Beginners and Beyond


RR - RMHP Women's Classic 5K (Read 43 times)



    Nice writeup, great race! Very impressive after the summer you've had.

    Runner with a riding problem.

    From the Internet.

      Just wanted to pop in here and tell you congrats!! New PR AND NEW WRISTLETS. Yes!  So fast and so inspiring. Congrats speedy


      Thanks Traci!! Big grin


      Congrats on the PR and the AG award!  I read that too fast and thought you got a painting of a cow's ass...


      Thanks! LOL on another forum someone thought for a moment that I won the right to paint a cow before realizing it was a physical object... Conveying the awesomeness of a painting of cows in a way that isn't confusing when you read it quickly is hard!


      Dang girl, nice comback! Congratulations on all aspects of earning this PR. I still think after being team mates last year, that you are one of the most disciplined runners I know. I need to take notes and learn a few things from you.


      Thanks Mitch! Big grin That's very flattering to hear Smile According to my husband I'm disciplined as a runner because the rest of my life priorities are out of whack - he's not totally wrong and I'm finally trying to take the drive and focus I give to running and apply it to work too!


      Wow, that's fantastic!  Congratulations!  I can't believe how well you kept up (improved!) your fitness while injured.


      Thanks! I'm super happy - all those hours in the pool weren't for naught!


      5k's can be tough, you were up to the task though. Sometimes the second mile is a breather, nice job righting yourself for a strong third mile.


      What's a Coach's wristlet?


      I see you already got the answer to your question, lol.

      Thanks! I already know that I'm good at holding back and being patient and systematic with pacing, so going into a non-goal race with low expectations and taking a bit more of a gamble at the start was a good experience for me I think - showed me that if I slow down a bit, as long as I keep my head in the game it's not necessarily the end of the world.


      Congrats on the huge PR, and super-impressive comeback.

      Sub-22 look out!


      What a great last mile.  Congrats on the PR and 5th place finish.


      Way to go on the PR! Nice AG award too.


      I'm very happy to see you're back racing after the rough patch you went through. And what a comeback! Enjoy the well earned satisfaction of your race and AG award.




      Thanks everyone! Big grin


      Looks like all your pool running paid off! congrats!


      Thanks! Yeah it did! I had my doubts at the time but glad I kept up with it now.


      Welcome back!


      Nice to be back!


      Nice writeup, great race! Very impressive after the summer you've had.


      Thanks! Made most of the misery worth it Smile


        Yessss, great race!!  Sounds like all those hours in the pool kept you up to speed (literally).  I am impressed by your kick too!   It sounds like you were really strong both mentally and physically for this race!


        And the $52k for Ronald McDonald house is super!  Great cause.


        5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

        10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

        HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)


        Barking Mad To Run

          Congrats on your race and the bling, way to go!

          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


            Nice comeback race. It's great you're out there again. Congratulations!


            Former Bad Ass

              That is an awesome time for a 5K.  Wow!  You've gotten fast!


              Sorry about your kitty still. And I had missed that about your thesis.  Did you ever defend it?  Good luck if that is still pending!


              From the Internet.

                Yessss, great race!!  Sounds like all those hours in the pool kept you up to speed (literally).  I am impressed by your kick too!   It sounds like you were really strong both mentally and physically for this race!


                And the $52k for Ronald McDonald house is super!  Great cause.


                Looking at the pace data after the fact I was absolutely shocked by my kick, lol! I blame all that weight training upping my power over short distances.


                It's been awesome to participate in this every year and see the numbers on the big check we hand over to the House go up - 2 years ago it was $39k, last year I think it was close to 50.


                Thanks Scotty and WIP! Smile

                From the Internet.

                  That is an awesome time for a 5K.  Wow!  You've gotten fast!


                  Sorry about your kitty still. And I had missed that about your thesis.  Did you ever defend it?  Good luck if that is still pending!


                  Thanks! Big grin


                  I still miss the heck out of her; I can talk about her without crying most of the time now. Still working on the thesis, trying to get out by mid-December! A bunch of my experiments finally started coming together in the last couple of weeks so I'm maybe seeing the light at the end of the tunnel now. Hopefully.


                  delicate flower

                    Coach wristlet for an AG prize?  What the hell kind of hoity-toity running club is this?  The last AG prize I got was a water bottle.


                    Big grin


                    Congrats on the PR!  It's a great sign after being sidelined for so long with an injury.



                      All that pool running really shows your dedication.  If I get an injury that sidelines my running, I'm just laying on the couch and eating. Smile


                      I've done that too in a 5k where after a quarter mile I'm hanging with a crowd I have no business hanging with.


                      Nice job!


                      5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                      10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                      15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                      13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                      26.2 - TBD (someday)


                        Congratulations! That was an awesome race.


                        Are we there, yet?

                          Glad to hear something good and positive for you. Coach wristlet? That's a throwback to the New England races I ran back in the 70s. Aside from trophies for the top three, other prizes were all merchandise donated by local merchants. Used to get some good, but unusual swag back then.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



