Beginners and Beyond


Groin Stretch ThursDAILIES (Read 50 times)

Little Blue

    Hi kids!


    5 miles in a cool, foggy, humid glop.  With a couple of whoop-ass hills, because I couldn't find the entrance to the greenway.  I don't usually go that way, and couldn't remember which of the multitude of sul-de-sacs they ran it through.  Oh, well, I'm sure it was good for me.


    Off to plant pansies.



      You can still say "my better half".


      2nd RD in a row. Sort of planned because I knew these would be two tough days to get one in. Yesterday worked a trade show all day, today we are catching a plane to leave town for the weekend. Technically I probably could've had time to run this morning, but would be stressing out the little woman in doing so, so skipping it. Especially since I actually slept fairly well last night, all the way through till 6:30, which feels like noon, and is wonderful. I don't think I have ever had 2 RD's in a row since I started running 6 days, unless injured or recovering.


      So which is it?


      5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

      10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

      15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

      13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

      26.2 - TBD (someday)



        So which is it?


        The woman! Lily likes that one, so it's a keeper


        MTA: Unless you were asking Dave?


          Of course your legs feel great, you were smart and took a rest day yesterday. I hope the massage gets ride of that groin pain and you can finally look at Saturday with confidence, which is what you deserve.


          I have 5 or 6 miles at recovery tonight. Last nights's MLR went as expected: not fast, but at an alright effort after Tuesday's intervals. Maybe I will add some short hills in tonight's run.


          Actually I'm not sure if trying to stretch that stupid thing is in my best interest or not. I may elect to just leave it alone and focus on the hips and legs. I'll see what my MT thinks when I get there and decide then.


          Intervals, long run and hills 'eh? Yep, you're back!

          Little Blue


            You can still say "my better half".


            Just don't say 'the wife."  Ooooh, that one irks me. 



              The woman! Lily likes that one, so it's a keeper


              MTA: Unless you were asking Dave?

              Haha, yes I was asking Dave.  First it was better half, then the little woman. Smile


              5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

              10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

              15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

              13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

              26.2 - TBD (someday)


                Just don't say 'the wife."  Ooooh, that one irks me. 


                The word hubby irks me. Smile


                5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                26.2 - TBD (someday)



                  The word hubby irks me. Smile




                  YES.  Me too.  It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.  It's the same number of syllables as husband, and it's only barely shorter to type.  What's the point?


                  5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

                  10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

                  HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)





                    YES.  Me too.  It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.  It's the same number of syllables, and it's only barely shorter to type.  What's the point?


                    Me too! I really dislike that word. It's like a child word or something.


                    As far as Cy's "the good woman", who the heck wants to be a good woman? We all know bad women have more fun.

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      “When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. ”
                      Mae West


                      (does anyone even know who mae west is or was)



                      oh and I ran about 4 miles this morning.

                      marathon pr - 3:16



                        So which is it?


                        I was giving options.



                          “When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. ”
                          Mae West


                          (does anyone even know who mae west is or was)


                          I approve.


                          (And yes. Hard to believe but I know who she was. She was also the inspiration for a delicious little cake around here, but they had to spell it may west. Mmmm... may west cakes....)

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010




                            YES.  Me too.  It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.  It's the same number of syllables as husband, and it's only barely shorter to type.  What's the point?


                            What about hub? 


                               I was giving options.


                              Mayhew and Lewand got the boot today.


                                “When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. ”
                                Mae West


                                (does anyone even know who mae west is or was)



                                oh and I ran about 4 miles this morning.


                                Something about the life in her men not the men in her life.
