Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #24 (Read 31 times)


Super B****

    5.4 miles

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog



      Are we there, yet?




        Looks like the gauntlet has been thrown down.  I hope I get my run in today before it turns into a long run.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





        Super B****




          I'm okay with that since I was only planning on 5... I miscalculated a bit

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog

            3.2, two flat, 1.2 bowl hills with gutter, mostly elevated, felt okay going it... not so good mid-ham afterward... getting bored with this workout medicine


              3.2, two flat, 1.2 bowl hills with gutter, mostly elevated, felt okay going it... not so good mid-ham afterward... getting bored with this workout medicine


              Are you going back to the House of Pain anytime soon?


              My Achilles is feeling loads better, maybe thanks to the yoga I did yesterday (in reality, who TF knows what exactly helps). So, I'll attempt a run on the TM today. I really wish my Achilles wasn't so cranky...we got a few inches of fresh powder over the last 36 hours, and it's really beautiful (and warm!)'d make for a really pretty run on the trails. Oh well. I'm grateful I have options. If running fails, I guess I'll be doing more yoga, and maybe a brisk walk. The thought of getting on the bike makes my head hurt.


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning! I'm off today but woke up early to head to the notary to sign the papers for the sale. I have 6 with strides tonight. Still coughing a lot from the stomach reflux but for now I feel better than last night.



                Super B****

                  Just registered for a HM on Sunday... $35 + $3 "processing fee." Which drives me nuts because A. it's the same price as the marathon, and B. there's no processing fee on race day so I saved a grand total of seven dollars by pre-registering.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog

                  From the Internet.

                    Day 2 of my no-run streak! I had dessert for breakfast and now I'll just spend some time feeling lost and confused before I have to do things.


                    I might have to go take pictures of a school thing for the 5th grade yearbook and then I have a psychiatrist appointment (great timing!! Give me tools to deal with my injury!!) and then my daughter has a soccer playoff game (indoors, of course) and then she's going to her friend's house for a sleepover so I'ma get drunk and stay up late into the night playing guitar.


                      Are you going back to the House of Pain anytime soon?


                      My Achilles is feeling loads better, maybe thanks to the yoga I did yesterday (in reality, who TF knows what exactly helps). So, I'll attempt a run on the TM today. I really wish my Achilles wasn't so cranky...we got a few inches of fresh powder over the last 36 hours, and it's really beautiful (and warm!)'d make for a really pretty run on the trails. Oh well. I'm grateful I have options. If running fails, I guess I'll be doing more yoga, and maybe a brisk walk. The thought of getting on the bike makes my head hurt.


                      No, did what insurance covered, Farouk got the big stuff before I couldn’t run 2mi on dirt, so I’m happy with what he fixed.   Still have some ham-fascia stuff and also some in the inside of the calf and behind the knee which I feel after dirt runs only....part of my problem is the middle ham is weak as it got little exercise for years, that will take time


                        Day 5 of my no-run streak!


                        Today is the first day I sorta have an itch to run but I am gonna wait. I have been working on my calf and it's feeling okay walking now. my sickness has turned to sneezing and snot now. Which seems backwards. 


                          Did not get up to run. Body feels ready to go. Mentally, just could not get up before 5am again this week    I'll jog 3 after work if I feel like it. If not, RD and my streak will stop at 42 days.


                            Onemile, did I miss that something happened to your calf?


                            Lauren, isn't that the truth, about feeling lost and not knowing what to do. Psychiatrist appt is excellent timing.


                            SD, I think it's incredible that you have gotten up at all before the 5am hour. I have a hard enough time getting up at 5:35 to fit a strength training session done. Or, I have a hard enough time getting up that early for anything, really.


                            UM 45 Ohio 23

                              7.5 early this morning on ok/icy roads. We got some rain/snow in the early morning hours which froze into a very thin layer of ice on a lot of roads. Our neighborhood was really bad; I ran very "gingerly" going into and out of the hood.  Main roads were better although I could feel my feet slipping now and again, especially on a couple of mild downhills.  Anyway, at least it waited to rain hard until later so I stayed dry!


                              Lauren - enjoy the time off!


                              Everyone with various injuries/maladies - feel/get better!



                                SD, I think it's incredible that you have gotten up at all before the 5am hour. I have a hard enough time getting up at 5:35 to fit a strength training session done. Or, I have a hard enough time getting up that early for anything, really.


                                And I usually meet my RP on Sat at 6am!


                                Really though, if I didn't run in the morning, it wouldn't happen consistently. And MrW needs to leave for work at 530am 1-2x each week so that's even earlier to run (bc I have a 6 year old). It's definitely habit to wake up early at this point but that doesn't mean it's always fun. But I know that most days, if I blow it off, I will not be able to fit it in later.
