Beginners and Beyond


Tuesdailies - Do something (Read 33 times)


delicate flower

    Boston will be a day trip for me.  Hop on the running club bus in the morning, get dropped off at the athlete's village, get back on the bus at the finish line, go home.  That's good and bad; good that I won't have to spend a shitload of money on travel and can sleep in my own bed, bad that I won't get to experience all that weekend vibe and excitement as an out of town visitor.  For scheduling and proximity, Boston is just very convenient for a marathon. 




      I wouldn't rule it out. I remember being thrilled to run a 7:45 paced 5k and that was a huge PR. Running 50+ mpw consistently and doing regular speed work made me faster than I ever imagined I could be. I  remember thinking I could never bq. Now I'm like 23 minutes under my bq time.


      This is actually pretty inspiring to hear!



        Running 50+ mpw consistently and doing regular speed work made me faster than I ever imagined I could be. 


        Now that I'm into the 50+ mpw multiple weeks in a row and I haven't fallen apart yet I'm hoping I'll see some gains if I keep this up. Actually, I thought of you today on my run when I was thinking about how I'm up in the 50s, and then I thought "this is onemile's base training"


        I ran 8. Assuming I qualify for Boston at Chicago I'll run it in 2020. Not sure I would run it multiple years in a row though. I want to run Grandma's Marathon in Duluth in June, and even hotels for that are crazy expensive. At least I can drive there though.


        Are we there, yet?

          Great post Eric.  I'm glad you had some free time today


          So Boston is that expensive eh? How much are we talking like with flight, hotel, entry, food, etc?  Im assuming your looking at $1500 or so?

          How do you think the cost of Boston would compare to Berlin or Amsterdam?


          I've been checking flight fares to Europe for a possible hiking vacation there next year. The fares were running $1000-$1200 depending on the destination city.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





          Former Bad Ass


            I've been checking flight fares to Europe for a possible hiking vacation there next year. The fares were running $1000-$1200 depending on the destination city.


            That depends on the time you're seeking to go.  Summer is the most expensive but if you try early Fall or Spring, it would be cheaper.  Iceland cost us $600 per person and my last Paris flight for the marathon in April was $800/person.




              That depends on the time you're seeking to go.  Summer is the most expensive but if you try early Fall or Spring, it would be cheaper.  Iceland cost us $600 per person and my last Paris flight for the marathon in April was $800/person.


              I'd have to check more attentively but I just made a quick search for a 4 day trip to Paris during the dates of the marathon (mid April) and I could get a ticket for $500 if I bought it today, from Montreal.


              MTA: That was 680CDN$, that I figured amounts in the $500 USD range. I have not checked the hotels yet. Maybe at lunch, lol.


              Former Bad Ass


                I'd have to check more attentively but I just made a quick search for a 4 day trip to Paris during the dates of the marathon (mid April) and I could get a ticket for $500 if I bought it today, from Montreal.


                MTA: That was 680CDN$, that I figured amounts in the $500 USD range. I have not checked the hotels yet. Maybe at lunch, lol.


                I never have found tickets to Europe for $500 but I live in Miami.  Most start at $800.  And I double checked Iceland and it was $500 from NY, $350 from Miami to NY, so $850 in August.

