Beginners and Beyond


Red Eye ThursDAILIES (Read 31 times)



    Well it's a nice milestone anyway, so congrats. Although I was not particularly moved when I hit it either. Lifetime miles is not nearly as significant to me as a PB for week/month/year, or of course race times. Because someone's running lifetime is kind of a random time period over which to measure mileage. More noteworthy for a much higher total, like 50k or something, which says you have been very consistent over a very long period of time.


    I can dig it.


    Barking Mad To Run

      Easy day today.  3.2 miles this morning through a very nice park.  Rest day tomorrow, along with getting my back injections tomorrow for my spinal arthritis - I am down to one time a year now, which is a lot of improvement thankfully - and then I have 2 races this weekend.

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        I ran an easy 4 before work


          11 290 lifetime miles for me. Had to look. I don't notice when I hit milestones either.


            11 290 lifetime miles for me. Had to look. I don't notice when I hit milestones either.









              I actually thought both of you were in the teens.


              delicate flower

                12,482.  I averaged 2300 a year from 2012-2015, but then triathlon.  My knee from the year 2040 thanks me.



                Former Bad Ass

                  16,858 for me.



                    16,858 for me.


                    Yeah, but how many of those are junk miles. 


                    That's a term I haven't heard in forever by the way. It got a lot of play back on the BF.



                      Yeah, but how many of those are junk miles. 


                      That's a term I haven't heard in forever by the way. It got a lot of play back on the BF.


                      Ha! Yeah I totally forgot about that term. Is that really a thing? I don't remember what the claim was.




                        Ha! Yeah I totally forgot about that term. Is that really a thing? I don't remember what the claim was.


                        I think the junk miles are the easy runs you run too fast so that you are too tired on your quality days to run fast enough



                          I think the junk miles are the easy runs you run too fast so that you are too tired on your quality days to run fast enough


                          OK, I think I am good then. I thought maybe it was just running too many easy miles.


                          BTW, our mileage didn't match today, but we both started at 6:24 AM. Spooky!




                            BTW, our mileage didn't match today, but we both started at 6:24 AM. Spooky!

                            With the time zone difference, you could wait until I finish so you know what time to start


                              With the time zone difference, you could wait until I finish so you know what time to start


                              Yeah, that's exactly what I did. 




                                Yeah, that's exactly what I did. 

                                I meant for tomorrow 
