Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILY Penguins Celebrate 4th of July (Read 26 times)


    Coralie, great new avi!


    Thanks! I'm not sure about leaving it up yet, the thumbnail makes my already weird face look even weirder.


    Stars haven't aligned yet for me to run, I'm going to see what I can get done after I've finished making potato salad!


    Former Bad Ass

      You look great.  Leave it!


      Thanks! I'm not sure about leaving it up yet, the thumbnail makes my already weird face look even weirder.


      Stars haven't aligned yet for me to run, I'm going to see what I can get done after I've finished making potato salad!



      Wickedly Average

        We'll take all comers!  Would you like a scone?


        Scone me, please!


        (what is a scone?)

        Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

        5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

        Bin Running

          Would like a scone too..


          Coralie, the avi look great.


          Kristin, you will get that sub 60 when weather is better..

          2015 Races

          2XU HM - 29 Mar

          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Coralie: Leave it!!!


            Return To Racing

              Stars aligned, Coralie ????  Hope so   Wink



                Stars aligned, Coralie ????  Hope so   Wink


                Not yet! Nursing the youngest, need to put her down and make dinner. I'll make dinner for the oldest and other half, run, then eat. I'd save myself A LOT of trouble by getting up early and running.

                Amazonian Princess

                  Any scones left? Big grin


                  Hi, Jerry - sorry to hear of the hip pain; I had hip pain and a PT visit for stretches helped so I wish you luck


                  tracilynn - hope the movie was fun!


                  Bin - 10 miles, very nice!


                  N-Bug, watermelon gazpacho sounds yummy. Wish my in laws cooked like that- one family dinner a SIL microwaved a whole chicken as an entree. Didn't even season it. It was criminal.


                  hog4life - real name Mitch or am I conFused? Seems odd to refer to someone as "hog", but if I'm "Bacon" maybe we could be related Wink


                  Docket - congrats on the nicely run 5k with Mr. Docket (or is it Dr. Docket?)


                  Hi, Lauren - freedom from shin splints is a great cause for celebration!


                  Zelanie - did I read that you have a pup named Zoe? I had a Zoey for 13 wonderful years; she was fat and sassy and addicted to Cheetos (yikes! That sounded autobiographical for a moment!)


                  Awood - Dude, dehydration is not as sexy as it seems. I passed out from it and took a lights and sirens ride last September. My sister now greets me with a bottle of water each time I see her. You take care!


                  Jack - enjoy Santa Barbara, I've been as far south as SLO but never there. I hear it's beautiful


                  Kristin - I think you did amazing! its hard to go all out in hot weather but it sounds like you did great!


                  Coralie - another vote for keeping the picture!


                  Hi, RunTomRun!


                  Ran 4 miles on Tuesday - was having a rough time of it trying to go my usual slow pace, was checking my app every few minutes and just hating the feel of it so for the heck of it I started speeding up. Moving faster felt better and each consecutive mile was a bit quicker than the last so I was happy to salvage the evening. However, my knees and hips got sore so I just did elliptical and bike yesterday and deep water running today.


                  Have a great evening!

                  I can. I will. I am. 




                    hog4life - real name Mitch or am I conFused? Seems odd to refer to someone as "hog", but if I'm "Bacon" maybe we could be related Wink


                    Awood - Dude, dehydration is not as sexy as it seems. I passed out from it and took a lights and sirens ride last September. My sister now greets me with a bottle of water each time I see her. You take care!


                    Ran 4 miles on Tuesday - was having a rough time of it trying to go my usual slow pace, was checking my app every few minutes and just hating the feel of it so for the heck of it I started speeding up. Moving faster felt better and each consecutive mile was a bit quicker than the last so I was happy to salvage the evening. However, my knees and hips got sore so I just did elliptical and bike yesterday and deep water running today.


                    Have a great evening!


                    Bacon, yes, my name is Mitch. I got a good laugh on the being related! I grew up and lived most of my life in Arkansas, so I'm a Razorback fan. My roots are there, mom is buried there, in-laws live there, my 2 brothers live there, so the "hog" seemed fitting. I live in Alabama now. How did you come to be "bacon"?

                    I really like those type of progression runs. It seems like the more warmed up you get, the faster you run. Good job, and keep it up.


                      Can I get in on the scones?  I love scones, and anything with blueberries.  Watermelon gazpacho also sounds interesting - fruit soup.


                      I've been able to run three times this week, but none of them was much good.  Too humid (73 DP this afternoon) so I felt like I couldn't breathe and there was no oxygen going to my muscles.  Tuesday's was the best because we were camping by a lake, so I was able to jump in right afterwards and cool off. It rained during the run, but  the coolness didn't last.  My mileage is way down, but I don't really care because it's just not fun when every mile is a struggle.  We're visiting friends, so I don't know how much time I'll have to run.  Today I just needed some movement after too many hours sitting and talking.  Tomorrow I think the dog will get a good long walk.


                      Kristin - sorry the race was a disappointment.


                      Damaris - congratulations to your DH on his PR.


                      Tom - welcome.


                      Mitch - I'm glad you're getting back into the groove again.  Your marathon isn't that far away.  I haven't done any regular runs with other people.  The club runs tend to be very early (6:00) and I just don't function that early or they're at dinner time.  So my only runs with others are races.


                      Coralie - I like the avatar.  But then, I haven't bothered to figure out how to do one on this site yet, so the fact that you've changed yours is impressive.


                      Bin - hope you enjoyed the quiet time alone.  Tropical rains are different.  Sometimes I enjoy being in the rain, if it cools things off, but not if it just makes it steamier.  I can also definitely understand not wanting to run in soggy shoes/socks.


                      Jerry I hope you figure out what is causing the hip pain.


                      Lauren - glad your shin splints are gone.


                      Baconista - sounds like some nice cross-training


                      Tracilynn - hope the movie outing went well.  Those Bulgarian squats look hard.  I'm glad they're helping.


                      Zelanie - hope the run with the club was fun.  Our dog sometimes gets upset by fireworks, it they're close.  In PA fireworks are legal, so holidays tend to go on for a week or more.  We've taken to leaving town the week of the 4th.


                      Awood - I'm glad you survived your learning experience.


                      Jack - have fun in SB.  Ocean breezes and higher latitudes should cool you off a bit.


                        7 treadmill miles DONE! 11:50 overall pace. I tried one of the PowerIce bars I got, pretty much frozen electrolyte pop. I didn't sweat too much, but I'm like a salt lick.


                        Baconista- I didn't even know you could microwave a whole chicken. She should be prosecuted for culinary crimes, lol! Great work on the cross training, I need to do more of that.


                        Ginny- I really believe no running is better than miserable running. My weekly miles would be about 3 during the summer, if I didn't have a treadmill. Nothing wrong with some cutback weeks during the horrible weather.

                        Amazonian Princess


                          Bacon, yes, my name is Mitch. I got a good laugh on the being related! I grew up and lived most of my life in Arkansas, so I'm a Razorback fan. My roots are there, mom is buried there, in-laws live there, my 2 brothers live there, so the "hog" seemed fitting. I live in Alabama now. How did you come to be "bacon"?

                          I really like those type of progression runs. It seems like the more warmed up you get, the faster you run. Good job, and keep it up.


                          A good friend gave me the nickname "Baconista" about 7 or 8 years ago just because I love bacon as much as I loved shopping for clothes and shoes. She joked that they were my "superpowers" Big grin  Nowadays I limit the crunchy, salty indulgence to once a week, usually on Sundays after a long workout.


                          I didn't know there was a term for it (progression run) I just thought it was interesting and hopefully a sign that I'm capable of speeding up even a little!


                          Ginny - it sounds like you know how to enjoy the outdoors even with such humidity - a dip after a run feels so good


                          Coralie - nice job on the treadmill! Did you mention a while ago that you were receiving monthly packages of running related goodies in the mail? Could you tell me a little about it?

                          I can. I will. I am. 


                            Tom- Scones are like biscuits, but usually with fruit or something in them.  This picture doesn't do them justice, but here is one of the scones from today-


                            Baconista- Glad you were able to get a good run in by changing your pace around!


                            Ginny- Running will still be there when you get back. Smile


                            Coralie- Nice job getting the miles in!  I also vote for keeping the avatar, I think it's a great photo!


                            Smaller By The Day

                              P3 is from Washington, and the scone discussion is always lively around here.  You can get scones here, but they're nothing like what they call a scone in the Northwest.  She sent me one once years ago, and I was like, "I'd call that a turnover, or something".  Once I realized how passionate the Northwest is about their scones, I just gave the naming rights to you guys.


                              Tom- Scones are like biscuits, but usually with fruit or something in them.  This picture doesn't do them justice, but here is one of the scones from today-


                              Baconista- Glad you were able to get a good run in by changing your pace around!


                              Ginny- Running will still be there when you get back. Smile


                              Coralie- Nice job getting the miles in!  I also vote for keeping the avatar, I think it's a great photo!


                              Weight 100 pounds lost

                              5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                              10K 48:59 April 2013

                              HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                              MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013
