Beginners and Beyond


Pumpkin Spice Lattes for the Tuesdailies (Read 39 times)


delicate flower

    Sitting in a meeting today, the subject of diets came up (not "dieting"...just one's eating habits in general).  The conversation turned towards me and they all said what a healthy diet I must have.  You know, because I am a runner.  And runners eat healthy.   HAHAHAHA LMFAO  I mean sure, my diet does contain lots of healthy supplement all the CRAP I eat.



      Sitting in a meeting today, the subject of diets came up (not "dieting"...just one's eating habits in general).  The conversation turned towards me and they all said what a healthy diet I must have.  You know, because I am a runner.  And runners eat healthy.   HAHAHAHA LMFAO  I mean sure, my diet does contain lots of healthy supplement all the CRAP I eat.




      In my office they always ask, "You must eat like a bird?".  If them fools only knew.  lol


        For Scotty:



          Happy bday Sly.


          I think I'll need to hold off on my 4 x 1.5 until tmw. Still sore from Sunday. I'll just run easy.


            12 miles done and I just finished off an almond-coffee ice cream bar.  Sometimes I eat heathy, other times, not so much.  I definitely eat a lot, however, when I'm in a training cycle.   One of the great side-benefits to running.

            Life is good.


              Happy Birthday Sly!


              Missed you tonight.

              5 Min walk.3.5k jog then 1200 pressure.


              Former Bad Ass

                5 easy miles this morning with Rocky, a chilly 48 degrees so we both enjoyed it.

                Screw AT&T, we cancelled the whole thing and we've got Time Warner coming out tomorrow to get their system in, hopefully things will go much better with them.
                My debut marathon is 38 days away and I am already signed up for my 2nd marathon - The Land Between the Lake Marathon........... I am seriously beginning to question my sanity, and not in a good way. I think all the stress at work and stuff has driven me off the edge.

                You have not gone crazy. I had signed up for three to become a Maniac before I ran my first.  Good luck!


                  Happy bday Sly.


                  Boo to the pumpkin haters.  Now that it is officially Fall, bring on all things pumpkin.  Muffins, Chobani yogurt, pumpkin spice coffee, and beer of course, especially the ruling lords of all that is pumpkin:  Southern Tier Warlock and Pumking!



                  8 miles by effort with no clock-watching, aiming for A-goal GMP.  I came up more than 20sec/mi too fast, so that's something.  4 days.   Just as I'm feeling like the claws of speed at distance have grown back, the race is four days away.    With 18 weeks of good training and being all-in on diet and sleep and core, I could hold today's pace for 26.2.  FOUR.  ACK. 100% CRAY CRAY. 


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Sitting in a meeting today, the subject of diets came up (not "dieting"...just one's eating habits in general).  The conversation turned towards me and they all said what a healthy diet I must have.  You know, because I am a runner.  And runners eat healthy.   HAHAHAHA LMFAO  I mean sure, my diet does contain lots of healthy supplement all the CRAP I eat.


                    I don't have that problem. They have seen me eat....


                    7 miles done and they were very nice.  After having my boss walked into court with the regional boss in the middle of my argument, it was nice to unwind.


                        I mean sure, my diet does contain lots of healthy supplement all the CRAP I eat.



                      When a single training run burns more calories than the entire average recommended daily intake, you are allowed wiggle room.  And wiggle room can be mountains of candy corn.

                      on my way to badass



                        When a single training run burns more calories than the entire average recommended daily intake, you are allowed wiggle room.  And wiggle room can be mountains of candy corn.



                        What about Little Debbie Oatmeal Creams? Unfortunately I am suffering from "Runner's Entitlement".

                        Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28

                        Slymoon Runs

                        race obsessed


                          Happy birthday! Age?



                          Ty. 43. Just landed bleh!

                            Fucking idiot. I did my 4 x 1.5


                            Jay - What marathon? I thought you're running NYCM.

                              B - Adirondack marathon.  NYC would be next fall if the convoluted qualifying thingy is accepted.



                                You have not gone crazy. I had signed up for three to become a Maniac before I ran my first.  Good luck!


                                Lol, that makes me feel better 

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
