely forgot about doing this! These days, people do this on their phones and in their haste to judge there are those who would look at them and shake their heads. But in reality it is no different than it ever was, just a different medium.

                  Hip Redux


                    There is much about your post that I can identify with but I had completely forgot about doing this! These days, people do this on their phones and in their haste to judge there are those who would look at them and shake their heads. But in reality it is no different than it ever was, just a different medium.


                    Except instead of reading something somewhat educational, they're likely just scanning facebook. lol



                       Except instead of reading something somewhat educational, they're likely just scanning facebook. lol





                        The one thing that bothers me is people constantly having their nose in their smart phone when they're out doing something else.  If you're out on a date or at a concert or dinner or hiking up a mountain, FFS put the phone down and be in the moment.  The internet will wait.


                        Agreed. I think people's ability to separate from the internet is getting to be exponentially small as a result of phones. Access is everywhere. I'm (sorta) glad I grew up without this stuff...I think I could survive the zombie apocalypse when the entire system crashes. At that point my shotgun will be worth more than my phone.

                        marathon pr - 3:16



                          The one thing that bothers me is people constantly having their nose in their smart phone when they're out doing something else.  If you're out on a date or at a concert or dinner or hiking up a mountain, FFS put the phone down and be in the moment.  The internet will wait.


                            I used to love reading the paper until the print got smaller. I don't need reading glasses for books or magazines so am not wearing them for that plus tv viewing at the same time not worth the hassle


                            Former Bad Ass

                              I am completely paperless at the office (I have to print shit because I have to but that's it).  If you give me a file on paper, chances are I am not going to open it ever.  Be in the 21st century and send me an email with the file, FFS.



                                I am completely paperless at the office (I have to print shit because I have to but that's it).  If you give me a file on paper, chances are I am not going to open it ever.  Be in the 21st century and send me an email with the file, FFS.


                                That was funny!
