Beginners and Beyond


RR - Detroit Marathon, 10/19/2014 (Read 83 times)


delicate flower



    And a blurry one showing me actually running, but finishing behind a guy with a beer belly, wearing what looks like a swim cap & goggles.




    Well you'll be happy to know that you whipped his ass, based on the results.




      Well you'll be happy to know that you whipped his ass, based on the results.


      You are right now that I check, very nice! Based on difference between chip & gun, he must've planted his ass in the A corral or something. Looking at his splits, he appeared to have the same race strategy as me -- start out too fast & finish with a nice leisurely jog. He had it rougher of course, as this was just the last leg of his IM; he never even had time to strip off all his swim gear.



      Former Bad Ass

        Nice picture!



          Cut the sleeves off for a DIY sleeveless!


            Well I think that you did great in training and in the race.  A 12 minute PR is nothing to sneeze at!


            I wonder if it was simply that miles 4-9 were just too fast to recover from, and that's what you felt at the end.



              I wonder if it was simply that miles 4-9 were just too fast to recover from, and that's what you felt at the end.


              That's my assumption. Plus the 1-week layoff at the end I assume had some kind of negative impact on my performance. I was kicking myself for not pacing better, but in hindsight I don't feel too bad. If I ran a smarter race maybe I could've gained a couple minutes, but I doubt I had even a 3:35 in me, much less a 3:30. And it was fun to be able to string as many ~8:0x pace miles together as I did; some of it is about just having fun.

