Beginners and Beyond


Sluggish Sunday (Read 31 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    Hello! Anyone out there? 8 miles, actually not too bad considering it was cooler, less humid & cloudy.


    Former Bad Ass

      Yeah, I was wondering where everybody was.


      I have nothing. Maybe a bike ride (indoors) but I am otherwise not in the mood to do shit, but running, and since I can't run, then, I'm meh.



      Are we there, yet?

        I don't know about everyone else, but I've been watching the World Championships. Both men's and women's marathons were today. Then I did run before the afternoon session begins. 8 miles for me.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Didn't look at my weekly total before going out this morning. I need to run for another minute to hit 30 for the week. Or not.


          delicate flower

            'Morning!  I raced a triathlon today.


            1200 yard swim  - Could have been better.  Back to swim lessons in the off-season.  My swimming progress has stalled.

            30.28 mile bike - Strong (19.8 mph).  I was a little worried that I biked too hard.  My watts and heart rate were both high.

            7.2 mile run - I hammered it.  7:09 avg pace.  If I feel that good in my next 70.3, my PR is going down significantly.


            The race took me 2:48.  AG 1/8 and OA 11/72.  My first triathlon AG win.  SCORE.  Won a pint glass.  2nd in my AG was eight minutes behind me.  Heh.




              I don't know about everyone else, but I've been watching the World Championships. Both men's and women's marathons were today. Then I did run before the afternoon session begins. 8 miles for me.


              I was meaning to watch it but never got around to finding it. I did see the replay of Justin's win over Usain though. I heard my girl Amy placed third in the marathon too.

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Baboon, congrats on the AG win! Like the steps used to make the podium.

                No more marathons

                  Baboon, congrats on the AG win! Like the steps used to make the podium.



                  Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                  Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                  He's a leaker!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Congrats, Phil!


                    I rode on the trainer for 30 mins and then ran closed to 0.10 around the house without major pain. Not pain free but a bit better than last week.  Unfortunately, I put my husband's bike on the trainer by accident (they are identical except for the length) but it wasn't too bad.



                      'Morning!  I raced a triathlon today.


                      1200 yard swim  - Could have been better.  Back to swim lessons in the off-season.  My swimming progress has stalled.

                      30.28 mile bike - Strong (19.8 mph).  I was a little worried that I biked too hard.  My watts and heart rate were both high.

                      7.2 mile run - I hammered it.  7:09 avg pace.  If I feel that good in my next 70.3, my PR is going down significantly.


                      The race took me 2:48.  AG 1/8 and OA 11/72.  My first triathlon AG win.  SCORE.  Won a pint glass.  2nd in my AG was eight minutes behind me.  Heh.


                      Nice job, Boon. Your photo makes it look like fun. I know better!


                      Regarding your swim; you already swim more than fish do, how the hell can it get better? Is it possible the conditions played a role, or maybe you just had a bad day? Also, running up those two mountains had to suck!


                      Super B****

                        Think I ended up with 6.25 ... including a mile race.  Which rounded up to 6:00.00. 

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog


                          Think I ended up with 6.25 ... including a mile race.  Which rounded up to 6:00.00. 




                          Is the FAM on a Sunday this year?


                          I ran a 20:00.00 5k once.


                          Super B****




                            Is the FAM on a Sunday this year?


                            I ran a 20:00.00 5k once.


                            I can't decide whether I'm annoyed or not!


                            IT IS.  And there's the Brooklyn Mile in two weeks.


                            Or maybe it was 19:59.01 ...

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                              Phil - congratulations on the AG win. As much as you swim, I don't know what you need to do to improve. Find a new swim couch maybe?


                              We had a cool gray non-humid day. I ran 8 through town this afternoon and it felt good.


                                Congrats Bluerun and Baboon!


                                I ran 18
