Beginners and Beyond


RnR Va Beach HM, course PR :) (Read 90 times)


delicate flower

    Damn, sucks to hear that someone died.  Rest in peace, fellow runner.  Sad



      Dave, I posted to you on FB, congrats on the great time and PR! I always fear the GI issues.


      Former Bad Ass

        Wow.  One dead?



        Skirt Runner

          My rule is only one cup of coffee on race morning and no coffee 2 hours before racing. Though, for me the issue is more with the bladder than the gut.

          PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


          I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


            Congrats on a strong race other than your GI issues!  I do the same thing the morning of every race (a single cup of black tea) so I am not surprised by unexpected issues.  A course PR is still great, and it shows you what you can do if you don't have to deal with that.


            So sad to hear that someone died-- They haven't released too many details as of now, but just googling, it looks like it's far from a rarity for this race.  Late summer in Virginia Beach is tough, I am sure the weather was a factor.  Hope the other hospitalized runners are OK.

              Dave, great job on setting a huge PR, I'm sure you'll get that sub 1:30 next year with less coffee.


              Very sad to hear that there was a death.  Sad


                Congratulations on the course, PR, especially in those conditions!  Sorry about the GI issues.  I really dread having something like that come up in a race, but have been lucky so far.


                Glad you stayed safe in those conditions.  Very sorry to hear about the death.


                Go figure

                  That's a huge improvement.  You're obviously doing some great training.  Sorry about the stomach troubles.  That must be insanely frustrating in a race, and I'd imagine it is quite tough to get your rhythm back.

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

                  Hip Redux

                    Awesome job getting to the porta potty on time!  :P    Seriously though, great work in this heat!



                    Just found out that 13 people ended up in the hospital and one died. Sad RIP runner.


                    Holy crap.  Sad



                      Thanks Mitch! This is the first time I've ever had any problems at a race, and at least I know what caused it and can prevent it.


                      Thanks Meaghan! Yeah, nothing new on race day, I usually stick to that one pretty good, I definitely will from now on!


                      Thanks Jay! Already have a couple of sub-1:30s in better weather, now I want one in crappy weather. I have a feeling that this winter's marathon training is going to do good things for me. Smile


                      Thanks Mel! Hope your lucky streak continues, just don't do anything stupid like I did. lol


                      Thanks SIAR! I didn't have huge hopes for the race given the weather, but I definitely could have run it better if I hadn't sabatoged myself. Smile


                      Thanks Oski! I don't want to end up as an internet meme! lol



                      Update on the runner that died, looks like it was most likely a massive heart attack. One of the runners in my club was right behind him when he collapsed, she said he didn't make any efforts to catch himself, and that when they stopped to help him, he was already gone, but they tried CPR until EMS arrived.


                      My running blog

                      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                      Hip Redux



                        Thanks Oski! I don't want to end up as an internet meme! lol


                        Too late.




                          Too late.



                          LOL  That's awesome! Smile


                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                          Love the Half

                            I have mixed feelings about running in hot weather.  It's going to slow you down without question but it also presents a wonderful challenge in terms of how much to slow.  If you don't slow enough, you'll blow up and start walking.  Slow too much and you'll leave a ton of time on the course.  BTW, I have never bought into the "nothing new on race day" mantra.  How do you know if something's going to work on race day until you try it the first time?  Admittedly, new stuff in your gut may not be the best idea but even then, I've tried new things on race day just to see how they made me feel.  Mind you, I don't do it in goal races but in tune up races, I am more than willing to try new things.

                            Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                            Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                            Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

                            Jack K.

                            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                              Wow, D2. In spite of the coffee and oppressive heat and humidity, you ran very well. That is impressive!


                                You have improved so much and so quickly since you started. Great job!


                                i am sorry to hear about the other runner.
