Beginners and Beyond


When it's cold outside, the Friday penguins have got the month of May (Read 27 times)


    Last Friday in May, folks, summer is almost upon us!


    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)


      Morning, Z! What are you up to today?


      It's gorgeous out, but a SRD. Gotta rest up for tomorrow's 9 mile workout.

      Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


        Morning!  It's finally perfect spring weather here, not too hot or too cold.


        I had a really nice run with the club last night.  The slow group ran at a pace that was comfortable for me, which was a nice.  Plus I met a couple new people, always fun.


        Speaking of which, welcome, Brilliant!


        Today I will run 6-8 after work and then start on my MIL's birthday cake.


        obie- Enjoy the RD and hope the gorgeous weather continues tomorrow!


        Former Bad Ass

          What is this cold you speak of?  Morning!  I have 8 miles and I'll do them on the TM for some SF hill training.  Ay, ay, ay.



            Obiebyke - enjoy the rest day.  I hope tomorrow's long run goes well.


            Zelanie - another cake?  We want pictures!  You make the prettiest cakes.  Have a good run after work.


            AFM:  Rest day here too.  Finally getting motivated to start packing for our trip.  It doesn't seem real somehow that we will be gone for several months.  We've done this before, but never when we had a home to come back to.  (DH retired in 2006 and we spent the next 5 years hiking and travelling for 6-7 months out of the year.  It was only when his knee pretty much stopped all hiking that we decided to buy a house and settle down again.  At this point, wanderlust has struck again, and Jim says he doesn't care whether it hurts, he wants to go hiking. So we will.)


            Worried about tomorrow's race.  I've never done a 10k.  For 5ks, I just go out and run as hard as my breathing can stand. At the end, I'm spent and ready to throw up.  For long races, I go faster than easy, but not as fast as for 5ks. For my HM, I went out too fast and had no energy for the last few miles.  I don't know what level of exertion I need for a 10k.  It should be interesting. Fortunately, most of the course is a railtrail, so pretty easy.  The only up and down is getting up to the path, which has a steep short climb.  That will at least slow me down a bit in the first mile. I wish I had the ability to stick to a pace by looking at my watch, but that doesn't seem to work for me.


            Penguin Power!

              Happy Friday Pens.  Another rest day for me (I suspect at least 10 more in a row).  My ankle is turning all sorts of pretty colors now.  I walked about a mile or so with DH in the moonman boot yesterday (despite the doctor's orders to rest).  It probably took a solid 30-40 minutes.  Today I am going to travel to a student using mass transit -- if it is too tiring I guess I'll car service it back.  I can't stand being cooped up all day.

              Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 

              Jack K.

              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                Hi Pens.

                sapf: can you use an elliptical?

                Zel: When are you leaving for CR?

                Brilliant: are you in CA?


                Ahh... school is over and I am officially on summer vacation. It's a tough racket, but I will manage. Today is DW's last day so I am going to breakfast with the kids. I will likely run some more easy miles tonight, nothing but easy miles for two weeks, and we are going to watch the hockey game. Sorry, Jerry, but I think the Kings will do it tonight.


                See ya.

                Singer who runs a smidge

                  Morning, Penguins!!  So glad it's Friday!!  Tomorrow I'm singing with a group at church for the Presbyterian Women's Luncheon (if this conjures up images of old women in hats, that's what I'm expecting too.  Shudder.), and then on Sunday we're driving two hours north to hear a friend sing with his men's a cappella group from South Carolina.  Should be fun!

                  obie -- enjoy your SRD, and good luck with tomorrow's long run!!

                  Zelanie -- good luck on the run and the CAKE!!

                  Docket -- glad you can handle the TM!!

                  Ginny -- enjoy the race, sounds like a lot of new experiences!!

                  sapf -- when I had a stress fracture and was in the boot, it made me walk so much slower!!  I used to make bionic woman sound effects so I could pretend I was running really fast in slow motion!

                  Jack -- nothing better than the first day of a summer break!!

                  When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                  From the Internet.

                    G'morning pens! My legs haven't exploded yet so I think they may have survived yesterday's track workout. Just sore muscles, which I am totally fine with Big grin Planning on 2-3 recovery miles later this afternoon to shake 'em out, possibly followed by upper body lifting at the gym if I have time. I'm thinking about races now, so probably my legs will fall off as soon as I register for one.. a goal 5K in October (as much sub-25:00 as I can manage), aiming to maybe finish a half with a loose time goal 1-2 months after that, and then set a real goal for a half in March.


                    Penguin Power!

                      Hi Pens.

                      sapf: can you use an elliptical?





                      I can't stand without the boot on.  My ankle completely collapses.  I suppose I could do the Elliptical while wearing the moonman boot.  There's a gym right downstairs so maybe I'll give that a try tomorrow.  Showering/bathing is such a chore that I don't want to have to do it again today :-)

                      Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                        sapf - I'd hold off on the elliptical for a while.  Your ankle would be weight bearing and there is some movement at the ankle, even though you don't have the pounding you get running.  The longer you rest, the better it will heal.


                          Hey everyone!  Sorry, but I'm going to Damarisize everyone but Ginny --


                          Ginny -- If I were you, I would try running the first 5K at your HM effort (fast but not too hard).  For the last 5K, run at your typical 5K "I think I might throw up" pace.  But I've only run one 10K and that was a couple of years ago, so what do I know?


                          AFM:  Last night's run was a gift from the running gods.  The weather was in my sweet spot and my legs felt great so I ended up with 5 miles at a 10:45 pace, which for me is faster than normal at that level of effort.  Today is and SRD, but the weather is nice so maybe I'll take a bike ride.


                          Return To Racing

                            Enjoy game 7 on Sunday, Jack.


                            SRD for us.  Digging dirt for new evergreens in front of the house.  I'd rather be running.


                            Have a great weekend.



                              Good morning!  4 for me this morning.  I waited too long (until 8AM) so it was warm and slowed me down a bit compared to yesterday.  But I'm confident I didn't lose all my conditioning after 4 weeks off.

                              Jack - yes I'm in Orange County.

                              Ginny - good luck on your race.  I run 5ks the same way you do - at "will I throw up?" pace.  For 10ks, I go at less than "will I throw up" pace. Smile  I like Philliefan's advice to go out at HM pace and then put the afterburners on halfway.


                              Zelanie- thanks for the welcome.

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                Sapf: ugh... I didn't realize it was that bad. I think Ginny gave some good advice, then.


                                Brilliant: my wife grew up down there. Let me know if you sign up for any races and maybe we can join you. I know there are a lot in Irvine.


                                Ginny: I guess I missed it. Where are you going?
