Beginners and Beyond


Honored Hero HM RR (Read 49 times)


    About the race.


    The Honored Hero Run benefits the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Heroes are those that have battled or are currently battling blood cancer. It has a 20 mile, 12/ marathon, 10K, 5K, and 1 mile fun run. All pretty much an out and back races.


    The t shirt  & medal art comes from a child who is currently battling cancer.



    The 20 mile started first then the 1 mile, half, 10 and 5. The 1 mile was the best I’ve ever seen. It was out and back and finished through  where the half runners were lined up, about 100 people cheering & high-fiving them to the finish.


    About the running, brief as usual.


    This was a training race for The Dallas marathon, starting to think about dropping to the half. The half started at 8:00 60 degrees low humidity & dew point.


    The plan was to go easy the first 3 pick it up for 7 and hard for the last 3, hopefully in 2:20. So much for plans…


    Mental & physical.


    The course was along the Trinity River in Fort Worth, TX. Mostly on the levee road but it dipped down to the river level a few times. Usually a 30ft change over 30 yards, enough to feel it.


    The first 6 went pretty well. I didn’t look at the course map close enough. I was pacing behind a couple of guys one about my age the other a little older. After 6 I passed the 2 guys and started looking for the turn around. 6.2 6.5 wtf finally at almost 7  I got to it. Start the mental breakdown. After the turn around I started to notice my GS was off about .38 at the mile markers. Must have been the trees in this section.  So time miles everything was off & I’m behind even after picking it up. I couldn’t keep it up and about mile 11 I started to run down.  The 2 guys I passed caught me around 12  and I was able to stick with them. At 13 we were in the bottom and had to go up the levee and then maybe 50 yds to the finish.


    Finished in 2:26:45  11:12/mile about 20 seconds off PR.


    Gender 57/80



    And ESU.


    Veg Thali x 2




    PSA: Be The Match

    No more marathons

      Mike, with two months to go before Dallas, this is a great warm-up.

      Any race finished is a good race - and this wasn't that far off of your target.

      And I'm sure you were not running on fresh legs.

      Keep running!

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!



        Hanging in there and finishing is a victory in itself.  A near PR is icing on the cake.  Nice job!

        Runner with a riding problem.

        Little Blue

          That sounds like a danged fine effort to me.  Near your PR, in the middle of marathon training, fighting your brain because nothing is as it should be. And a dang hill right at the finish! It desn't sound like your wheels fell off.


          And you had Thai.


          Former Bad Ass

            Nice job on the race and so close to your PR!  Nice post race fair too.


            Why are you thinking of switching to the Dallas half?



              Thanks. Didn't mean to come of so negative, it was a training race so I learned from it. Just got a little frustrated. It was a 62 mile week but I did take the day before as a rd.


              D - Just getting tired, and wondering if I have the legs for it.


                PAD - with a 62 mile week and a race to top it, no wonder you're tired.  You did really well racing on tired legs.


                Are we there, yet?

                  Thanks. Didn't mean to come of so negative, it was a training race so I learned from it. Just got a little frustrated. It was a 62 mile week but I did take the day before as a rd.


                  D - Just getting tired, and wondering if I have the legs for it.


                  Almost every race can leave you feeling like that, but the slower pace as the distance increases somehow makes it all possible. What until halfway through your taper and your legs are screaming to run more.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                  Slymoon Runs

                  race obsessed

                    What PAD didn't mention is that he was 4 sec from 4th place and they had awards 5 deep!





                    Hang in there buddy,  I was feeling very down about 2 months out from MCM last year.  Same type of situation!


                    (Tuesdays club race is 'short and fast'.  we'll see )  Wink


                    delicate flower

                      PAD - with a 62 mile week and a race to top it, no wonder you're tired.  You did really well racing on tired legs.




                      Nice job, PAD!  Running on the levee road sounds cool.



                        Thanks. Didn't mean to come of so negative, it was a training race so I learned from it. Just got a little frustrated. It was a 62 mile week but I did take the day before as a rd.


                        D - Just getting tired, and wondering if I have the legs for it.



                        Train through it, that's my plan. If that doesn't work, there's always alcohol. Cool

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          20 seconds off your PR coming off a 62 mile week sounds pretty good to me! Way to tough it out.

                          Slymoon Runs

                          race obsessed



                            Train through it, that's my plan. If that doesn't work, there's always alcohol. Cool


                            Train through it, that's our coaches plan too!

                            I hear PAD though, it is tough and very easy to have your confidence shaken.


                              I hear PAD though, it is tough and very easy to have your confidence shaken.


                              Yes, I'm dealing with it myself. That was the gist of my comment.



                                Train through it, that's our coaches plan too!

                                I hear PAD though, it is tough and very easy to have your confidence shaken.


                                What confidence, I run with you guys every week!
